Former President Donald Trump is facing mounting legal trouble from five separate investigations in New York, Georgia and Washington DC. CNN's Sara Murray reports. #CNN #News
Five elected investigators are turning their attention to Trump

Former President Donald Trump is facing mounting legal trouble from five separate investigations in New York, Georgia and Washington DC. CNN's Sara Murray reports. #CNN #News
just five? that seems low
Only 5 that are elected officials. There are even more that are from what Trump would call the deep state, like the justice department
Behold the golden Imp.
This is thy god, O idiots.
This is the kind of politics they play in the Third World. Sad.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Thank god there are strong Women in this world.

amen and awomen…..yawn
Oh yes!
Strong Lying libtards.
It’s a fishing expedition, we’re fishing for A-holes.
Trump has the support of 55% of Republicans in the top 6 projected contenders. He never broke 50% approval among all voters. He lost the popular vote twice. The electorate is projected to become more liberal and diverse over the next 4 years as he’ll surely have civil, if not criminal troubles.
That’s the basket Republicans want to put all of their rotten eggs in?
@Incognito. HR1 means untraceable postal ballot vote tally adjustment for , every state in America atm, democracy alone won’t fix it. Fortunately we’re working on a route to take Blue (Capitalist) economic power away from them directly & thereby removing their ability to subvert Prime Ministers, grab a GameStop share & by the end of the year we’ll turn it into house buying money & get ya out the wage sl@ve Black (Nationalist) renter class & into the homeowner Red (Populist) class.
@J Groovy Meh, your sample group for vote prediction has been routinely biased/corrupted to the point that Democrats had to print their own votes to win by a hairs breadth. Hate to break it to ya, your living in a Blue (Capitalist) dictatorship enforced by a national guard sworn directly to the fuhrer himself, bloody embarrassment & has put democracy under question worldwide (e.g Myanmar).
@Chris liv The 55% was directly from CPAP over the weekend but keep babbling.
@J Groovy young people don’t vote. You’re banking on the wrong people. Not to mention Joe is basically a moderate Republican.
There’s no rest for the Wicked.
That’s why joe is still alive
Yawn. people literally buy their way out of taking lives in the US so long as the victim is far enough down the capitalism food chain, Blue (Capitalist) mandated law will always be deeply at odds with the best interests of the nation, & even, species survival. Prove a Black (Nationalist) renters life is exactly equal to a Blue (Capitalists) life by ignoring Blue mandated law & Black custard ballooning those 2 clowns sitting in their stolen thrones of power, when they finish the national debt de@th spiral they’re accelerating Blue creditors will step in & end the state subsidies that keep wage sl@ve Black (Nationalist) renters alive anyway.
Or if youre a homeowning Red (Populist) in danger of losing their home by having their job outsourced by CPTPP, Red custard ballooning them to show that economic sl@very as a Black (Nationalist) renter is equal cause to ignore Blue mandated law to redress the political economic power imbalance that allows Blues to trade your lives for profits while your forbidden from trading their lives to save yours. 1 life equals 1 life & All Black (Nationalist) Lives Matter, the opportunity cost cascade calculation doesn’t accept ‘following the law’ as reasonable excuse for taking the lives of others indirectly or allowing others to take those lives any more than ‘following orders’ protected non anti-semite Germans from the righteous consequences of their actions while under orders.
“Rather than lamenting loudly about a drowning man, take your foot off his fudging head”
George Ezra – Did Ya Hear The Rain?
@Erica Fay Agreed

@Chris liv you feel better after your little pointless rant?
@Erica Fay exactly. She probably keeps them away from trump so he doesn’t molest them
Joe Black got Cail is on i trilllion doollar fraud, but he not the host of the apprentice
As my late mama used to say: WOE… BE UNTO HIM…

Woe woe woe be unto all of us says the Bible.
These are certainly not politically motivated. In NY, it’s like the 20th investigation.
We need to see what’s in hunters laptop and all their taxes
“I just wanna find 11,780 votes.” There are as many investigations as there are criminal acts coming from his lips for the past 4+ years. No, its not too many. Its probably too few. Plus, love that all if this is Bipartisan…..some of the people investigating him are from his own party and voted for him first time around. The common denominator is being sick of his constant criminality.
@Elisa Nevins It’s a witch hunt.
@Elisa Nevins nothing is on it if there was there would of been proof just like Hilary’s email get over it ! You better worry about evil Donald
Just more Anti American Democrats .. who we bombing next ? … how many more countries get our tax dollars stolen from us . How bout all the immigrant kids in cages now? .. there’s about 500 more things wrong with the Dem party , but I’m not going to waste my breathe talking to communist freaks.
Where is Q when needed most? oh right, internet forum..
There are a lot of fish in that swamp that need to be reeled in.
Trump is the worst by far. He points the finger at democrats about his own faults.
@Tracy Young you got it the other way around, just like Psaki blaming something on Trumps administration even though they had nothing to with it.
@⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ well when Trump was President he was a complete failure, are we supposed to drink your Koolaid and lie about reality?
@T D you gonna still believing that you’ll get your 2k stimulus immediately?
“The Lord works out everything to its proper end–even the wicked for a day of disaster.”
— The Bible
Sometimes a fishing expedition catches fish
The investigations are so “politically motivated” that both parties have to investigate him.
Trump/Russia Collusion hoax.Pee pee bed hoax.Kavanaugh/Ford hoax.Officer/Insurrection fire extinguisher hoax.And hoax after hoax.Smollet Hoax.All FAKE NEWS@!
Blah, blah, blah… and nothing happens. How many times have we heard, “I’m calling for an investigation!” ? And nothing happens. It’s just noise. tRump & his brood will walk free and laugh in the faces of us all. Hell, he could be president again in ’24!
T-rump lost the popular vote in 2016. Lost the popular vote in 2020. He will lose in 2024. The fear is that he will send his worshippers to burn down the White House.
2020 Trump: “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.”
2021 Trump: “Prison. Guard. Jumpsuit. Cell. Bars.”
Let me see we’ve had four years of nothing Burgers from the Democrats…. my guess is all going to be another nothing Burger…ha ha ha. BIG O
I don’t care how they get him, I just hope they do and “lock him up”.
What goes around, comes around. Please let it be true.