Former CIA Director John Brennan remarks on the lack of security and preparation in Washington ahead of January 6th even though the warning signs were there. Aired on 01/15/2021.
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#JohnBrennan #Washington #MSNBC
Fmr CIA Director On The Lack Of Preparation Ahead Of January 6 | Deadline | MSNBC
Might have been sheer incompetence, but considering who the President is it was probably far darker than that.
@r nhim America has to eliminate these militias which are not accountable to the public….
Might crap out rainbows and unicorns too.. what brand of Meth are you on? Nobody with a brain cell believes that this “might” in any way be incompetence.. This is obviously planned… Lets stop the whitewash
@Etothe2iPi definitely a lot of incompetence too, though. It is Turnip after all…
Toh yes
oh good
@mr ady and mim yay Ther is no way a CIA operative should be on the news. That is obsurd. Why would anyone believe John Brennan ? Oh I forgot …they are all “useful idiots” watching.
Clearly deliberate and planned by the nazi in chief.
There is a problem in that Trump is not a planner. Someone else had to do the planning. Trump incites, but any details were done by others (Erik Prince, Flynn, Miller, Russia, Steve Brannon, ?).
This gives Rump too much credit for something that would take talent.
@flipnotrab exactly
He prefers to be called “Skinhead In Chief” but whatever.
Get real, it was an inside job.
yes it was…
Agreed. The next obvious step is to prevent Joe Biden being sworn in. How “the Insurrectionist mob” plan to do that I have no idea, but I sincerely hope the the professional FBI, Secret Service, Air Force and their compatriots are geared up and ready, both on site and in the air.
Hand job!!
You are just founding that one out ?
Yoh yes
oh good
Donald Trump’s future headstone will read:
Everything is Obama’s fault. I was merely an innocent bystander.
And also in Russian: Виноват Обама!
@svdlaan hahaha nice1
or Hillary’s emails
Like Manson, Trump sends the weak-minded to do his dirt work.
@Brad Archibald Facts
flipnotrab brilliant
@Randy Horton you think all the rioters at the capital should be shot? Turnip agrees with you because he made sure firing squads were a thing again and the punishment for treason, as we all know, is death.
Who did he send and what proof do you have? Oh! Your imaginary narrative!
@Tim Smith all the treasonous terrorists he sent to smear feces on the walls of the capital building after they built a gallows? Those are the seditious animals Turnip sent to do his dirty work on the 6th…
Daily Reminder: Trump called Corona Virus a Democrat Hoax that will “magically” disappear.
thanks for that! keep it up, patriot!
This coup is also another Democrat hoax according to him I suppose
@Vince de Simone crisis actors!
and it will magically disappear… we’ll just let Trump explain it to you on wednesday after all the excitement
@DSAK55 Yeah….I’m going to believe a chopped up political ad from the leftists and take it as the truth. Get a grip DAKASS55
It was no accident. It was planning, premeditated and criminal. This cannot go unanswered.
@Andrew Freeman except, this attack was planned…
@Mark Kubiak absolutely
Somebodies needs to speak up and save theirselves
Guess we’re just gonna have to declare a War on Racism. Like the War on Drugs, War on Terror and War on Poverty it will be must-see tee-vee.
It’s attack Washington
It was a inside job by general bone spurs the Koup Klux Klan and several GOP members.
@John Galt Robert Byrd was part of the *older* Democratic Party not the current Democratic Party today. This should be common knowledge amongst most people today.
@[Felix F1] As was Ted Kennedy, who drove drunk and let a women die.
Q-anAnus believers in the Republican party FFS?!
Huge hand job!!
Trump and his cronies were responsible for protection of Federal building around the country but they are the Arsonists who burn the buildings.
Trump wanted the attack. He said so!
Yeah that was in his speech! Not….listen to it..
@JOSE Morass the FBI did listen, and so should you. He is guilty as sin.
@JOSE Morass TRUMP will be indicted for multiple felonies. Sorry bout your luck with that.
Buck up Buttercup.
“He said so” is bringing back grade school memories
Only 500 out of over 2000 officers scheduled to be on duty… That was intentional lack of protection..!!
I worked on the Senate Floor for years. ANY time there was a joint session of Congress for any reason, EVERY officer, both uniformed and plain-clothes, was on-site. No exceptions. EVER.
I worked on the moon for years. Anytime I wanted to go home I just opened my eyes. After clicking my heels
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist. Sending them in to murder.
5 dead? All on Trump
America brought to its knees by a family of two bit swindlers, didn’t see that coming
Season 2?
Couldn’t have happened without the entire republican party! NEVER FORGET & remove every last one!
Many of us did, to no avail
@Morty Tashman Seriously! The apathy was unreal… Complaining & waiting for someone else to fix it :o( Hope the lesson has been learned! If not I have little hope for the future tbh.
Goh yes
oh good
Look at the equipment the rioters had on them. They knew when they left there homes what they were coming to do.
Trump is finally having his military parade on the way out, at the taxpayers expense no doubt.
It’s probably why that capital Chief resigned the gig is up
Of course they weren’t worried. Trump even said in his speech that the cops were in their side.
Foh yes
oh good
No question there was planning from the inside. And the dogs were called off far in advance. Trump was selling the day as being “wild”. The truth will eventually surface.
“A conscious decision at some level to not do more..”
Trump would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes.
Trial by COMAT!!