Donald Trump supporters in the deeply red Florida panhandle tell CNN's Martin Savidge their interest in the public impeachment hearings is low. #CNN #News
Florida Trump supporter: Impeachment inquiry is ‘a waste of time’

Donald Trump supporters in the deeply red Florida panhandle tell CNN's Martin Savidge their interest in the public impeachment hearings is low. #CNN #News
And a blow job.. that was a real threat to national security
you are ignoring the morals & reasons behind the two different Congressional duties!
they got away with it also
If this was obama these same people would be reeeeeeeing at the moon.
Kind of like how Democrats didn’t have a problem with children in cages when Obama was doing it 🤔
@matts spelman Kind of like how Trump’s policy of family separation has led to 40,000 kids incarcerated versus 400. Kind of like how you fools never understand the facts and repeat BS. Kind of like how you ignore the constitution or don’t understand that Trump has more than doubled the deficit. Kind of like how the manufacturing index is at a 10 year low – but you never get the actual facts, do you?
@Jeff Novack You’re trying to get your president Impeached based on hear say & assumptions.
You should be too embarrassed to type the word facts but you Democrats have no shame.
@TYT SUCKS SWAN BALLS Proof? You cant be the only one that knows this. Bring up and get him arrested. Its just conspiracy theory you and the other hicks came up with.
@Dave Schultz Maybe he didn’t do anything worth impeachment? Just a thought.
They will back there fuher to the very bitter end.
The bitter end: Huddled in a bunker with Kellyanne, each one daring the other to swallow the cyanide pill first. 😊 (Ok sorry that was a Family Guy episode.)
I used to think of him as their fuhrer too, but now he seems to be more of a Pharoah to them. Scary.
glad to see you out yourself as a racist/ bigot
oh my goodness, such ignorant fools following the fake news agenda!
@fleetlordavtar you seem confused.
And if it was Obama, they would be running around like ants in a turned over anthill. Hypocrites!!!
nice try idiot!
No one tried to impeach Obama
Kale Bmx and Obama?
@Kale Bmx winning like the US house, Louisiana and Kentucky governship, and both houses in Virginia and New Hampshire bahahaha
Florida: where you CAN stick your head in the sand!
And pretend Trump isn’t breaking the law and screwing us all over.
Damn, I thought those were bike racks…
you misspelled Leftist / Anti Americans: where you CAN stick your head in the sand!
If you’re intellectually curious, you’re concerned.
EXACTLY … it shows the dems are LITERALLY trying to overthrow the duly elected executive branch of the govt
This mind set will go down in history, in 50 or 60 years there will be a scientific name for it
There is a legal name for this. It is in the books as ” Willful Blindness”. I was married to a man that is precisely Trump. Charming and full of narcissism. In law ( you can look it up) when they take everything and have mistresses, you are supposed to know. You are a willing victim, apparently. Very sad. I went through it.
Yes, it will be remembered like McGovern history is remembered nowadays. Of course none of you read American history, you are too busy with your Marxist Manifestos under your armpits. Pls post videos of you crying again on Nov2020, I can’t wait to see them again!
@Real Florida absolutely
Yeah, Boomer Brain. Not all develop the affliction, but generally, that is the cohort group that is most widely affected.
Charlie Brown eat a bag of dicks.
Yet, 20 yrs ago they were calling for Clinton’s head BC of getting head.
Hound19745 no, they were calling for her head because of LITERALLY everything else! Clinton’s a corrupt scumbag POS, and only a hypocritical brainwashed idiot like you could still support her
Tom Riddle How many of Clinton’s administration went to jail? How many of Trump’s?
WRONG it’s called perjury FFS did you ever go to school??
@Guns and Abortions Simultaneously mm name the 11 crimes, and abortions. Lmfao
“four more years”
four more than what trump supporters spent in school.
😂😂😂 Good one
@Noah Einstein You Tubes? What?
what the heck are you talking about !
@Ms. Sharon good one …. you guys kill babies and fight to kill babies ??? Also you fight to cut off children’s cocks … you’ve spent 3 years trying to impeach a president instead of letting him do his job also you share your poltics with everyone and anyone who doesn’t agree seems to be dumb and didn’t graduate high school . If that’s a good one for you , wow . I’m glad you are happy at least .
They want congress to go back to the “people’s business”, as if a congress that refuses to inquire into a potentially criminal president would do a damn thing for the American people.
@Dagoberto Bobadilla Jr Scrabbling around for a way to get out of this without being charged?
@Margaret Nicol ignorance is bliss amongst Trump supporters.
@Margaret Nicol and all cnn reports on is…
@Darren Lawson I think McConnell may be replaced if he doesn’t start paying attention to the desires of his constituents.
they are so funny: “they are not going change my mind”…one can’t change something that has no content..
ok, let’s look at a few facts and for those who only knows CNN, everybody gets the information thanks to internet and other media. The idea that you only watch one channel is not mine.
Just two thinks to think about:
1. the US has become big because of doing business abroad, they are active in other countries because of the economic importance; rarely because they want to safe the world, in general only the oil and the very cheap productions. That is why the Trump family has factories in China and not in the US.
Since Trump started his trade war, the rest of the world started to look to other business partners and the result is that China has become more and more important. This is a loss for the US companies that will stay for a long time.
And what great things did Trump? He fell in love with Kim…great, as a nine year old he was telling on television that he had get such a great love letters from Kim….but did Kim stop producing nuclear weapons? No way.
2, His great promise “to build The Wall and let Mexico pay for it.”
Mexico didn’t pay and will never pay, so Trump closed the public offices for months…no result, made many problems to get the money for his wall…no result. At the end now he’s using the money that important for the US army.
And what is the great constructor realizing?
“An impenetrable wall ” he said…but you can buy the tools for less than 100$ and in no time you’re trough the wall. Trumps reaction: yes but we fill the holes again…
“A wall so high nobody can climb over it!!” said Trump, so the American association of climbers build an exact copy of that wall…it took less than a minute for a 8 year old girl to get over it.
And for this disaster Trump is using the money the army needed so bad.
Those are just two examples, easy to check you do not need cnn.
Also easy to check is the history of Trumps business activities….all his bankrupts are very well documented, even the few who went to his fake-university can tell you this. He only spend the many millions his father had made.
Trumps has to be stopped for the sake of the US, but is he the guilty one? Not really..the ones who voted for him without checking him, and yes Hillary didn’t deserve to become it wasn’t easy to vote.
However the GOP knows what a disaster Trump is creating and they just let him do or help him doing it so they also can make some money. Those are the real criminals.
Most Americans do not go to other countries, but when you do you start to realize how important they are for the economy of the US.
When you saw the testimonies of the Ambassadors and their aids you realize that the US had a real good name abroad- despite all the stupid wars they were involved in.
And maybe you disliked Obama, but worldwide was he respected very much while Trump is the opposite. Nobody likes the way is using his phone, making decisions based on what he saw on FOX – Trump-supporting programs without consulting anybody else or without looking at FOX news.
And those people, like the two ladies…maybe they have no children but meanwhile it’s not going well with the pollution in the world. And all those gun-lovers…well in reality it is a small group that makes a lot of noise. In civilized countries it is not allowed to carry guns around, they have clubs where you can shoot. And they have very few deadly victims compared to the US.
@American Gamer right out of the libs play book!
@Viking 36 You are a ignorant fool!
@Anonymous Person dude your entire statement was a lie. The Mueller investigation found plenty of wrongdoing. Justice department guidelines says a sitting president can’t be indicted and Mueller followed those guidelines. Many federal prosecutors came out and said Trump would be in jail for the 10 instances of obstruction of justice. You don’t have to remain ignorant. And nobody cooked up the Ukraine investigation. Trump bribed a foreign country for political purposes. The evidence was confirmed by every witness that testified saying Trump knew and had ordered it. So yes Trump supporters are too stupid to understand and evidence doesn’t change your mind. You’re the perfect example of that. The evidence is public knowledge. Sondland testified under oath confirming the quid pro quo ( bribery).
Just read Trump supporters comments. It’s scary how ignorant they choose to be. Ambassador sondland confirmed the quid pro quo under oath. Did you have your eyes closed when everyone was testifying? That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
This was liked Nazi Germany people were so brainwashed😏😏😏
Everyone is entitled to be st*pid, but trump supporters really abuse the privilege
Ray Gomez I remember Hillary talking very similar to you during her campaign ……
Andy C An ellipsis isnt more than three or four dots, adding more doesnt make your opinion a fact. Do you still expect to make a valid point by blaming anyone other than that orange dimwit?
Violeta Bianca Orange dimwit? That negates your insinuation that you’re intellectually superior. Try again
@fleetlordavtar how are you not dead yet from sniffing so much TrumpBrand Glue? bye bye Dump
Were not the ones being lied to😄😄😄😄😄polls ….russia…ukraine now you guys don’t learn 😄😄😄😄I love it though trump 2020
“I don’t care about a criminal trial”
Says it all really.
“No amount of witnesses would change my mind”
Trump could literally shoot someone on 5th Avenue. Shameful.
HONK LIVES MATTER so if my neighbor robs a bank it’s ok for me to rob just a corner store
HONK LIVES MATTER you can’t be a treasonous deep state. To be deep state you gotta be state loyal.
Traitor is what you call the guy who moves our army so that it makes Putin’s army stronger
fleetlordavtar but the witnesses are long time loyal servant of the public good. Did you hate the government before? Did America only become great when a rich businessman took the lead? I was taught not to trust wealthy real estate moguls who say “just trust me”
But I’m loyal to America and not just its lead man
fleetlordavtar You mean the witnesses who are neutral ambassadors and served under Bush? Or the EU ambassador chosen by Trump? Or the Lt Colonel in the US Army, advisor chosen by Trump as his advisor on Ukraine? None of these people Are Democrats. All of them knew what Trump was doing. When Ambassador Sondland said everyone was in the loop, you don’t believe him; even though he and Trump are on a first name basis and talk to each other regularly? Why would you not believe people in Trump’s inner circle?
The Orange Man is Bad
We can’t afford this level of stupid for too much longer.
its already too late
say’s atheist jesus
We cant your right. Cant sit back and let liberals ruin our country.
@88Gibson LesPaul and that is a Chibson
TDS is the leading cause of insanity
Yes, Trump’s deranged sycophants are not mentally healthy.
You must be a bot no real person is still trying to push this bullshit narrative.
The gender confused, antifa soy crowd is gonna lose it when he wins again.
Apparently you magats cant hear facts, 51% of americans want him impeached and removed from office. But keep grasping at your straws if it makes you feel better. No matter how pathetic it is
@Bryan Kellerman Yup and polls had Hillary in a landslide too
Proud to call myself an ever trumper. Glorious and victorious