Two police officers, one former officer and two paramedics in Aurora, Colorado, will face charges in the death of Elijah McClain, who was detained, placed in a chokehold and given a sedative in a confrontation with police in 2019. The Morning Joe panel discusses.
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Five People Indicted In The Death Of Elijah McClain
He played violin for shelter cats

@Geff Joldblum what? Its… on film. We all saw it. Guess racists gonna racist.
@Geff Joldblum No only the ones who encounter white supremacist race soldiers like this young violinist unfortunately did. Who had done nothing to be arrested for ijs
It is unfortunate we have to fight for the system to hold people accountable, but I am certainly glad that they were indicted. Now, see them to prison.
*Biden halts Drone preventing Kabul Bombing*
_Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs_ *Roger Pardo-Maurer* explained that they knew where and when the bombing would happen, but that they even had a Predator drone lock on the bomber, but that [“they”] refused to grant permission to take the guy out.
_“[Permission] was requested and was denied. Why? Because we are in this process of negotiating with the Taliban who aren’t even in control of their own government or their own people.”_
@BlaQ Bay17 he didn’t have a dog at the white house. U can’t be an American flag huger w/o liking companionship of a dog. If he had one, u wd have been a good pooper scooper
MSNBC just blocked me because responding to Barnacles comment about the police needing more education.
Educate systematic racism? If you have breast cancer the doctor will cut the whole breast away. I swear some white people are so tone deaf. If it’s not your communities being over policed and your children dying in the streets you just pull any solution out your behind.
@Remetia Tillis

Thugs with badges . police unions are out of control.
MSNBC just blocked me because responding to Barnacles comment about the police needing more education.
Educate systematic racism? If you have breast cancer the doctor will cut the whole breast away. I swear some white people are so tone deaf. If it’s not your communities being over policed and your children dying in the streets you just pull any solution out your behind.
@BlaQ Bay17 Trump admitted to deliberately downplaying the Coronavirus. Trump exposed America’s secret weapon to a Russian friend. Trump dismantled America’s Spy Planes. Trump changed the staff at the Pentagon before his planned Coup attempt to overthrow the government. Trump lied over 40,000 times while pretending to be America’s Leader, etc….
@Ice 247

@BlaQ Bay17 troll account

I don’t want to defund the police. I want to prosecute the perpetrators with extreme prejudice! No Union contract protections!
If they had to pay lawsuits out of their retirement fund, they would suddenly start reporting the bad cops before citizens could do it.
Defunding means to allocate funds to other social programs. That doesn’t mean get rid of officers but of course money could be used in other ways to help society.
Just seeing this sweet boys face brings tears.
me either
@Amber Banuelos Well said It was heartbreaking to watch this young man suffer the way he did.
@Mal C it really was, and it’s horrifying that it’s taken this long to even begin down this part of the road to justice. Any rational person could see this was an act of violence by people in authority against a young, thin, defenseless, and most importantly, innocent child. I hope each of the five defendants gets the book thrown at them.
It’s every day for me. What a gentle soul, apologizing for something he didn’t do breaks my heart
@Amber Banuelos So do I
I hope folks become more vigilant in calling out these injustices carried out by those who are supposed to be protecting communities. After all, justice matters, not only for the victims, but their families !?
This was a straight assassination and now no one is accountable for a needle injection are you kidding the way they say he resisted arrest for nothing or trying to save his life
Whole department should be fired and a new force should be hired. Aurora deserves better than that kind of statement.
Well, to be fair the statement is from the union and not the department. But, yeah, union leadership is categorically awful.
The police shall be held accountable for Elijah’s murder.
Let’s hope that’s true.
Corruption is so rife in American policing I won’t believe it until I see them being sentenced to at least ten years in prison.
*Biden halts Drone from preventing Kabul Bombing and Saving American Lives*
_Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs_ *Roger Pardo-Maurer* said they knew where and when the bombing would happen, but that they even had a Predator drone lock on the bomber, but that “they” refused to grant permission to take the guy out.
_“[Permission] was requested and was denied. Because we are in this process of negotiating with the Taliban who aren’t even in control of their own government or their own people.”_
This is disgusting. It is hard to believe we have so called public servants that enjoy torturing and murdering people. WTF! This sort of thing is outrageous.
@BlaQ Bay17 trump signed an unconditional surrender…this also has nothing to do with the topic….
@BlaQ Bay17 what planet are you from? What does this have to do with the subject being discussed?
@Mark Hansen It’s a scam or a bot. He/she has posted same message on all posts. Ignore
MSNBC just blocked me because responding to Barnacles comment about the police needing more education.
Educate systematic racism? If you have breast cancer the doctor will cut the whole breast away. I swear some white people are so tone deaf. If it’s not your communities being over policed and your children dying in the streets you just pull any solution out your behind.
@Pamela Judith Rwanyarare yeah it’s not even their first troll account, they have others as well.
Why does it take 2 years to press charges when somebody is murdered on camera
Because the cops are white. Had these been female or black cops they would’ve been in jail for 2 years by now.
Like imagine watching the people who murdered your son walking around your community and going to work everyday like nothing happened and they’re supposed to be protecting other people just like him?
They would have never held them accountable if people didn’t take to the streets and demand justice. Imagine how many these KKKops have killed…
local prosecutors are buddy-buddy with the cops. state prosecutors had to step in. covid prevented grand jury from assembling in timely fashion
The wheels of justice move slowly. Sometimes they fall off altogether.
End qualified immunity and force them to carry insurance like doctors.
@Joshua Frank Well said . Be well and be safe
@JOYA MAHAN You know, the more I read your comments, the more ignorant they get! Get it together girl

. If it were a loved one of yours what would you be saying or feeling??
@Remetia Tillis Agree 100%
. Be well and be safe
@Merry Arkose And? Your point is? We are talking about a young kid here, who did NOTHING wrong and killed (murdered) by several police officers and paramedics. And all of them were white. As a HUMAN BEING, it’s hurtful and painful to see. It’s called reality of how systemic racism works Merry. But be well and be safe.
So if it wasn’t for George Floyd’s murder, then Elijah’s case would not have be re-opened? Surely it shouldn’t have been closed in the first place ?
*Biden stop Drone from preventing Kabul Bombing and Saving American Lives*
_Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs_ *Roger Pardo-Maurer* said they knew where and when the bombing would happen, but that they even had a Predator drone lock on the bomber, but that “they” refused to grant permission to take the guy out.
_“[Permission] was requested and was denied. Because we are in this process of negotiating with the Taliban who aren’t even in control of their own government or their own people.”_
@BlaQ Bay17 So what’s your point in relation to Elijah’s killing?
@BlaQ Bay17 stfu about Kabul when your own nation cannot even fix it’s own original sin of hate and racism upon others. Cannot even control your own domestic terrorist.
@BlaQ Bay17 Another mindless Q follower. Did you throw a party on reinstatement day?
@Allowmetoexplain myattack Right on

He is a hateful troll that is saying this same crap over and over. No bloody heart
There is a level of evil in this country that simply doesnt exist in other developed nations. An evil so entrenched that it is seen as tradition.
I think it’s partly due to the ‘Love of the gun’ mentality. It brings out the worst in people, even ones who should be doing good.
Everyone involved in this young man’s death should be criminally prosecuted and why they wouldn’t be found guilty would be beyond my understanding
This is Murder
*Biden halts Drone preventing Kabul Bombing*
_Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs_ *Roger Pardo-Maurer* said they knew where and when the bombing would happen, but that they even had a Predator drone lock on the bomber, but that [“they”] refused to grant permission to take the guy out.
_“[Permission] was requested and was denied. Why? Because we are in this process of negotiating with the Taliban who aren’t even in control of their own government or their own people.”_
They photographed themselves mocking his death. You can’t train that kind of indifference out of a psychopath.
no, but changing how they’re trained, which currently amps their issues up, requiring them to undergo regular psychological checks, and ensuring they’re held accountable would help weed at least some of them out ; )
MSNBC just blocked me because responding to Barnacles comment about the police needing more education.
Educate systematic racism? If you have breast cancer the doctor will cut the whole breast away. I swear some white people are so tone deaf. If it’s not your communities being over policed and your children dying in the streets you just pull any solution out your behind.
Let’s say accidentally killing someone is the law enforcement equivalent of dropping a tray of drinks if you work at a bar… if your bartender copped an attitude after dropping a tray of drinks, wouldn’t you at least be generally concerned about the quality of their overall work? Personally, I might call a manager about something like that. But if that manager copped an attitude as well, then I would never give that entire establishment any of my money ever again… cause that’s how the free-market works baby.
The death of this boy and just how routine “misunderstandings” like this are might show a certain apathetic indifference in our society at large… but a full grown adult in a position of authority entrusted “to serve and protect” who is mocking the child who died in their custody speaks to something much more disgusting than indifference.
@Yawning Pheonix taking people’s money away is way more effective than lynchings… best part is you can do it totally legally by voting and more importantly without engaging in any terrorist acts…
@Carl Stockman Oh I’m sorry, that would make ME the terrorist?
Let’s not forget, there was no crime. Just a “suspicious” black guy.
@T.J. Cunningham YES
@T.J. Cunningham If the police attempted to arrest people on July 6th and they died in the process of being restrained and detained then it would their own fault.
Yup ur point cops don’t get to choose who calls the cops
@kingof Troy So you think these 5 were in the right and this was justified killing? Could you list the number of crimes McClain committed? Or tell me about his miles long rap sheet.
Abd maybe one with special needs like Asperger’s.
This young man wasn’t some “black guy”, he was a PERSON. Elijah McClain should not be gone.
Just because you wear a must doesn’t mean you’re a Criminal. God bless his family and friends.
RIP brother
“Sooner or later, karma always catches up. They are reaping what they sowed”