Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Congressman Charlie Crist made their arguments on many controversial topics including critical race theory and abortion.
RELATED: Why critical race theory is becoming controversial
Democrat Charlie Crist clearly knew that Monday night’s TV debate likely proved his last chance to change the course of his flagging and out-financed campaign against Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. He came out swinging — rhetorically. Trailing in the polls and vastly outspent, Crist went at DeSantis at the outset of the hourlong debate from Fort Pierce’s Sunrise Theatre.
“You’re going to hear a stark contrast in this debate and this election,” Crist said in his opening statement. “It’s a stark contrast between somebody who believes in a woman’s right to choose, I think that’s fundamentally important, and Gov. DeSantis has signed a bill that would restrict that right, even in cases of rape or incest.”
DeSantis didn’t immediately respond to the abortion topic. But he did repeatedly work over the hour to link his Democratic opponent to President Biden, who is unpopular in most polls. DeSantis cited the “Biden-Crist energy policies” for raising gas prices, the “Biden-Crist economy,” for inflation, and said the Democrat shared in what he sees as the failure of Biden’s border policies.
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#Florida #Debate #Election
No question, if Governor DeSantis and Governor Abbott win their reelections they will run for President in 2024, especially if Trump can’t or won’t run for President again.
@catsopi Wait, you’re happy with the state of the country right now?
Idk about Abbot but Desantis could def give trump a challenge even if he did run
@First Last that is true. Unfortunately thats exactly what millions of democrats did when they voted for biden. They elected a mental defective and hoped for the best.
The smartest thing we could do as a republican party is to have Trump run with DeSantis as his VP. After his time as VP DeSantis can take over as president in 2028.
@George Young: The 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that the President and Vice President can’t be from the same state. Since Trump moved to Florida, DeSantis can’t be his V.P.
*Everyone needs more than there salary to be financially stable. The the best thing to do with your money is to invest it rightly because money left for saving always end up used with no returns*
The best thing to do with your money is vote red!
Move to a blue state were income is 30% to 70% higher and the min wage is $15 hr
Fascism 4 Fun & Profit 1 – Claim CRT is being taught to kids. Despite CRT is one of the (102) 2-week courses taught in Law Schools ONLY CRT—a broad set of ideas about systemic racism largely constrained to legal and graduate studies in LAW SCHOOL. Lawyers learn how to navigate the inequities in the US legal system. 2 – Say you found CRT in textbooks. 3 – Use Fox Polit Bureau to scare gullible Repug-Bull-KLAN voters 4 – Say we found CRT in math textbooks 5 – Give Accelerate Learning the contract to print new books for 3 to 5 times the usual price.
6 – Hide the fact that Gov DeSantis was a VP at Accelerate Learning and has
8 MILLION SHARES of Accelerate Learning stock. 7 – Hide the fact that Gov Youngkin of Virgina has 6 MILLION SHARES in Accelerate Learning stock and is planning the same CRT in textbooks scam. People who vote Repug-Bull-KLAN you really should feel try doing your homework None of the rejected books even mentioned CRT as they are not books used in Law Schools. If you don’t like indoctrination, stop watching Fox Polit Bureau, the real fake news.
@James Madison you are brainwashed
@Penguins fan WRONG The brainwashed are the people who were too lazy to do 5 minutes of homework.
DeSantis public disclosure form clearly states everything I said
Catch up with the adults
All this time I thought they taught slavery, civil rights, and added a bunch of political correctness!
creepy Crist is done.
DeSatan and Christ hard to understand on this issue.
Oh he has hate in his heart for sure. And his supporters have massive amounts of hate in their black hearts.
I agree. Crist’s supporters are full of hate
You talking about Chain Gang Charlie?
I learned about slavery in school. I learned my prejudices from my parents.
@Hatrimn Slavery is alive and well today and Hatrimm is doing NOTHING but posting ignorant liberal tears
@mikellasa we took away religion and now people are so lost they forgot what gender they are.
I think the juries in. Religion is part of our evolutionary biology.
Sure you did.
Not really there’s way too much left out
Good you’re a very good boy. Is that what you wanted to hear? We “the people of color” need you to be our white knight and save us from the “racist white people” because we can never stand up for ourself.
Why even have an opponent to the man that is RON DESANTIS
Like how they cut the applause for desantis
Glad to know that you’re so malleable that the amount of applause someone gets determines whether or not you will vote for them
@PhishyBusiness I’m not surprised. People line that can’t really understand what’s going on, so they just take the applause as a sign of who they should follow. They’re stupid. And it’s a shame that they vote.
@Lawrence Michael, Davis my parents. Myself and my kids never owned slaves. I’m glad they’re going to learn about that chapter of American history but they’re not oppressors and their black friends aren’t oppressed.
Wow looks like Crist bought the crowd. Cause everyone here in Florida loves DeSantis, Crist was already governor before and he sucked.
I can’t believe YouTube deleted the entire debate off it’s platform. Seriously this is an effing political debate for Governor of Florida. Wtf man.
if the right winger wins, the public can’t be allowed to view it
@James Madison Feel better now that you got your monologue out there? Bottom line is you are extreme by suggesting maximums. No one said it was banned from youtube, they just said it was not easy to find. That is for a simple reason… people like you oviously can’t handle public debates which involve free speech.
@NickiSlix Try reading both comments again
Adam said… I can’t believe YouTube deleted the entire debate off it’s platform
So sad so needy you are
Looks like it’s on the National desk channel
Crist is a sad joke
“Ron for President”


So don’t vote for him as governor then is what you’re saying. A wise choice indeed. Not the president part. That’s just stupid! (
DeSantis makes sense in practical reality!
Charlie also makes sense but in an utopian fantasy land!
Skin color, racism isn’t part of human DNA, kids aren’t born with it. It mostly exist today because of some people still holding on the past mistakes, which was shaped by terrible behaviors from long gone people lived in barbaric violent colonial driven society.
If you keep standardizing it as inevitable facts for future generations to come, then…
how in the heck would we ever fix it?
how come you expect kids to flourish peace and not violence, guilt, fear, revenge, hate?
how naive are you?!
Go DeSantis!
This not the whole interview on the subject
Is that the only clip where Charlie got some claps?
Only part that made DeSantis look somewhat bad…. shame on you USA TODAY
We know history. WE remember YOUR governorship and how you were ejected in disgrace.
What we should be talking about is:
Undercover agents behind the scene’s during midterms.