A federal civil rights trial is underway in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with three ex-police officers charged with violating George Floyd's civil rights. Former Officer Tou Thao was called to testify in his own defense after the prosecution rested. #CNN #News
First of 3 ex-officers involved in George Floyd’s death takes stand

Don’t drop the soap. I hope these cops get everything they have coming
George Floyd got what was coming his way
They’ll be segregated from the general population. A cop would be shanked a nightfall otherwise.
@Callum nathan Neither do right wing males. That’s why they’re so homophobic. They can’t control their urges for pushing in stools.
They were all complicit in the felony crime by watching their colleague commit the murder, and they all deserve to go to prison.
@Oggsmash99 we agree for the most part. As far as it being in the same city your same state yes I missed that, but still different cases, prosecutors and judges. But mandatory sentencing is a whole other topic.
@Clyde C McElroy Murder….some things might need a minimum. Lots of things can be flexible.
@The Tweatles Every doctor has testified that it wasn’t from a drug overdose!! So stop lying!
@Oggsmash99 yeah murder could have a minimum I agree.
@White And Proud and now they can pay the price
Similar to a female officer that stopped her superior officer from pepper spray a handcuffed individual in the back of a cop car the Superior officer turned around and choked the female officer while the officers stood around and just watched.
this cop is innocent. he can’t interfere with a superior.
@kay armstrong so if a superior is killing somebody everybody else around has to stand and just watch
@RJCHOICE criminals that were murdered by police officers somehow they deserve to be murdered because they committed crimes?
@Sal Spencer Even in military if your superior tells you to kill innocent people you will go to jail for murder obeying unlawful orders is still obeying unlawful orders.
One chick with balls in a sea of weak subordinate men. Sounds about right
Commissioner Ramsey is STILL sharp and on point. He should have had a role in the Biden administration.
The incentive should be making sure your doing the right thing otherwise expect to be held accountable for your actions.
Problem is accountability isnt held up.
You want the culture change.
Hold the chiefs and captains that do nothing and claim they investageted accountable.
Termination no pension.
Then investiagate if there was a cover up or other coverup which can lead to conspiracy charges.
Yes. This!
The obvious defense is that I feared the consequences of challenging the senior officer. Stating you weren’t being observant is poor defense. They really don’t have a shot at an acquittal, so it’s better to just try to reduce your sentence.
Not guilty !!!! Free Derek!!!!!
@Sal Spencer All that bullshit goes out the window when you and every civilian in plain sight can see that your superior is murdering someone in cold blood.
@Sal Spencer The exception is when the senior officer murders someone in front of you. The “I was just following orders” didn’t work at Nuremberg and it won’t work here. Illegal orders are expected not to be obeyed.
They were all guilty to publicly executed man for being claustrophobic is beyond cruel no words for any of them
He should’ve stayed in the police vehicle. He might still be alive today. Floyd is just as guilty as the officers.
@BigBad Daddy If you’re kneeling on a persons neck for almost 9 mins and they’re pleading ,begging and crying for you to stop because they can’t breathe and then they go limp and you continue to keep your knee on their neck after they’ve passes out you’re either too stupid or too psychotic to be a cop. No one is arguing Floyd was a saint but he was cuffed when he died and according to his detractors had a lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. Don’t know if you know anything about opioids but they’re not exactly energy boosters. If he was as high as people claimed and handcuffed there’s no way you could ONLY subdue him by kneeling on his neck. And if you couldn’t tell he was either dead or passed out then you truly should NEVER have been allowed to be a cop. I know six year olds that can tell the difference between dead, sleep, and awake. A trained officer doesn’t have an excuse for what he did.
@Elijah arvinger Kirby said I can’t breathe before ever being touched by a cop.
@Duramax Dad Irrelevant. My point stands if you can’t tell a man is unconscious or dead while you’re kneeling on his neck you have no business being a cop. You’re either stupid or incompetent or a murderer or all three. Especially a handcuffed man who’s on enough fentanyl to kill him(according to people who just wanted to see him die because the coroner’s office ruled it death by asphyxiation). He should have been as docile as new born kitten. Fentanyl is 10 to 20x stronger than heroin. And heroin addicts aint out here running marathons. You guys can try to justify it all you want but we saw the video. Dude was unresponsive for at least 3 minutes and this turd of cop kept kneeling on a dead mans neck.
This is a good thing. This may get more officers to actually start stopping the thugs on their force when they do stuff like that. I know they also have to change cop culture as well, because when you are actually a good cop that stops bad cops, you do not get treated well at all.
Well why is it still happening then after George Floyd’s death ? Sorry but you need to educate yourself
@Jo Sm I’d have enough sense not to try to disrupt an election.
@Kelly MM no, you need to stop being an ignorant racist. Police murders are up 50% this year.
@Mister Hat I’ve enough sense to realise that election was over and they couldn’t disrupt it.
If you didn’t have double standards you’d have no standards at all.
I’m sure you were silent when the riots ran through the streets of DC to stop Trump taking office in 2016? And silent on May 2020, when the BLM rioters attacked the Whitehouse, forcing the president to take refuge, and when they tried to burn down a church, vandalise public property and injured 60 officers.
@Jo Sm For a troll, you’re a lousy one. Muted.
A police officer who failed to comply with the police policy to PROTECT AND SERVE IS AS GUILTY AS THE OTHER CRIMINAL OFFICER THAT COMMITTED THE CRIME LOCK THEM UP !!!
When white nationalists and criminals hide behind badges it sullies the entire profession.
Its called an accessory to the crime, they stood by and watched it and did nothing. and Tao also lied and said that he didn’t know that George stopped breathing, and that was a lie.. If you can’t stand up to your co-worker, how are you going to stand up to a criminal.. Its the the blue wall of silence. and its sick
To protect and serve is more a slogan than a policy.
@Mister Hat i agree with you and that is why is nesesari to reform the police
‘not my job’ = ‘not my problem.’ i guess ‘personal accountability and responsibility’ isn’t part of the training, perhaps because most of us learn it when we’re children.
you don’t question a superior officer.
qualified immunity
@kay armstrong wasn’t Tao the one with experience and years on the force? Chauvin wasn’t his sergeant was he?
That’s one of the major problems with “Defund the police.” When policing pays so badly it attracts the rotten apples.
Tao was asked why he didn’t step in to help George Floyd and he said “it wasn’t his job” smh
@Sal Spencer What do you think Tao would’ve done if it was one of his family members, you think he would stand by and watch it happen cuz Chauvin is in charge? give me a break
@Katie Knutson you probably don’t make it very well in an environment where there’s a chain of command do you?
What about the people that stood around and watched and filmed? Should they be held accountable too? Or was it not their job also?
This Katie girl thinks blacks are gentle … u better wake up before u become a victim like so many
*Law enforcement SHOULD be held to a much higher standard of conduct.* 🤷🏻♀️
gee, just hold them to ANY standard of conduct
The highest
and so should our elected officials but we see what level of corruption happens.
I agree, I want law enforcement to arrest violent criminals…..but ONLY if they do so in a manner that’s inline with my sensitive and extremely delicate sensibilities.
When a rookie officer has more common sense than veteran officers, that in itself poses a issue regardless of the case.
You might have more sense than the CEO of the company you work for, but if he orders you to do something you better do it or you’ll be working someplace else next week.
Yeah, when an eight year old has more common sense than 4 trained officers, that is frightening. The 17 and 8 year old witnesses told the MPD officers that Floyd needed medical aid and that they were hurting him. They ignored the crowd instead.
The first duty of a police officer is to protect life.
That’s right❗️
Mr I can’t breathe was well protected in the backseat of the cop car. How come he got out?
Well, maybe some. Others think it’s to gain power over others. Standard sociopath (rapist) mentality.
is that what the officer oath says???
So in short this offercer is saying.
Yes i was there and yes i could have done more but the other officer in my opinion had it handle so why should i get punished for keeping an eye on the PPL in the area
Stop training them to back up their fellow officers, train them to uphold the law. They backed up a murderer instead of backing the law. Backing up Derek made them accessories to murder.
Easier said than done. Police rely on each other for their very lives. If you’re a cop and you’re about to kick in a door to an armed criminal’s apartment, do you really want your backup officers to be carrying a huge grudge against you. Frank Serpico was almost killed in that exact scenario.
You’re preaching to the choir, I was in the infantry and deployed to Afghanistan. But I got news, no body backs up anyone committing crimes because the local nationals will attack and kill people not involved. You let it go and next thing you know there’s a sniper or a bomb in the road. Police misconduct is the same as letting a war crime go while down range
In this situation you’re known by The Company You Keep and sometimes that company can bring it to destruction🤔
Saint George lives on. Such an amazing human. The role model of the people.
Exactly. What a piece of human filth. Honored by dummies.
The rookie had an option. Apparently keeping his job was more important to him than a human life!
so this was an approved hold and you assume that these people could see the future while the action was happening? I guess you think cops are gods are something.
Chauvin’s accomplices MUST be held accountable. Being new on the job or whatever is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for pretending that one Black life did not matter. ACCOUNTABILITY for anyone who in any way helped to murder of George Floyd!!!
are you someone that says that Alex Baldwin is no way responsible for killing the woman on the set? Be careful, it’s directly related to who you’re claiming is responsible.
I can’t breath! (Took lethal dose of Fentanyl) 💀Please…as if Black Americans are these poor innocent little Lambs. Cut the BS out.
He got 22 Years in The Booty House.
Floyd is a good boy now … better off for all of us and free them cops …