We look back to Trump's very first full day in office as president to the first time he tried to change the weather and discuss with Tim O'Brien and Michael Steele.
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Flashback: Sharpiegate Is Not The First Time Trump Made False Weather Claims | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
America, aren’t you afraid of what this man trump is doing, don’t you care ? I do and I am not an American.
Nicest Complimenter Thank God His Approval rating Dropped down to 36% Yesterday…
I’m not Murican and I want to play March of the Gladiators everytime Don appears
@Roku not complacency, but greedy
I’m not American and I care also…although I’d learned a lot about American poeple since TRUMP is in the White House…Many are racist ’cause they are supporting TRUMP and have no empathy…I’m really disappointed but at list the truth came to light…
Lyn W I´m Swedish and I am worried too. In fact most of the world is. There are many really stupid people in America who do not understand how dangerous Donald is. He is deeply mentally illmd a global security risk
It’s easy to tell when the fake president is lying. His lips are moving.
… is tweeting
What about, when Trump and Putin have their little “private” meetings, and Trump’s “lips are moving”.
V : It must be so humiliating for Trump’s Tramps to have to FAKE Believe everything that drops from his Orange Orifice? So long as he stays racist and greedy, we’re stuck in their Land Of Fake Believe . . . Smh
those lying guppy lips of his
Trump is an absurd human being, and he belongs in a state hospital.
David J with you?
@Aaron Kiker Russian troll confirmed.
omi god is that right ? It’s confirmed ? Fake news like fake gods
@Aaron Kiker i understand from you anti America, anti freedom and democracy comment that you like dictatorship. Donald is very fond of dictators, he believes Putin over your intelligence agencies and is in love with another dictator, Kim Jun Un. Like Donald you are a traitor to your country. Scientists, who give life important information to the country, can be fired. I´m referring the the insane, completely false information the narcissist Donald sent to Alabama. The crazy Wilbur Ross threatened to fire the meteorologists who corrected the lunatic Donald. America is no longer a democracy, it is a dictatorship. Don’t contradict the dear leader or you get fired. The insanity in the W H has no limit. This is a very dark time in America.
0:55 “facepalm” I’m sorry god what have we done to deserve this guy

God Blessed America with a real president, not like that simpleton 44.
Ironically, it’s Americans who believe in the sky fairy who are responsible for this incompetent crook in the WH. Specifically evangelical christians.
@YouTube Moderator i understand from you anti America, anti freedom and democracy comment that you like dictatorship. Donald is very fond of dictators, he believes Putin over your intelligence agencies and is in love with another dictator, Kim Jung Un. Like Donald you are a traitor to your country. Scientists, who give life important information to the country, can be fired. I´m referring the the insane, completely false information the narcissist Donald sent to Alabama. The crazy Wilbur Ross threatened to fire the meteorologists who corrected the lunatic Donald. America is no longer a democracy, it is a dictatorship. Don’t contradict the dear leader or you get fired. Don’t believe in facts, Donald hates facts. Donald say to his primitive, naive fans: “Don’t believe what you hear and see, believe me”. That is what mentally ill, narcissistic dictators speak to the people. You are really one of those stupid, gullible fans. The insanity in the W H has no limit. This is a very dark time in America.
Sent from Europe
Donald Trump quote: “FACTS?!? I DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ FACTS!”
Trump will tell his empty headed followers not to believe their own eyes… And they won’t.
Trump, like any con-man, depends on people’s gullibility….
sadly true.
I’ll gullibly.. and happily vote for him again.
TRUMP 2020
@Aaron Kiker You are an obviously inferior person.
Again, this is a sad time for the US. History will not be kind to Trump, his family and his supporters.
Which side are you on?
History is not kind to Obama. Even the current Democrat candidates are saying what a lame president he was.
A M I am on Trump’s side
@midnighfairy I’m on Trump’s side too!
I’m definitely NOT on Trump’s side! Worst “president” in US history! This moron doesn’t deserve the title, the honor, or the privilege of being called leader and president and doesn’t deserve to be sitting in the White House at this moment or EVER!
@KatieCabo Trump’s economy is doing well and the illegal immigration situation is being addressed. No new wars. Seems Trump is doing ok so far.
Keep America a Laughing Stock

2020 ..
Jesus is a great tool for a Conman to play suckers. MAGA= MORONS ARE GULLIBLE AWAYS.
Watch these trolls defend trump, he never lies the media do, who made the sharpi mark on the map, NOAA AND CNN DID IT

DJ Architect

No God did it – because Trump is the best Christian in the world.
Trump 2020
@Aaron Kiker Moron.
@JESUS CHRIST THE MOST HIGH GOD Hillary and Obama did it
Counter factual = pathological Liar.
What a Joke of a Country!

Dump & his False Prophets …
once again: Conway stated that Spicer was giving “alternative facts”. Todd responded, “Look, alternative facts are not facts. They’re falsehoods.”
as biden said, i believe in truth rather than ‘facts’ (by trumputin).
being 100 miles away don’t make sense to trump either…. making himself money does !
I can’t believe the number of yowling pointy headed cretins that are showing up at his rallys. What a sad commentary on America. No wonder Duck Dynasty was so popular . . . . . .
You are more of a “Brokeback Mountain” type I see.
The reason his attys refused to allow him to be interviewed by Special Counsel is that he actually *cannot* be factual and truthful–it isn’t always within his control. It is a defense mechanism for people with his pathology to deny information that exposes them or impacts them negatively.
I challenge you to find me something – anything – trump did not lie about. Surprise me.
Early in his term, he said that this job is bigger than he thought.
Let’s see. Are you denying that there are tens of millions of illegals in the country?
For God sake, please give this Child a brain, used or demented it will be better than the one he has.
No, I say bash his Tiny Brain into oblivion.
Crminal Trump is a bandit and he and his gang are robbing you and your families every single day. How long are you prepared to put up with this? An!yone else would have been arrested tried and put where he cannot hurt anyone again. Behind bars
When is this nightmare going to end ? I want to wake up soon please someone do something ?
Treasonous Trump is pure filth…..he must be removed ASAP