Florida Gov Reacts To Shooting: Saudi Arabia ‘Owes A Debt’ | MSNBC

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis reacted to the Pensacola naval base shooting that killed three people. Speaking of the gunman, who was a Saudi national, DeSantis said Saudi Arabia “needs to make things better for these victims.”
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Florida Gov Reacts To Shooting: Saudi Arabia 'Owes A Debt' | MSNBC

Florida Gov Reacts To Shooting: Saudi Arabia 'Owes A Debt' | MSNBC


    1. Abdul Hakeem —
      They make the living, who aren’t personally affected by a natural disaster or murder spree, feel better about themselves. That’s about it.
      But, since the Saudi prince was more than happy to write a fat check (over $100 million) for Trump’s inauguration, he should be ready and willing to compensate the individuals and families impacted by the horrible actions of one of his countrymen. In fact, his “generosity” might even become an important talking point for Trump and his associates. Hey, anything to distract the American people from this danged impeachment business, right?

    2. Liam —
      Are you referring to me? A lot you know… When ignorance hits, it really hits hard. Isn’t that right, Liam?

  1. And Trump has sent thousands of our troops to Saudi Arabia to protect their oil and HIS own personal business interests.

    “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump told a crowd at an Alabama rally on Aug. 21, 2015. “Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

    Congress was furious over Trump’s secret efforts to secure a nuclear energy deal with Saudi Arabia. Congress was rightfully furious when they discovered that the Saudis refused to accept limits preventing them from developing a nuclear weapon.

    It was revealed that Trump gave approval for companies to share certain nuclear energy technology with the kingdom without a broader nuclear deal in place.

    House Dems began investigating Trump’s nuclear talks with Saudi after the Oversight and Reform Committee announced in February it was launching a probe to “determine whether the actions being pursued by the Trump administration are in the national security interests of the US or, rather, serve those who stand to gain financially as a result of this potential change in U.S. foreign policy.”

    Energy Secretary Rick Perry approved seven authorizations that let U.S. companies share certain nuclear energy technology with Saudi Arabia. 

    lawmakers were outraged when they found out they were not told about the approvals, saying the secrecy violates the Atomic Energy Act, which requires that Congress be kept “fully and currently informed” of 123 agreement negotiations.

    “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump told a crowd at an Alabama rally on Aug. 21, 2015. “Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

    The Saudis have invested a lot of money into Trump’s criminal organization, and they expect a return on their investment….. protection being one of the things the Saudis expect in return.

    In 1991, as Trump was teetering on bankruptcy yet AGAIN, and scrambling to raise cash, he sold his 282-foot Trump yacht “Princess” to Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin-Talal for $20 million.
    Four years later, the prince came to his rescue again, joining other investors in a $325 million deal for Trump’s money-losing Plaza Hotel….Which eventually went under anyway.

    In 2001, Trump sold the entire 45th floor of the Trump World Tower across from the UN for $12 million, the biggest purchase in that building to that point, according to the brokerage site Streeteasy. The buyer: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Since Trump took the oath of office, the Saudi government and lobbying groups for it have been lucrative customers for Trump’s hotels.
    A public relations firm working for the kingdom spent nearly $270,000 on lodging at his Washington hotel through March of last year, according to filings to the Justice Department. A spokesman for the firm told The Wall Street Journal that the Trump hotel payments came as part of a Saudi-backed lobbying campaign against a bill that allowed Americans to sue foreign governments for responsibility in the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

    Attorneys general for Maryland and the District of Columbia cited the payments by the Saudi lobbying firm as an example of foreign gifts to Trump that could violate the Constitution’s ban on such “emoluments” from foreign interests.

    1. @Desperado5501 she lost ?!?!? Well no one knew that .you must enlighten all of us with your brilliance, l mean she hasn’t held office for nearly 7 years, no wonder she doesn’t ever appear in white house pictures. wow. (Sarcasm)

  2. just like 9/11 pilots were from Saudi Arabia. trump is engaging with dangerous countries. We are more at risk under trump.

    1. Debra A.
      so you would have felt better if it had been an American military officer who was an Islamic extremist as Maj. Nidal Hasan who in August 2013 committed 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder at Fort Hood Texas? The US Military has been training the military of several different Countries for decades. 9/11 happened in 2001. We had GW Bush and Obama before Trump. Why are you blaming just Trump? Exactly how is it any Presidents fault? More RISK? I would say we are at risk everyday we get into our cars and drive on the highway. LOL

    2. noob noob good name but do you think Bill Clinton begging for personal funding and using taxpayer money to pay them back ,go back to bed your missing your beauty sleep

    3. @noob noob No other President sent 14,000 troops to Saudi, no other President would sell them billions of Jets and weapons either.

    4. @ noob noob …Why Trump, because Trump publicly blamed the Saudis for 911 a year after bragging about how much money he was making off them personally then as soon as he takes office his first foreign engagement is to go to Saudi Arabia and do a massive weapons deal with them. Did I mention he had publicly blamed them for 911 just months earlier?

      “Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis….It was Saudi —
      take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents.” – Donald Trump
      (Fox & Friends, February 2016)

    1. BarryWaterlow
      and what if he had used a bomb? Knife? car? Would that make a difference in your judgment of the Governor? We are talking a US military installation. I would ask in today’s world of terrorist attacks why did the security fail?

    2. BarryWaterlow, Yet this happened on a US military facility that has all the gun controls you fools think will keep us safe and was carried out by someone who legally can’t buy a gun in the United States.


    1. Since Trump has had at least one scandal going every since he took office, its rather hard to establish a correlation.

    2. @Deborah Freedman No sh$t eh.
      Someone will have fun connecting ALL the dots involving Cadet Bone Spurs.
      Should turn into a decades long research project.

    1. mrthebillman
      with that thinking I guess you can add Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, and of course Jimmy Carter considering the gas lines in the late 70’s LOL

  4. When you lie down with dogs….you’ll come up with fleas! Remember “The War of the Flea?” Just tickling the ‘collective’ consciousness.

  5. This is another Election Thief just like Trump, He’s a cowardly individual ! 🤔
    P.S But my Condolences too the Victims ! 🙏🏼

    1. Can you explain to me how a weaponry deal has something to do with this psychopath who shot his friends ?

    2. @ Faisal Abdullah …Because the psychopath aka Jihadist was only there because of the weapons deal…not rocket science.

  6. “Owes is a debt”


    Trump keeps doing business with them…giving them weaponry….


    1. Where already “Prayers and NO Thoughts” are the problems, fake “Thought and dumb Prayers” to the same terrorists’ imaginary “god” of Abraham’s truly can’t be the solution.

      At least not the kind of solutions a truly adequately evolved Specie would consider.

      Religion. Its a lost-road to no-where, but more religious violence

      But, what do I know? I am just a pot-smoking pacifistic, world-travelling old Alien-Monkey. And you, well you all are the god-given,god-chosen-god-what-not stable superior cognitive greatest geniuses with a pretty naked child-King not to forget.

      My Secular Condolence to Florida. And a little advise: Get rid of those corrupt idiots of NRA-Republican-cronies in office.

      Godless Best,
      Projectheureka LLC

  7. So on a military base there where not enough “good guys with a gun” to prevent these killings?
    If not there where will there be enough?

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