George Floyd's family members, Rev. Al Sharpton and Floyd family lawyer Ben Crump knelt in silence outside a Minneapolis courthouse for eight minutes and 46 seconds before the opening arguments in former police officer Derek Chauvin's trial.
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just please stop burning the city down. please. please don’t riot if he is not convicted.
@Nick Smith LOL that’s rich. I bet you believe it’s the only time it’s happened
@wavegod All lives matter, and if Canada is racist… ALL countries are racist (based on your loose definition of the term)
@Dan Philbert
Wrong, its over 1 year
@Sean C there isn’t one country that aren’t racist
@wavegod wacism every where!! Fool
Sharpton is nothing more than an opportunist.
You are right. I cant believe Michael Jackson was best friends with this guy lmao
and a blatant racist!
So when the officer kneeled on the neck of a suspect long enough to cause a medical incident it was ok?
@Stephen Estabrooks or the massive amount of fentanyl he took that was ok ? One less addict
Of course Al Sharptons there
George Kirby violence and drug free
8 minutes of non silent apparently
XD ikr
They didn’t say it was for silence. It was to show how long he was on his neck and how can someone be so I humane to do that to someone.
Dude is so phony. He’ll hop back in his Mercedes parked around the corner and disappear to his next photo op.
to be fair, its an incredibly oppressive Mercedes. poor guy.
If cop found innocent choked floyd I hope you protest all over the world again smash Everything and steal everything burn down homes in Minn burn up cop stations. I hope the violent protests come to toronto and smash all the shopping malls on my major street. Dont stop protesting until summer everyday. You shouldnt have stopped last year. Wanted to tp keep going cops cant do nothingvsteal everything even cars everywhere.
Wow, that Sharpton dude has no shame.
It’s always nice to hear from Al Charlatan.
Wheres his buddy Messy Jesse?
It’s Al Sharpton.
Don’t do drugs & live a long, happy life.
Quit the internet and start working
@Griffith Uchiha says a liberal keyboard warrior
i agree raynus
I breath just fine. But im not a doped up druggie criminal.
Yeah, it was the victim’s fault – it always is when cops are involved.
But the knee on his neck for 8m had nothing to do with it? Illogical bigots like you turn away from what is in plain sight and come up with unproven drug theories instead.
The pressure cooker that jurey is in,they will never speak what’s in their heart,only what the mob demands.
@yourmanwatson grow up.
@ub2bn Grow a moral compass
@yourmanwatson o.k., hero.
@ub2bn Compared to you I guess..
@yourmanwatson most definitely. you are a hero and a great warrior.
Another phony having doing his thing for the camera
David Dorn is not forgotten.
Remember when Al Sharpton riled up a crowd in Crown Heights back in the 90s?
Al Sharpton is the worlds biggest RACIST.
The idea that this guy would care if it wasn’t political is ridiculous.
George rolling in his grave right this family making money off his death
Quick photo op, then back in the Bentley and of to cause more racial division.
He knows he’s on camera
Have they picked the lucky cities that will be chosen for “reparations”
Not a single Republican city I guarantee it.