Flight attendants duct tape unruly passenger to seat

Frontier Airlines now says it "supports" and will pay the crew of flight attendants it had earlier said were suspended after restraining a passenger charged with groping and punching them.
The airline initially told CNN the crew members "will be, as required in such circumstances, relieved of flying pending completion of an investigation."
But after the union representing its flight attendants criticized the airline's "knee-jerk reaction to a short video clip that did not show the full incident," the airline voiced support for its crew.
"Frontier Airlines maintains the utmost value, respect, concern and support for all of our flight attendants, including those who were assaulted on this flight," spokeswoman Jennifer de la Cruz said in a statement. "We are supporting the needs of these team members and are working with law enforcement to fully support the prosecution of the passenger involved."
The incident on the weekend flight from Philadelphia to Miami comes as flight attendants around the country are grappling with a surge in unruly and even violent passengers.
The Federal Aviation Administration said Tuesday it received 100 reports of unruly passengers in the past week, for a total of 3,715 this year — a number far above anything it has seen before.

#PeteMuntean #CNN #Newsroom


  1. 101 ways to use duct tape 😂🤣😅😆🤪 those flight attendants deserve a raise, not suspension.

    1. @raul castañeda What if they don’t? And the flight doesn’t have enough authority/strength to restrain them?

    2. That would only add the cost to our flight, the FA’s should be trained on combatant guests, ie pepper spray…

  2. It’s awful that the company didn’t immediately protect their employees. That flight attendant did an amazing job keeping everyone safe by restraining that passenger.

    1. They are supposed to move all the strong male passengers to form a perimeter around him and do an emergency landing.

  3. It might be unconventional, but you can’t have the guy freaking out, hurting others, thousands of feet up in the air

    1. But he wasn’t freaking. He deliberately abusive. He knew what he was doing and had no intentions of controlling himself. Don’t let his actions fool you. He is an extremist, just like any other terrorist.

    1. The only reason they are suspended is because they didn’t conduct an emergency landing to get the guy off the plane as soon as possible.

    2. Absolutely ridiculous to duct tape a passenger to a seat . Lock him in one of the toilets ffs

    3. @Dorian Shades of gray It’s also ridiculous to grope two women and assault another flight attendant so whatever works at that point. Additionally , people still need to use the restroom and they should continue to have that right rather then disrupting it all because of one idiot.

    4. @Dorian Shades of gray absolutely ridiculous to act like a drunken moron. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Why punish the other passengers by locking this moron in a bathroom and not allowing them to use it?

    1. Aviation Anonymous? Why I’m no longer allowed on any airline flights for the rest of my stupid life…

  4. Ryanair would gave charged him for the tape, and then charged him a €10 untaping fee, or €20 Priority Untaping. Well done, crew.

  5. Everyone needs to learn respect and decency. And when someone is out of order people should do their civic duty and support the staff.

  6. He groped 2 flight attendant and attacked a third, and the airline initially suspended the flight crew? I’m so glad the public and unions hit back at Frontier. Airliner in the US need to support their staff.

  7. This is just crazy. I was just on flights this weekend and all I wanted to do is relax, look out the window, have a beverage and listen to music.

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻💋

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