Florida man shoots another car during a road rage incident | USA TODAY

Eric Popper faces felony charges, including aggravated assault with a firearm.


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#Shootings #Guns #Roadrage


  1. It appears he has been anxiously waiting for an excuse to use his pop gun. Glad nobody was hurt and hope that he gets a long prison sentence.

  2. Popper isnt real smart.
    See this is another reason why I refuse to use my gun at all.
    Gonna need a lawyer regardless of what you do firing your pistol.
    And I believe there’s more people on Earth that dislike guns than people who love their firearms.

  3. Shot at his own windows/windshield from the inside creating indentations letting any officer know you fired from the inside, recorded it all on cam….. He must have just graduated first grade with honors.

  4. He sould have called in before and turned it in. You do not have the right to do this. How would this guy feel and live with himself if he kill a baby? Or another innocent person. No not ok in any way.

  5. How is unloading a clip while aiming at another human being not attempted murder and just aggravated assault?

  6. He carried a gun in a not locked unprotected, unsafe place: the middle console. He knew why he placed it there in the first place “ someone pist me off; I’ll shot”

  7. The scariest thing is how irrational this dude is. Didn’t think twice about his actions and just did it.

    1. Like the people who think some people should never be let outside kinda how Hitler felt about the Jewish people and guys and blacks

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