Voters in today’s New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary are more likely to be female and more educated than those voting on the Republican side, early results from the NBC News Exit Poll show. Aired on 02/11/20.
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First N.H. Exit Polls Show Drop In Young Voters | MTP Daily | MSNBC
well more educated for sure, does that really need to be said?
An Educated Republican is a Democrat. That’s been a popular saying since the 1970’s. It’s never been more accurate than it is now however.
Who’s #1?
LOL. Those numbers are based on 20 votes!! That they even have a leaderboard based on 20 votes is absurd
Tod you should APOLOGIZE!!
“Let’s struggle to make it look like someone other than Sanders is winning!”
I will guess the majority of comments:
1) Why don’t they have Bernie on?
2) Corporate media hacks don’t want to show Bernie in the lead.
3) MSNBC will do anything to NOT promote Bernie.
4) The DNC has rigged the election AGAIN, against Bernie.
5) MSNBC is bashing Bernie.
6) Who is not praising Bernie?
7) Hillary Clinton, and the establishment want to destroy Bernie.
8) [insert some other hysteria…it doesn’t matter what it is]
@Zeno of Citium
Reminds me of Paulbots. Pushing agitprop and right wing anger. Looks like Jenna Abrams is at it in spades.
@Zeno of Citium THIS is why I hate BERNIE BROS..& Bernie
Ok. Let’s see how MSNBC bashes Bernie now…
Somebody needs to give sleepy eyes Chuck Todd a razor. He looks like a homeless guy
Who cares about crusty old white men… Once again a beautiful non white cast gets shafted.

OMG The exit polls from 7am show more old people?!?
Bye Golly the “dem leaderboard” at the bottom at the start of the video is from less than 20 early voters… I’m not kidding it’s amazing they don’t point that out
@Richard Slater Exactly. The leaderboard they are going to keep on screen as much as possible during the day.
“Not trying to effect anything over here. If anyone on the internet points it out we will call them Sanders Brigade and change the subject with an Ad hominem attack!”
Younger people are late day and evening voters. The early exit polls always reflect this. MSM has their fingers crossed as they salivate hoping somehow this time will be different.
These JERKS at MSNBC claim to be reporters, they forgot to mention the MASSIVE crowds that came to support Our President Trump. They stood in line for 24 hours in stormy weather, but I guess that’s not news! Here is REAL news:
Fire chuck todd!
It’s almost like younger people have work and college during the day while over 65’s are retired. Ffs.
@darien norman i was talking about it being about 15:00 when msnbc said this. Younger people hadn’t had the time to vote yet.
@Karl Eriksen boomers at this point are responcible for the ills of the country. Since the last of your generation came to voting age, boomers have had the largest voting block. So basically since reagan, you all have put politicians in office.
Younger People Are Sick Of The Democrats And The Mainstream Media.
Tod you are such sad individual. Your family must be so embarrassed and ashamed. Please resign.
I’m leading
You got my 3 votes!
a white dork posing as a Black guy?
How do you still have Todd on the air after that?
Look at Chuck…he’s just excited that younger voters aren’t showing up and we all know why. Mmhmmm
Operation chaos!! So enjoyable and fun!!
The Young voters are aware of MSDNCannibals
So, the youngest voters hasn’t voted yet?
Should you really make such “analyses“ of the people voting, _Now???_
Ummmm Independent voters != Centrist voters. Independent just means people like me who throw up at the idea of having to join shitlib democratic party.
Agree, lifetime dem. It’s over. Not a rep either. No party party girl.
What does MSNBC have against a Communist, Socialist ,breadlines loving old fart that has never worked a day in his life?
He is going to make multi millionaires like them pay the same tax rate on their investments as the guy who works 80 hours a week to get ahead. He is likely to change campaign finance laws, end corporate capture of regulatory agencies, end the wars, legalize marijuana, and cut military spending- all of which are bad for MSNBC’s owners and advertisers. Just so you know, it’s not how many days Sanders worked that matters to YOU, its whether his policies favor WORKERS like you.
HAHA are they showing exit polls from this morning? NBC has no soul
See Tuck Chud going all mouth watery with premature, inconclusive data