Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, D-Fla., weighs in on coronavirus infection rates in her state and on the state's epicenter in Miami-Dade County, which has more than 50,000 confirmed coronavirus cases. Aired on 07/08/2020.
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Florida 'Breaking All The Wrong Records,' Says Congresswoman | Morning Joe | MSNBC
@Angelica Lynn Just wish people would stop and smell the roses. Coming from a cancer survivor, do it now, might not have a tomarrow.
democrats = stealing money form everyone and everything to pay for things that they cant afford = allowing cops to do choke holds to make sure that the so called criminals dont get away this way they get more fine and court fees for stupid crimes that should not exist and only exist to see to it cops are in everyones lives. why cases are going up in florida maybe something to do with all the people from NY and cali that went there to peacefully protest. Yep I voted for change in 2012 when i voted for all democrats and in 8 years the only change we got was the cops being allowed to do choke holds to ensure more monies collected by the courts. Better yet is how the courts seen to it in these democratic controlled states to fill the jails with blacks and making them work for pennies on the dollar like a real slave. better yet is how their friends own these jails and prisons and make a fortune on this slavery in the jails. yea this democrat is voting all republican in the next election because the only change the dems want to bring is communism.
@Al Einstein so true.
@Al Einstein i have a friend, USMC,did 2 tours in afghanistan, parks his car on the street legally, white lady pulls up and tells him “You look suspicious to me” and calls the police. When i was a child my mom had stories of americans as heroes, liberators, what happened Americans? What gives? Now when i see a white person I have to be weary and avoid them.
Watch him cut funding for schools. He was gonna do it any way
De Santis loyalty to trump is killing his own people
The crime is, DeSantis believes he is best served by servicing Trump — he is morally bankrupt, just like his boss.
And BLM’s loyalty to the DNC are killing THEIR own people by encouraging protests during covid. You liberals have to stop pretending that you don’t have blood on your hands
@John Thomas No proof for your claim there kid. TURN OFF FOX.
Everyone else than the Florida governor and the President said the Florida approach was a bad idea. Now, the results. Dear Floridians and Americans: when have you had enough of this stupidity?
Do you have a job to go back to? Why not? How are you going to buy groceries in August?
Well, now we have Joe Biden waiting in the wings been accused of sexual assault and who has been a part of the in French political system for over 20 years.
@Eric Echols Sr. So true. Republicans are all for Socialism when it comes to unemployment, stimulus payments and medical treatments. But love to scream that they don’t want socialism. It’s baked into the Preamble and the Constitution itself, to provide for Common Defense and the General welfare. Shouldn’t have to prove it to Kentucky.
@D M The choice is whether health is better than wealth or is wealth better than health during this pandemic. My choice is health
Christian peterson Do you believe everything and all you hear and or read? Do you think for yourself? Do you research and look at all sides and critically think?
If schools open and parents can’t get back to work, who’s taking the over/under on affairs and divorces. That includes you evangelical’s too.
Evangelicals are just less murdery ISIS. Just as driven to make a nation out of nothing that they get to rule.
I’ll take the over!
I’d be more concerned with children contracting the virus and spreading it.
@Michelediaf to their relatives, parents who are out of work and have no money to cover bills.
How you gonna mandate that all schools re-open in the fall when you’re breaking Corona case records on a daily basis?

Only a madman can mandate schools opening in the middle of a pandemic when he knows that the disease is real and people are dying in record numbers. Parents must use their judgement whether or not to allow their children to go to school. After all, Trump is only for Trump and not the school children!
@caroline yartey This is all trumps plan that he promised the evangelical church goverment welfare at the cost of public schools to fiance private Bible beater schools and this is why they don’t care what Trump does or says aslong as they get goverment welfare for there Bible beater schools
Betsy Devoss people
@John Winslow The fact that t’rump is going to issue its own school re-opening guidelines because the CDC ones “are too strict” is all you need to know about where his priorities are. And tying federal funding to re-opening in full with no distance learning basically tells the schools that they have to re-open even if it isn’t safe. Pathetic.
@Ro G well said
@frictionRx9 I wouldn’t call the over-65 folks living in The Villages in Florida “liberal millenials” — they were on the news having a parade with their golf carts, remember? They are mostly Republican voters. They love living in The Villages because of all of the social activities – they advertise over 2,500 clubs and groups. The Villages has 26 golf courses – these are just for The Villages residents. And there’s many bars and restaurants within the community. It’s a total lifestyle, with the emphasis on an active, social life. So, please be reasonable – it’s not just “liberal millenials” who “gather and party and spread the virus.” It’s everyone. And everyone needs to take responsibility and show kindness and respect – both for themselves and for others.
DeSantis opened the state and placed all it’s seniors in extreme danger, does he care? No
He should 20% of Florida’s population is over 60. Without those seniors voting Republican, Florida would be a blue state. He is probably going to cost Trump Florida
If every senior down here trusted what they were selling the death rate would’ve passed NY already.
@4jrgolf Be careful…
@Sarah McCoy it’s going to backfire.
Seniors you have a lot of power vote the Republican enablers in legislation out and demand DeSantis resign, sue him if need be. He endangers you and your grand kids
In Florida, the governor will supply schools with Covid Cookies. That will assure plenty of classroom space and empty the Elder Care homes.
Too late! The Dem governors already killed off all the seniors in their nursing homes.
Didn’t take them long, either. Maybe Cuomo can give DeSantis a few pointers.
stay home teach your kids to read and write at home do not put them out there in this pandemic you’re bringing home to your family
That’s what I would do, with no thought about it, homeschool.
But teach your kids proper grammar…
What about the people who CAN’T do this, and have to work?
Remember when Florida was known for Disney World and spring break instead of crazy people and covid records?
Remember FL before red tide, toxic algae bloom and dead dolphins? They’ve been racing to the bottom so no wonder Don the Con claims it as his residence (btw in Mar a Lago charter it clearly states no one can claim it as their residence.) DeSantis is harboring a fugitive and fraudulent voter.
Jeff Webb – No, I was born in ‘74 but I remember that as a Canadian kid Florida sounded like a tropical paradise to me…boy, how times have changed
Yes, but also remember, Disney was a rabid Nazi sympathizer. Some things don’t change.
not really?
I have always known the country of Florida to be known for crazy people…
And Pence said we are “just beginning to flatten the curve.” What curve? The curve that shows how many uninfected people we have left? That’s the only curve I see flattening right now.
Yah you bet…I will get right on that, but it doesn’t matter anyway. I don’t live in your messed up country.
Now hurry up and tell me to mind my own business, so I can respond with “It sure would b e nice if America did the same”
Your country is an absolute disaster. The envy of nobody. The laughing stock to all. Trump got it right…but he did it all.
I’m out…have fun.
Flattening the curve is useless, Florida already done this, you need to bring the curve down to its knees. Your now climbing Everest.
he must have read the chart upside down
@Captain The USA is the greatest empire that has ever been created in Human history. More scientific advances have come out of this country than any other. We have our own problems but we’ll get over them; unlike other countries who like to envy the USA and blame us for their own internal problems instead of fixing your own country. We are the collective minds of the brave men and women who crossed the Atlantic many, many years ago. And a minimal death rate flu and the media’s exaggeration of what’s really happening is not going to bring this mighty empire down.
@Paul Knowsit and it will be the shortest empire in history because of decadence.
Drink the kool-Aid children. All ye faithful come Drink with thy Donald.
Come Nov. I’ll tell him what I think off it. He can keep that koolaid and shove it up his own a**.
John Worthington I have my Kool-Aid with vodka.
Now you were being very silly John, and acting like a juvenile. I like my Kool-Aid with vodka. You seem not to be able to add to an adult conversation?
DeSatan is after an appt by Trump so of course he doesnt care about floridians.
Right now he’s in charge of finding polyps!
Vote him out!! He knows he’s out.
Desantis is a murderer. Husk of a human being who’s loyalty to a madman and lack of respect for science is killing thousands.
@T. R. Campbell
What you have to fear most in America is political corruption, ignorance, and stupidity.
You have built a society, a culture, of racism and hypocrisy, of greed and eye-watering stupidity. A society where “my ignorance is equal to your knowledge”.
The home of the “alternative fact”.
What you do have is over 130,000 dead Americans, most of whom would still be alive today if it weren’t for those little details I just mentioned.
And the bodies keep on piling up.
@T. R. Campbell I know that no matter what there will be people who are willing to support Trump with his agenda to get re-elected and FL governor is absolutely one of them. Holding a rally in FL in the middle of a pandemic is an example. I believe that our eyes have been closed heavily on this situation and it is so alarming when I see professionals like scientists, health officials, epidemiologists, etc. quitting or being fired because our governor’s are choosing to treat them like trash or are asking them to lie. While it is great to hear that some people have recovered from the virus, a lot of people have also died. We have made American History by losing more Americans within just a couple of weeks/months than in the Vietnam war.
Yet. You are okay with this? Glorifying the virus by saying people who survived have a more “acute” sense of taste and smell? That we need to send kids back to school and put them in the middle of this pandemic and act like nothing is wrong?
I honestly can’t tell if you’re joking.
Catherine Garcia Well we have to wonder what is the Trumpsters agenda? I keep hearing that Democrats have to stop his agenda but I’m wondering what it is and I have never gotten a good explanation.
Do we want to stop supercharged economy? We had that prior to the virus. Trumpster dust it off our iconic JFK’s tax plan a supercharged economy both then and now. JFK gave us a roadmap to the future and I don’t know why Obama/Biden didn’t open up the map. Trump did it as a result we got eight supercharged economy in which lower classes fared better than upper classes according to the WSJ.
Do we want to go back to my taxes and draconian regulations that will force corporations and jobs to leave the country?
Do we want to stop full employment? When we look at the supercharged economy we saw amazing data on Hispanic employment, female entrepreneurship, and black unemployment was at a historic low. We want to stop that?
Do you want to stop a fair trade deals. We now have a good trade deal with more advantages for America between Canada and Mexico we want to stop that? We are now dealing with China in order to get better trade deals with the Chinese communist. We want to go back to kowtowing to China and letting them run the show?
Do we want to have other European countries pay their fair share for their own defense? Or do we want to shell out millions and continue to pay the defense of our European and Asian allies?
Do we want to go back to the failed Paris accord. We all remember the German Chancellor saying it had nothing to do with climate but everything to do with globalism.
If you leave a motion, hate, bitterness and rage aside and really take a serious look at what the Trumpster has done, he has initiated a lot of Democrat programs. Do we want to stop those? What are we trying to stop?
@T. R. Campbell At least they worked and continue to work on getting it down.
@Tessmage Tessera yep. So let’s stop killing babies.
Why can’t women “choose” before they become pregnant?
I guess many are too stupid to be “pro choice” beforehand.
A tadpole or any other animal is not the equivalent to a human. .
DeSantis: He’s a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody.
@Regina Garcia his ravings and self congratulations were proof of his mental health.
@John Thomas she’s a better person than DeSantis.
@Jay Ess My comment was about John Lennon of the Beatles, not Gal Gadot. And EVERYBODY is a better person than DeSantis
Because sore throat is the 1st sign of infection, every one needs to wash their mouths, not just their hands for virus prevention (animation 1 min)
Clever…..for a Democrat or an eight year old.
DeSantis may have found a way to fix social security.
Goodness that was hard, but you might just be correct my friend!
Oh bad boy……lol
@g g my humor only mirrors the darkness of our current leadership. After all I’m amazed that it’s still there and hope that coming Nov. it might not need to be as sinister as this to get one’s point across.
De Santis any relation to De Satanas?
How many decades has Florida had complete Republican leadership at the State level? Are people in Florida really this ignorant? You get the government you deserve, too bad for Florida!!!
Matt Thompson Were they shot by Democrats, or insane right wing radicals. 90%+ of all domestic terrorist attacks are from right wing lunatics. FFS!
Matt Thompson why should Bubba Wallace apologize? What did he do wrong?
I agree what’s the problem there?
@Matt Thompson yet no story on how many children are dying of drug overdoses in Republican cities and towns…

Yeah. Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, New York City, that’a all MAGA country, over run with Trump supporters.
If DeSantis had any decency he would have resigned already. And remember, he has been suppressing Florida COVID numbers for months.
Running Florida like a 3rd world country.
GOP and decency… tssss… GOP are all cowards afraid of Bunker Boi and they are for sale.
Yes he is an idiotic twin of Bunker inspector
I live in Florida and I absolutely agree with you. DeSantis will be spinning soon. He doesn’t care.
@M D FL grows rate and positivity rate are horrendous. We will soon be the new hotspot. Maybe we already are and it’s just hidden.
Reopening schools will be a total disaster for everyone!!!! This is totally irresponsible and the leaders should be held accountable!!!! This is criminal!!!
No accountability happening. You’re asking too much. You are not at all wrong, just asking too much from these “leaders”.
House of cards falls if we get rid of trump
Republicans have a convention during the pandemic. Stupid is as stupid does
@John Thomas Poor Donald, more and more abandoned by earlier supporters and more and more republican senators. Pathetic Donald holding yet another hate rally during the pandemic. That means he does not care about other people, only himself.. He is desperate of fear of losing even more fans. It is sad to watch a grown up man making such a fool of himself. Donald can’t live without attention and cheering. He always do his hate rallies in red states, because he believes he can still manipulate a small number of supporters in states with very uneducated, ignorant, misinformed, racists people with hate speeches, insults and bragging. He is too stupid to try to reach out for all the Americans. That is why he is losing supporters. He is a hateful, divisive,, destructive lunatic and that will be his fall. Donald does not have an agenda other than racism and hate. It is a mystery that there are people supporting such a destructive, anti America lunatic.
Donald has degraded the presidency, it ha lost its international prestige it used to have before this moron.. Now it is gone. left is a government with a l dangerous lunatic as a leader
Posted from the liberal Western Europe, free from mentally ill, destructive politicians
Democrats will have no convention at all. Hillary and the Superdelegates will take it away from Bernie…again.
@JLT Changeshifter facts frighten the Leftists
@karin backstrom I don’t know why you addressed that comment to me. I don’t support Trump. I doubt that little diatribe will turn any Trump supporters to your side. But good job venting, I guess
@Charlie Short Yup, the protests were not planned by the Democrat party, unlike the Republican conventions.
The lunatics are running the asylum. They should end up like Mussolini.