Fmr. CIA Director Brennan On Why He Will Not ‘Relent In His Criticism’ Of Trump | Deadline | MSNBC

Former Director of the CIA John Brennan explains the threat to national security that Trump poses as president and warns that Trump has “taken the pages out” of the playbooks of many authoritarian leaders he has observed. Aired on 10/07/2020
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Fmr. CIA Director Brennan On Why He Will Not ‘Relent In His Criticism’ Of Trump | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. I don’t think he had the virus but I do think he used it to up his strength by illegally obtaining steroid from Drs. that should never be allow to practice medicine again…they should be made to eat out of dumpsters the rest of their pathetic lives.

  1. Conservatives in pursuit of long-cherished policy goals can no longer avoid the reality that Trump is vandalizing the principles and integrity of our democracy.

    1. ​@Jane Morasas Where do you live? The U.S is not a republic. The U.S is a constitutional democratic republic.

    2. “I think Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”
      — Bob Gates (former Director of the CIA and the former Secretary of Defense)

    1. @Gary Campbell Back up a sec… do you cultists still believe that Trump is gonna win..? That’s incredible.

    2. @Tessmage Tessera : First of all, lose the cultist crap ! Around me, there are two big main concerns. One, Harris is farther to the left than either Warren OR Sanders, and I didn’t think that was possible ( look it up ). The things she has said and supports are not sitting well with a lot. Not to mention the comments she’s made. Also, the fear that Biden will be nothing more than a mouthpiece for people like Omar, Cortez, Pelosi, Schumer, Tlaib, Booker, Pressley, Schiff, Waters, Feinstein, and of course Warren and Sanders. NOBODY here is ever going to take the chance on seeing THAT. Now you can dispute that all you want, but that is REAL with a lot of people. So yes, he WILL be re elected. Democrats have done too much, said too much, and have insanely proposed too much over the course of the past 4yrs.

  2. AMERICA vote putin and his first lady trumputinski out.
    We owe it to the country.
    We owe it to our feature.

    1. @Freedom1
      Putin’s puppet and his russian (HO) MALARIA plus twenty five of his putin lovers are infected 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
      COVID is actively draining the Swamp in the white house 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

    2. ​@mymovetube I’d rather have the Russians than a DEMONCRAT. At least they have functional moral values and don’t destroy everything they touch before replacing it with a shittier, soulless, version.

  3. “Trump is dangerous and unfit for the office.” — Four Star General James N. Mattis, US Marine Corps, Retired.

    1. “I think Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”
      — Bob Gates (former Director of the CIA and the former Secretary of Defense)

    2. “I think Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”
      — Bob Gates (former Director of the CIA and the former Secretary of Defense)

  4. The Trumpocracy can’t even look after itself. Even with all of the resources, money, intelligence available to the WH
    There is no chance a desperate president on steroids is going to put the American people first

    1. “I think Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”
      — Bob Gates (former Director of the CIA and the former Secretary of Defense)

    2. “I think Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”
      — Bob Gates (former Director of the CIA and the former Secretary of Defense)

  5. I like presidents who don’t try to take away healthcare from 20 million Americans…DURING A PANDEMIC!

    1. @Speak_the_ truth it goes by your income…i was on it….it didn’t go up unless your income goes up.

  6. I have NO respect for anyone who served in this administration. Even the ones who “stayed for good intentions”. I appreciate the service of the military members for thsir time in their dept but am disappointed in their lack of common sense to work for this rascist conman 😑

    1. Agreed! Let us NOT forget that Kelley sits on the Board of those private concentration camps at the border so he IS profiting from all the injustice down there.

    2. If all the good ones leave, Trump is surrounded by nothing but loyalists. Really think about that for a second.

    3. @Thomas Purcell You sound like you’re arguing with me for some reason. I’m not a Trump supporter. Feel free to ask me to clarify what I wrote if you didn’t understand it.

  7. Trump the Superspreader – he has spread lies, disinformation, ignorance, corruption, incompetence, racism, misogyny, poverty, confusion and now disease!

    1. @Gary Campbell Rural Midwest Russia? LIKE IRKUTSK, NOVOSIBIRSK….Where are u typing your Nonsense from Mikolai/Boris/”Olek”sandr?

    2. @balmain2002 : Ah, the good ole troll & Russia narrative. Is that you standard reply to anyone who won’t fall in line with the democrat / liberal alternative ? Pathetic. Get back with me when you grow up.

    3. @balmain2002 welcome to America you clown… born and raised in Las Vegas 40 years now. Not everyone in America is named John Smith. Some people aren’t afraid to actually use their own names

    1. @BILLY worst copy and paste troll ever please play in traffic with the rest of the genderless shallow end of the gene pool

    2. @Jude Jackson : If you think that’s funny ? Harris will be one of the downfalls for Biden with an awful lot of people. She is farther to the left than either Warren OR Sanders, and I didn’t think that was possible ( look it up ). The other is Biden will be nothing more than a mouthpiece for people like Omar, Cortez, Pelosi, Tlaib, Pressley, Schiff, Feinstein, Waters, Booker, Schumer, and of course Warren and Sanders. NOBODY around me will ever take the chance on seeing THAT.

    3. “I think Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”
      — Bob Gates (former Director of the CIA and the former Secretary of Defense)

    1. Chester Jeffrey , because his hand written notes implicated him in helping to use Russia as a way to distract from the hildabeast

    2. “I think Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”
      — Bob Gates (former Director of the CIA and the former Secretary of Defense)

  8. If anybody would have told me a person that had 3 wives, had lied and cheated on them, would be elected to be President, I would have said: you’re crazy. He will lie and cheat on the citizens of the U.S.A.

  9. How can the Republicans enable the conman tRump? How can they look at their children or even in the mirror? It would bring decent men/women to their senses, but instead they are strangely silent and refuse to oppose the dictator tRump.

  10. The loser and insane leader of WH deserve to lose! He spoke sinfully like evil: Calls COVID-19 infection is “a blessing from God”!

  11. He isn’t like this because of steroids, he’s like this because he’s a lunatic. He’s a liar he cannot tell the truth

    1. ya he was leading and cheering on the rioters. pulling down statues, murder, burning police stations only lunatics would do these things

    2. @Nemesis1ism how about lying about coronavirus for months . 211.000 souls lost. Injecting yourself with disinfectant. Wildfires saying they should have moved all the leaves away.i could go on but this is enough for now.

    3. “I think Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”
      — Bob Gates (former Director of the CIA and the former Secretary of Defense)

    4. @Barbara Worrall 200,000 deaths contributed to covid . I know people who had covid 2 got a little sick .no one died the official number of covId deaths people with just covid no other illness is 10,000 according to CCD FACT CHECK THAT . MEDIA JUST PLAN LIES . THOUSAND WERE MURDERED IN DEMOCRAT GOVENORS STATES- REST HOMES BY PUTTING COVID POSITIVES IN REST HOMES AFTER THEY NEW ELDERLY WAS HIGHEST RISK ALL HAD OTHER Illnesses.

    1. He couldn’t even isolate for one lousy day, and has exposed others in the Oval Office to the virus now. Yeah, he seems over medicated. Chump on steroids – just what we need!

  12. “Trump is dangerous and unfit for the office.” — Four Star General James N. Mattis, US Marine Corps, Retired.

    1. J of the Fifth Column You can’t reason with cult followers because they don’t use critical thinking and reason. They’re a lost cause.

    2. @Laura Streeter not true. I read Disloyal by Michael Cohen. I will never be a Democrat but Trump is a SOCIOPATH LIAR.

    3. “I think Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”
      — Bob Gates (former Director of the CIA and the former Secretary of Defense)

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