The Florida Department of Health has reported at least 15,299 new Covid-19 cases, the highest number of new cases in a single day by any state since the coronavirus pandemic began. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer discusses with Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber. #CNN #News
Florida shatters single day coronavirus record

The next Solar Eclipse will be skipping Florida because it’s already had enough Corona !!
I’m confident that under Desantis leadership we can double those infection rates pretty soon,.. maybe even triple them!!
they were 5000 cases/day weeks ago
itsclear still won’t match NY city! 30,000 deaths! Nicely done NY.
Well, it would get us closer to herd immunity if he did. That would be grand!
@Doc Martin EXACTLY. Nothing is going to stop this from making the rounds. Open up and take the medicine.
Disney is the “happiest place on earth” located in “the stupidest place on earth”
Matthias Poe -Exactly most of the protestors wore masks.
yaimavol More masks at a BLM protest than a Trump rally.
Broomtwo just wait tell people start dieing then from filled hospital then will see. Massachusetts had the best health care and best hospital in country and we have half as much old people as Florida. Gl
Broomtwo Not at all. The goal is to prevent other states from becoming like New York. This is not a dem vs repub thing, this is a saving American lives thing ATP.
Well being stupid also makes you happy
I’m still waiting for those 15 cases that we had back in February to go away.
@William Bailey I was being facetious when I make that statement. I probably shouldn’t included ‘LOL” at the end. My mistake.
They died
William Bailey actually if you check the number of recovered vs the number infected is way off and id bet for good reason. Rudy Gobert shut down nba w contraction in March and said last week he is still experiencing symptoms

Kinda wish I hadn’t listened to some senator urging me to go out and mingle on Chinese New Year…
@tenaj art The number of infected has no information on numbers that had to enter medical services for formal care. It just indicates positive test results. So there is absolutely no correlation with “recovered cases.” Learn how to understand statistics and think critically about the information you are being given. You’re misinterpreting things.
The whole World : wow the US is always number 1 in everything.
They never mention the low death rate.
Cases don’t mean anything America has the lowest death rate in the world only 1% of people who get coronavirus dies. This are all facts we had less than a thousand deaths in a day in over a month considering the U.S. has 330 million people that is extremely low. Andrew Cuomo New York State had a total death in May 5 with 952 people dying in one day. That is more people than the entire United States combine since June 4. You are being brainwashed thinking this coronavirus is only getting worse but the truth is only getting better in fact we had decrease in death everyday the last three days.
@Heir of the Nazareen billionaire?
@Gabriel Lyles killary… Spoken like a moron…
De RoB why because CNN said there are lots of cases .. lol. Death rates are the same in the US and remain the same globally.. 500 and 5000 respectively… this is fake news .. for some perspective about 1400 ppl die in US nursing homes every day (without a pandemic) … .. I just come here to make fun of the Liberals who fall for this propaganda

Soooooo…..let’s open DisneyWorld!
Car accidents are down, so gel and no seatbelts required
Bone head move Disney!
24james My thoughts too!
Covid 19 got that fast pass
Cases don’t mean anything America has the lowest death rate in the world only 1% of people who get coronavirus dies. This are all facts we had less than a thousand deaths in a day in over a month considering the U.S. has 330 million people that is extremely low. Andrew Cuomo New York State had a total death in May 5 with 952 people dying in one day. That is more people than the entire United States combine since June 4. You are being brainwashed thinking this coronavirus is only getting worse but the truth is only getting better in fact we had decrease in death everyday the last three days.
the nba is like nice lets start playing basketball in orlando in 2 weeks!
not like nba players will die from it
@Rednec joe that’s because they are tested daily and have the finest doctors and medical care.
@Al mac That, and the fact that none of them have pre-existing conditions.
Al mac, Tested daily and when you have a positive test? Isn’t that after the fact? You still have it.
Al mac Except even if just a single person gets sick, the whole thing is just cancelled.
I have 2 friends and my stepfather who’ve lost their lives in NYC. My bestfriend and her husband were in Miami June 11th they both got the virus, he was buried yesterday, they live in NC. It’s hit home too many times for me
Honey I am so sorry, heart hurts, heavy with pain, just lost loved ones too. Thinking of you D.
My Condolences , people be cautious
So sorry for your loss! Please stay safe.
It seems to be a contest with these States….wonder if Guinness will give the winner a Trophy
@Micro Burst you’re a complete imbecile I’m betting you were one of the one saying the virus was a hoax.
No….But they will get a Darwin Award!!!!!
Tim Evans no not at all…… the virus is real and so are the stats I stated. You do the math.
How am I an imbecile ?
Darwin awards
Miamidade officials: DENY DENY DENY.
Look up what a copper silver water ionization filtration system is. oligodynamics are something that everybody should learn about in life science but nooo they teach you plenty of useless crap with zero practical applications like random facts about astronomy in science classes in school. This information I’m sharing with you actually is info that eliminates the virus instead of doing worthless crap like this media.. like sharing arbitrary and inaccurate numbers or advocating cloth face coverings when it’s a respiratory disease and can enter through your eyes… Not like I’ve ever heard anybody wearing goggles to stop it from entering the body that way. a copper mesh mask would work better than anything. I swear Americans love to think they’re so educated but this whole thing has shown me that they really just.. aren’t…how is it ancient Egyptian healers knew about oligodynamics and held brass serpents because you absorb copper ions through skin if you hold it long enough and it has anti-viral properties..but the vast majority of people these days act like it’s impossible to fight it. Google the Smithsonian magazine’s article about copper killing covid-19. Ugh. People are lame ducks
@Totally Unimportant you are so stupid. Where are you going to get a copper mesh mask? Do you know how expensive copper is? I swear you anti mask people have a quarter of a human brain.
I’m surprised that its Florida to shatter the record…
I woulda thought that the meth they’ve been smoking down there would’ve killed off the virus.
I feel sorry for those average folks in Florida who want to deal with this the right way but are surrounded (and governed) by idiots.
Here in WEST So. Florida Ft.Myers , 75 % IN the Hospital are Elective Surgery , We are Good this week , MIAMI is 125,000 and are really Stupid !!!
Right here mate.
@Hassan Hooshmand doesn’t look like it mate
I hope Floridians remember Desantis during Pence’s visit to Florida where he bitterly attacked the false media declaring that Florida was nothing like New York and then bullishly claimed victory against COVID-19. What a complete f*#%wit! Trump showed what happens when you brag too early, the virus makes you look like a complete fool.
Hassan Hooshmand – Don’t worry about us. We’re run by actual leaders who listen to experts.
Well done Florida…are you tired of all this Winning yet?
I’m winning dad.
So what happened to “This will disappear when the warm weather starts”?
It’s July, and the worst states for Covid-19 are literally the hottest states in America!
@Tango’s Mom bell you Karen’s have been saying that for months
coffee Enema, I’m more inclined to believe a statement from someone who can spell controlled.
I think you are incorrect.
@Conan first off don’t use percentages if you don’t understand how they work. And second, people dont usually get critical until 2-3 weeks. I’d be surprised if it didn’t spike next week or the week after
Texas weather is in the 100’s , we are breaking record numbers- hasn’t killed a virus yet! So much for myths and political push to open things up. Breakdown in Leadership on the National and Sate level!!!!
@Spike Flea And just happened to be the site of the RNC this year…
Schools system need to be reverted
As the way churches are doing
” ONLINE CLASSES ” for now..m
Trump said he would cut funding and deport foreign students if it’s online only.
Hi, I’m Covid. I love Miami! Headed toward Orlando and then back to Jacksonville. Anyone else have a spot you want me to go to next? I noticed a lot of people look dead already…what’s up with that? What flavor of Kool-Aid is served down there? Jeez.

Florida the nations capital of stupidity, and Karens natural habitat.
That’s a good one
Infections may be way up sure but deaths aren’t going up. Look at the numbers
I know two people who had it and are fine now.
Why do no news media outlets cover the survivors?!
People need to hear their stories.
Stacy Gagnon many news outlets have had survivors on to describe their experience.