Protests crop up across the U.S. after Memphis police released footage that showed officers beating Tyre Nichols. He died after a traffic stop earlier this month.
RELATED: Tyre Nichols' family attorney calls for end of SCORPION units
Officers used a stun gun, pepper spray and a baton on a 29-year-old Black driver, hitting him at least 13 times during a brutal traffic stop that left him hospitalized before he died three days later, according to footage of the violent arrest released Friday.
In one of four videos released Friday by the city of Memphis, officers can be heard yelling at Tyre Nichols to get out of his car and then can be seen forcibly removing him from the car. The video shows officers attempt to use a stun gun on Nichols, who runs away.
Another video shows an officer running toward other officers and Nichols, who is on the ground. The officer threatens to pepper spray Nichols, who is heard repeatedly screaming for his mother. The officer steps away, brings out a baton and strikes Nichols while other officers punch him in the face.
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#TyreNichols #Memphis #Police
If these people put as much effort into getting a job as they do this protest nonsense, this country would be a better place!
How do you know that they don’t have jobs? Did you take a survey?
Nonsense???? A man was beaten to death…..he was murdered!! How would you feel if that was your father, son, brother or uncle? Did you see the video? I did!! It made me sick to my stomach.
@phillydaveg I was talking about the protest that are useless! Not his murder! Are you illiterate?
No justices no peace;R I P TYLER