Author Thomas Ricks in his new book 'First Principles,' looks at the founding fathers and their educations and how that education helped shape America. Aired on 11/9/2020.
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#ThomasRicks #FirstPrinciples #MSNBC
'First Principles' Looks At The Education Of Founding Fathers | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Will he pass 15 dollar minimum wage?
Will he end American foriegn intervention?
What’s Joe’s policy on evictions…he never mentions them
You think God liked Joe’s Libya policy… Tens of thousands murdered
You even a Democrat..did you bother voting
It’s a great Day For America! Adios to the Bunker Baby!
God Bless our next President … Joe Biden!
Growing up in the rich family act like a little kids everything he want is need to belong to him! Give it to me

Thats exactly what Aristotle said when he met Terence on the island of mykonos just before they went to suffocate a hamster together!
William : I heard you mention my name so here i’am.
@BunkerBoy tRump LOL Hey! How is it going?
Thank you kindly and your ancestors as well.

Lots of love
for Mexican-Americans 
So proud of you!
The education system in America is going to the dogs under tRump & Betsy Devos. Speaking of education, remember tRump University?
Education has been going to the dogs ever since Reagan. The rich just *didn’t* (wah) have enough in the ’80s and now they can’t take enough from everyone else. /s
Yes & we need to get rid of No Child Left Behind which is leaving millions of children behind & killing themselves across our nation in the thousands, ages 10 – not 10th grade – 10 yrs old – 18. Our conservative, business state of Utah was the state with the highest number of kid suicides in 2016 at 600! We’ve been in the 600s every yr since. It’s an absolute tragedy & disgrace!

@wildcatter63 No, this is just our first stepping stone!
@Diana Smith Trump did that pretty much every Dept of the Executive Branch: an oil magnate over the EPA, Jared over, well everything, including foreign relations, the COVID plan, etc.
@bellamoon Our government has Billions to spend on it, but wars – the ‘Defense'(war) budget is 54% of our entire national budget – ‘intelligence’ agencies like the NSA – who spy on us – got $60 Billion for 2020! People, even kids, just aren’t priorities for Republicans. Oh yeah & making the filthy rich even richer.
@Steve Beaty no.
I think the only thing the founding fathers did not foresee was the term I’m coining “the feckless McConnell factor.” They never thought an entire brach would just freeze & blow-up the whole machine. They assumed the 3 branches would keep each other in check. I wish the constitution said, “refusing to work with your co-governors is a failure & slowing them wheels of government is treason!”
@Erin Murphy Vote. Keep pushing the Republicans out. Vote Justice Democrats in. AOC and the squad, TYT, and all the progressive channels out there will keep you informed on what to do and how we can fight.
@SGT. Torouk I really really love the Damage Report, but TYT I have a hard time watching the main show. Love the guests! The hosts have a terrible habit of minimizing their own perspective by devolving into childish mocking. It’s like a bad habit at this point. Anna & Jake do it habitually. It’s a shame bc they are both incredibly intelligent but I think in an attempt to be funny they resort to silly voices & childish jokes. It has put me off for years. I’ve been listening to Sam Sedar for 20-ish years. Michael Brooks’ passing was an immense loss this summer. He brought not religious philosophy but a spiritual element that I think is being overlooked right now. David Pakman is my other favorite at this time. That kid is getting huge & I think he’s a brilliant level minded young man who can make a big difference while posing intelligent rational empathetic perspectives.
GREAT idea!!!
The founders hated cities. Empty space has to much power. That’s not fair any more. It’s a distortion.
The true and TRUTHS. God wins.
Thank you so much again sir.
Speaking of “Education in America” remember tRump University?
that is the antithesis of education, its conservatism !!
@GiarkReleos : tRump University was a scam. Donald ripped off thousands of gullible students with his bogus University & was fined $25,000,000.00.
Rather not
@Christer Ahlner : Whats wrong Christer? You’d rather not remember that you are an alumni & graduate of tRump University or what? Sorry if I brought a flashback or something as my original comment wasn’t meant your way.
This is a extremely short lesson that all conservatives need to be brainwashed to understand, because they clearly don’t !!
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” J. Lennon.
A fart in a hurrican does not stink. – Me
@mako Are you saying Republican senate was hurricane and Trump was fart.
Remember when Donald tRump had to pay a $25,000,000.00 fine for fleecing thousands of gullible students with his bogus & fake University?
I wonder if he ever paid it or did he just stiff whoever it was he was meant to pay?
The Confederacy is what trump wants to come back, nope
We kinda need to return and find out where we went wrong. If we’re gonna fix equality let’s do it right this time. What did Lincoln want us to do??

That one reason, for all is hatred, bulliness and racism speaches. Your not born to hate, bully or born to be races.
Don’t confuse the U.S. articles of confederation (1777), with the southern Confederacy (1861-1865) — they are not at all the same thing.
Donald Trump just said The Walking Dead stole his election someone should tell him it’s a TV show
Now that’s funny, but I agree Trump dosen’t live in reality.
So was the Apprentice. It was not reality.
In honor of Alex Trebek:
Q: This disgraced President is the only person to have both been impeached and lost the popular vote twice.
A: Who is Donald Trump?
That’s right. Who is or was Donald Trump?….(answer: sound of crickets)
He is the only president for a lot of things. May someone like him, or him, never happen again.
Circle gets the square. No wait……
President Elect:Biden
President Reject: Trump
Trump’s Talking about, running around 2024 , They got to be Kidding!
It’s a great day for the United States of AMERICA. It’s a great day for the World.
How to keep a republic sustainable? Educate the people.
Wow! How much research must have gone in writing this book of Historical significance!
I’m not American but I’ll definitely read it.
230 years is a good run, time for an update. One that’s Trump proof!
Abolish the Electoral College and make D.C. and Puerto Rico states.
My thoughts EXACTLY!!!
Donald Trump “You’re fired”
Hopefully you will pay accordingly.
Law & Order along IRS
will be awaiting for you with arms wide open
News Week November 9, 2020
Trump Private Helicopter worth over $1 million up for sale after the Presidential election.
Yet one little
McConnell has blocked all progress. That seems wrong. One person should not yeild that much power