Florida reported a staggering 15,300 new coronavirus cases, the highest daily number on record for any state. This new report comes as the state continues to reopen businesses, including Disney World. Since the start of the outbreak, Florida has reported over 254,000 coronavirus cases.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Florida Reports A Record Breaking 15,300 New Coronavirus Cases | MSNBC
This is what I call winning ‘bigly’.
@Ken Albertsen
*Norway* COVID-19: *Widespread testing ‘has no purpose’, Health director says lockdowns were unnecessary*
by News Desk –
Norway COVID-19: Widespread testing ‘has no purpose’, Health director says lockdowns were unnecessary
by News Desk
May 28, 2020
Europe, Headlines
By NewsDesk @infectiousdiseasenews
Mass testing
Norway’s Institute of Public Health announced this week (computer translated) that it does not recommend testing large groups of healthy people, such as all employees in a company, for COVID-19. Now that there is little spread of coronavirus in Norway, such testing has no purpose.
Based on results from mathematical models, the reproduction figure in Norway is estimated to be 0.65 (0.39-0.94).
Stoltenberg warns against another lockdown
Norwegian Institute of Public Health chief, Camille Stoltenberg, said in an interview (computer translated) she warns against such a shutdown again – even if the infection rates should increase…
*“Our assessment now….is that we could possibly have achieved the same effects and avoided some of the unfortunate impacts by not locking down,* but by instead keeping open but with infection control measures,” she said.
The closure of Norway has had serious economic consequences: high unemployment and a sudden stop for the Norwegian economy.
@Crystal Giddens
hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha you’re sooooo hilarious
Football Nerd Except if you live here it’s scary and sad.
@Jim Loftus *How Do Mask Wearers Feel After Hearing From Dr Fauci.*
@Football Nerd I just watched your link. Governor Desantis is just plain nasty. He sounds so muck like Trump.
Disney: Irresponsible. DeSantis: idiotic
@ATL Braves Interesting concept
@russell blair So even if you have insurance you have to pay $150 dollars?
@Football Nerd Yep, Big signs on the doors that say NO INSURANCE ACCEPTED! CASH ONLY!
thats an insult to idiots! Need to vote him out!
Lack of coping mechanisms and a dire need for consumerism mixed with corporate greed and zero leadership from the government over the pandemic.
Lee Uhoda your right there has been zero leadership at the helm. We need help and now. Sign the petition today at change.org Andrew Cuomo for President.
The wonderful world of virus. Shame on Disney.
And the people who are going there!
DeSantis isn’t going to make masks mandatory as long as the President is coming there for the convention.
@Crystal Giddens Your not worth my time
@Richard G And you should attend a Helen Keller Class!
@s tell that to the republicans
So many ignorant sheeple here, that believe the government and it’s mouthpiece – the “news”.
Here is just one example of how naïve most of you are.
“In 1966, the U.S. Army released Bacillus globigii into the tunnels of the New York City Subway system, as part of a field experiment called A Study of the Vulnerability of Subway Passengers in New York City to Covert Attack with Biological Agents.[52][56][57]”
I would have thought he’d be recalled by now.
Public health and safety go hand-in-hand with the economy. Republicans worship a reality TV star who knows nothing about reality.
@Crystal Giddens Japan’s success was due to the use of face masks, and their citizens were totally cool with that.
@Ivanka speads for Quincy Jones *How Do Mask Wearers Feel After Hearing From Dr Fauci.*
@35nomoon A precision here. You cannot compare the benefits of a seatbelt with wearing a mask. Wearing a mask is to protect others. That is specifically why Trumpers don’t wear them, they don’t care about others. Their freedom comes first.
@Le Nom What are you talking about just like a seatbelt and mask can save a LIFE regardless on who has it on. Covid19 doesn’t care about your freedom you have the freedom to not wear a seatbelt but people do.
@35nomoon I might not have been as clear as I wanted to. I agree that COVID does not make the difference, but since masks are protecting others, Trumpers don’t see the benefit, since they don’t care about others. English is not my first language, my sentences might not make sense sometimes
Or, “in Magic we trust, science and logic, not so much”…..can see why the magic kingdom is in Florida…..

C.J. DrakVolken haaaaaaa Us Floridians have had enough of “magic” we want science, data and action. Don’t blame the people of Florida for our insane Governor who spends all his time kissing Trump’s butt. Florida spends it’s days wishing, hoping, praying that we had a Governor Cuomo. But we don’t. So we want the next best thing Sign the petition today at change.org Andrew Cuomo for President.
@Ray Sosa excuse me??? I am not a Trump supporter. But be careful about trampling the blood of Christ under your feet. There is only one thing that makes atonement for your soul only ONE thing that washes away sin. The blood of the Lamb. Thank God Christ took our place on the cross. Without the shedding of his holy, sinless blood there would be no remission of sin. If you want to keep your sins you may do so and then find yourself in the lake of fire for all eternity. The choice is yours.
Kurt Cobain Ministries A true believer, me not so much, but I have huge respect for those that do and actually live the tenants of there religion
Why is the guy standing in front of Mickey Mouse? Oh right, it’s Florida
15k new cases in one day?!?!
Really Florida? Really?
DeSantis should be charged and tried for criminal incompetence, gross negligence, and dereliction of duty. There must be some kind of accountability for this.
Deaths are trending up as well. It’s gonna be a sh*t show in the following weeks. I love sh*t shows tho, so I have my popcorn ready.

He should be….
@Omar Benj
Then you need to report it. All of. U..
David J I agree. We have it bad with Desantis as our Governor. He adds insult to injury. Thank God for NY Governor Cuomo he is doing all he can to help us in Florida. Last time I checked I don’t think the state of Florida is the Governor of New York’s responsibility. Sign the petition today at change.org Andrew Cuomo for President.
Cases don’t mean anything America has the lowest death rate in the world only 1% of people who get coronavirus dies. This are all facts we had less than a thousand deaths in a day in over a month considering the U.S. has 330 million people that is extremely low. Andrew Cuomo New York State had a total death in May 5 with 952 people dying in one day. That is more people than the entire United States combine since June 4. You are being brainwashed thinking this coronavirus is only getting worse but the truth is only getting better in fact we had decrease in death everyday the last three days.
money over health this is sad….. we can rebuild money… but not people… way sad….
America needs to UNITE
Like we were in Early April
before we can even Begin to win this fight against COVID-19
However, politicians and mainstream media have so Disunited this Nation,
and confused and disillusioned so many people
1st with protests against a virus and saving peoples’ lives,
And then with violent and lawless riots
May we pray that God gives us the wisdom, compassion and strength to come back together as a Nation,
Like we did in WW2,
after 9/11,
and at the beginning of April 2020
We can only fight this disease if we UNITE
Anthony G it’s ALWAYS about the money especially in my state of Covid country Fl. Sign the petition today at change.org Andrew Cuomo for President.
@s The GOP Death Party must be wiped out in November. Trump and Barr need to be sent to prison for life and all the brainwashed Orangeman cult followers forced to wear masks or face charges
had the US implemented immediate shut down and other measures as germany, and other nations had immediately, high testing, masks and contact tracing, shut down nationally for eight weeks, the virus would have been all but eradicated and we could have reopened safely now, as other nations are now doing after they flattened their curves. Germany had 7 deaths as we have 1000
Root the dumb ones out
Keep your children at home,
don’t send them to school ;
you may never forgive yourselves exposing them to the danger.
The crisis is getting out of control.
death rate is 000.4% For kids its even lower than that.
You’d also be exposing the rest of your family… assuming the kids don’t go to school and stay there.
@Inf7cted FYI. The death rate for RESOLVED covid-19 cases in the US, and it is now a sample size of 1.6 million, is 8%. That’s hard data, and a lot more than your hand wavey 0.4% based on extrapolation and hopeful guesswork.
And the apparent death rate always drops when there is a large surge in cases, Because the number of cases surges weeks before the deaths of those patients happen.
@Darrin Fry Its not my numbers. CDC website shows 000.4%
@squall0108 The only thing more dangerous is fear from ignorance. I will give you some facts which MSNBC doesn’t know anything about. Do you know more than 7000 people die everyday in the U.S.. Do you know last year alone in the U.S. more than 2.8 million died and we did not shutdown the economy. Did you know we had not have a death over 1000 people in over a month and the death rate has decrease significantly. Do you know America has more than 300 million people and for less than 1000 people to die in a day is extremely low. Do you know that more kids have died in gun violence than the coronavirus but somehow MSNBC doesn’t mention it. Did you know kids have a much higher chance dying from a car accident than the coronavirus. This are all facts. In my opinion America will be the first country with herd immunity. Even though there are more cases they are less deaths. We have average of 50,000 cases and averages death of 500 people dying that means the chances of dying are 1 out of 100 if you get the coronavirus. America has the lowest mortality rate in the world when it comes to coronavirus.
This is what happen when you decide to follow Trump instead of scientist
Fox News is not only bad karma and lies………it is lethal and kills
@Matt Thompson I don’t recall him saying anything about major cities. I did read “red states.” Perhaps consider your own level of knowledge, and reading comprehension before applying childlike level of condescension. Then you might not sound as silly. If that matters to you at all.
@GoKart Mozart It is all Barron`s fault!!!
This are all facts there are more coronavirus deaths in Democrat Andrew Cuomo State and Democrat New Jersey State than all 26 Republican states combine. There are more gun violence in Democrat run cities than there are Republican run cities.
@Blunted206 And the tRump rallies.
Trump don’t get in your feelings when u lose Florida in the election cause just killed your voters

Remember death panels?
He doesn’t need voters he steals the election
Underrated comment
Mg Garel he’s already lost. Sign the petition today at change.org Andrew Cuomo for President.
He was going to lose PA before covid. Now FL?
This what happen when Republicans governor care about the economy more than its people

I think he cares about amazing a personal fortune
Mg Garel: TRUTH!
@mister kluge
If you are a proud Republican, not a Trump-Republican, you’ve got to burn down the current party, right after they are defeated in this November election, then rebuilt it without the wackos indeed.
That’s not new. Money has always been their real God.
If anyone can justify the reason of why Democrat states have the highest total deaths in Coronavirus and Democrat Cities have the highest total deaths in gun violence. I will not vote for Donald Trump.
Disney: come to our Corornavirus dumpster fire, go back home and pass it around!
theWZZA exactly
You got that right.
This is all Barron`s fault…….
That’s what happens when you listen to a un-American traitor criminal.
@The Magic Theatre I think where you lost DJ was the use of “un-American” in your sentence. Yeah, that just puts people here on the defensive because unAmerican means anti-American. There are other descriptors you could have used which would have been more to your point and less abrasive, such as international, overseas, European, foreign, etc. That said, I really cannot blame others for being anti-American. Heck, a huge percentage of us Americans are even anti-American now it seems.
@Zebra Zagadore Perhaps you should reflect on why the term “unamerican” (which simply means “not American”) has become conflated with the idea of being “anti-American” which is a totally different thing. It speaks to the mentality of Americans that anyone different is viewed as an enemy. Also, as Chomsky points out, the existence of the term “anti-American” also speaks volumes about how insanely authoritarian the US is. We don’t have the term “anti-New Zealand” in my country because we are not hyper-authoritarian nitwits. It’s funny, “anti-Soviet” was a term that existed in the Soviet Union. Something you have in common.
The Magic Theatre Next…anti China? It seems to be a problem common to super powers. Not apologizing, just pointing out. Of course New Zealand, while beautiful and well managed, is but a speck in comparison to the unruly and often chaotic and overreaching US. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t think the US is effed up. But just watch us. We have a multitude of opinions, personalities, races, ethnic persuasions, power brokers and the pendulum always swings.
Putin must be rolling on the floor laughing.Fat boy delivering,as promised in Helezinski.
If anyone can justify the reason of why Democrat states have the highest total deaths in Coronavirus and Democrat Cities have the highest total deaths in gun violence. I will not vote for Donald Trump.
And they are talking about opening schools in 2 weeks, totally irresponsible.
it’s unfortunate for the kids that live in southern states that begin in late july or early august, right when the heat is at its worst and the sun is killing everyone all day long.
in the rest of the country, it’s usually either halfway through the last week of august right before labor day weekend, or halfway through the week right after that labor day weekend. some even start during the second week of september. basically, anywhere from like august 25th to september 13th, which is usually a tuesday, wednesday, or thursday. and that’s nice because it allows kids to start more smoothly with a partial week of two or three days instead of starting with a full week. they just get to know the teachers and figure out everything that they’re going to need for the class, and then they usually have the three day labor day weekend right afterwards, which gives them a second partial week of four days. it’s a smart way of doing it instead of starting at full speed right from the beginning.
i’ve even heard of private schools starting in late september or early october.. not sure if they do the whole 180 days thing though.. hopefully not, otherwise it would mean that they’d end in late july or something along those lines.
the week before the long labor day weekend is probably the best. first off, the fact that they start off with two partial weeks is already a good thing. not to mention that a lot of people take the last two weeks of july off to go on vacation and travel and do stuff with their kids, which then leaves the kids with another full month to play and have fun between that and the start of the school year.
either way, in this case, the governor in florida should probably wait a few more weeks in order to have enough time to get the virus under control before sending millions of kids back to school, otherwise kids are going to be heading back to the classrooms right around the time of the peak, and that’s just going to lead to another spike 3-4 weeks later. it’s better to wait and let the cases peak over the next 2-3 weeks, and continue to be careful for another month or so afterwards to really make sure that they don’t screw themselves over a second time by rushing things again. then they can just start the school year in early september like the rest of the country does. it would be much better than doing it 2 weeks from now right when the authorities will have started to get the virus under control.
Home schooling for most! Schools will be empty come fall!
You just can’t fix stupid
@Issa Draco how long is a summer vacation in average in U.S.
We have 5 week with full salary tax free and if you are over 60 you got 6 week vacation with full salary accause. And we also have 1 week vacation in Christmas time, and same when we celebrate Easter.
Don’t be awe because we live in a social Democrati who cares about ppl, even the richest people are all in for that.
Cases don’t mean anything America has the lowest death rate in the world only 1% of people who get coronavirus dies. This are all facts we had less than a thousand deaths in a day in over a month considering the U.S. has 330 million people that is extremely low. Andrew Cuomo New York State had a total death in May 5 with 952 people dying in one day. That is more people than the entire United States combine since June 4. You are being brainwashed thinking this coronavirus is only getting worse but the truth is only getting better in fact we had decrease in death everyday the last three days. More kids have died in gun violence than the coronavirus. Kids are 10 times more likely to die in a car accident than the coronavirus.
Make America great again without Trump!
@Dreamless Nights PERFECT ! ! !
@Peace & Blessings how about we vote these monsters out and try to fix things..in other words assume the responsibility of being agents of change…..and it was great when dinosaurs ruled the world and we were running around the forest floor.
Alex Murphy music to my ears!!! Sign the petition today at change.org Andrew Cuomo for President.
@J. Noble grandpa Joe??? Strong??? Did I miss something? Strong is Governor Cuomo. Sign the petition today at change.org Andrew Cuomo for President.
@G. Elliott Haaaa haaaa WHEN? When everyone is dead? Sign the petition today at change.org Andrew Cuomo for President.
If 1 million people die every day it doesn’t matter. All Trump has to say is there’s a war on Christmas and the hillbillies will vote for him

@Kurt Cobain Ministries The sentence structure is terrible and there is no flow. It’s like poorly written sentences were picked at random then assembled. Plus you quoted an obviously scam email sent by trolls
Cases don’t mean anything America has the lowest death rate in the world only 1% of people who get coronavirus dies. This are all facts we had less than a thousand deaths in a day in over a month considering the U.S. has 330 million people that is extremely low. Andrew Cuomo New York State had a total death in May 5 with 952 people dying in one day. That is more people than the entire United States combine since June 4. You are being brainwashed thinking this coronavirus is only getting worse but the truth is only getting better in fact we had decrease in death everyday the last three days.
The only thing more dangerous is fear from ignorance. I will give you some facts which MSNBC doesn’t know anything about. Do you know more than 7000 people die everyday in the U.S.. Do you know last year alone in the U.S. more than 2.8 million died and we did not shutdown the economy. Did you know we had not have a death over 1000 people in over a month and the death rate has decrease significantly. Do you know America has more than 300 million people and for less than 1000 people to die in a day is extremely low. Do you know that more kids have died in gun violence than the coronavirus but somehow MSNBC doesn’t mention it. Did you know kids have a much higher chance dying from a car accident than the coronavirus. This are all facts. In my opinion America will be the first country with herd immunity. Even though there are more cases they are less deaths. We have average of 50,000 cases and averages death of 500 people dying that means the chances of dying are 1 out of 100 if you get the coronavirus. America has the lowest mortality rate in the world when it comes to coronavirus.
@Dmitri Fukov The idea that Hitler was a leftist is bonkers. He imprisoned and murdered leftists and invaded the communist Soviet Union. You’re an illiterate.
Governor of Florida is literally the Enemy of the People… he’s killing Americans with his CLUELESS decisions…
Just like Governor Cuomo huh
@Joe Obiden … NY had 800 cases yesterday… thats because there they are following the SCIENCE… Florida is getting WORSE everyday…
@oopopp x I’m not talkin about yesterday if you’re bashing the Florida governor I hope you took equal time to bash Cuomo when he had his troubles. You remember when he put all the seniors back in the nursing homes and they died thousands of them.
@Joe Obiden … don’t worry I did… EVERYONE did… just like everyone should bash the Florida Governor til he gets his sh1t together…
@Joe Obiden New York got much better, Florida got much worse. We all bashed Cuomo in the first couple months but NY eventually got the virus under control while DeSantis berated the media and said they were “waxing poetically” at the idea of the virus going crazy in Florida. DeSantis deserves every bit of criticism for his incompetence and utter arrogance towards science and news media. I’ve lived in Florida my whole life, and he honestly might the worst governor we’ve ever hard, even worse than Rick Scott!