Florida is recording thousands of new COVID-19 cases, the governor is lifting restrictions anyway

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is lifting all COVID-19 restrictions across the state, despite over 2,000 cases being recorded in a day.

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Florida is recording thousands of new COVID-19 cases, the governor is lifting restrictions anyway


  1. Hey we will starve and mortgage our future to international banks if we don’t
    The “pandemic “has become a political football
    And has lost it’s fear factor

    1. Natapier that is the problem. I cannot find any data that you quoted in CDC website. And the data you quoted is about 100 times lower than the death rates posted by most (if not all) countries’ health authorities. India has one of the lowest death rate in the world, but that is likely due to India having a younger population and Covid has a higher mortality rate among elderly. But even so, the death rate of Covid in India is about 1.5%.

    1. lmao so even if what your saying about Cuomo was true, your solution is just to make another bad decision? No wonder the Republican ideology is dying, full of complete tards.

    2. Most that fallow mainstream only have a 2-3 hour reflection and storage span so your wasting you time bringing up facts like that.

  2. Yeah, it’s amazing when you test hundreds of thousands and you get an increase in cases, Jesus, they really think we are that stupid. 🙄

    1. @K L check the numbers of infections and deaths… its only just begun… the infections will spread like wildfire… as with deaths. Enjoy!

    2. @James Ryan not true, rate is 0.1-0.3. please give me the link to your 4%. look at the cdc 94% was removed from the list most was comorbidity, only 6% really died of covid (most probably the flu) virus was never isolated.

    1. @Christopher Laingwhy is this an issue now? Why has there never been an issue in prior elections? Hmmm what’s different this time?

    2. @Josie M The difference is that in the history of the usa there has never been mail in ballots!!! Absentee ballots is a totally different subject.

    1. You can get it more than once, the antibodies only last a few months at best. THERE IS NO HERD IMMUNITY, JUST LIKE THERE’S NO HERD IMMUNITY TO THE FLU.

  3. no ones forcing to you to go to bars or restaurants or wherever else you don’t feel comfortable going. Stay inside, lock yourself up and order everything online. Let the rest of the world get back to work and live our lives the way we see fit.

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