NBC’s Dasha Burns gets an exclusive first look of the ultracold freezers that will be used as storage units for the incoming Pfizer vaccine. Aired on 12/02/2020.
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#Pfizer #Vaccine #MSNBC
First Look Inside SD Hospital Where Ultracold Storage Units Will Freeze Pfizer Vaccine | MSNBC
Millions will be homeless or dead even with a vaccine. Due to the lack of a relief package from the politicians for the people.
Wow Georgia republicans you have already lost Republicans why risk your life to vote for someone who has already lost why not join the winning Democratic team and be American
You get what you vote for.
Dakotas have an advantage. It gets so cold there it could just be stored on your porch.
Why not Minot?
Freezin’s the reason.
Dakotas have a big advantage. They just don’t care.
That Governor don’t need a vaccine….virus is a hoax remember…
Noem thinks the virus is a hoax: but she just loves going shopping for shiny new technology. South Dakota: it’s to die for.
Why freeze if so important give them out immediately
At NO time can the virus dip below a certain temp. It can’t just hang out on a counter. It has to go from the freezer directly to the body,
@Jill L you mean vax but yea I get that just saying shouldn’t need to keep it frozen long if its so bad the 40 50 million doses should be given out soon as they land
Why don’t Americans have affordable healthcare, education and housing like Europeans ?
We’re backwards in many ways. Hard to explain.
Wow Georgia republicans you have already lost Republicans why risk your life to vote for someone who has already lost why not join the winning Democratic team and be American
The Evangelicals haven’t figured out a way to stop the Blacks from benefiting.
Mentally, most US-Americans still live in 15th century.
Great for the rich and good luck. Prefer living in New Zealand where eliminating the spread of Covid-19 in our population was achieved. Recent news Gilead Science and Regeneron antibiotic don’t work.
Under the Biden administration it will be free. Maybe before popping off about policy in a country you don’t live, aquatint yourself with the full story.
@Jill L Excuse you for popping off you should aquatint(acquaint
)yourself with the full story. The global story not the self centred narcissist image some Americans thrust upon others. #resistance which I have been an active member for the past 4 years. It is not free to those who have died or their families who are left with medical bills. Presently Mich has veto power on any relief the average American could access. FACT there is no vaccine approved nor a nationwide delivery system set up. Which part don’t I get maybe which part don’t you get. My son and his mates have been deployed in support of American troops any decisions made by a sitting President impacts families worldwide. Example Trump abandoned the Kurds. Allied Special Forces were left behind.
Something which isn’t covered much (especially on US media) is that the countries with the best Covid 19 response (Yourselves, Germany, Iceland, Norway) tend to have women in control of the government. So the US chose very wisely when it decided to have the worst Covid 19 performance in the whole world.
Newsome aint scared of a covid
He brave , Wow Georgia republicans you have already lost Republicans why risk your life to vote for someone who has already lost why not join the winning Democratic team and be American
Shocking reports of MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD
Russian Asset
Arizona voicemail.
Wow, how encouraging! But wait, doesn’t one actually need to be TESTED for Covid 19 to qualify?
Oops, that’s the immunotherapy regimen being used, instead. For a very select few…{privately insured}.
That’s right folks, ZERO testing for asymptomatic peoples here in the state of sadness… if you are covered by the weak version of Medicaid or the Indian Health Services. Whoops, did I just type that out loud??
Antibody testing anyone? Na, my Dr. even told me incredulously that here in Sioux Falls, “they just aren’t doing that’.
Herd Mentality rides again.
Oh and about ‘Denny’; as in Denny Sanford, actual Billionaire with his name now stamped on everything not owned by Avera Medical Conglomerate.
Um, yes, ‘Denny’, pretty spendy. Good thing you secured that 501(c) non-profit status! Phew. Zero taxes paid… unless someone let’s the IRS know that both you and the good nuns of Avera actually DO aggressively pursue payment… oops… that’s a violation of the IRS laws… Have a great day all!
Do you understand that vaccines are designed to be a preventative, not a curative?
@Deborah Freedman Yes I do, I also understand the pharmacokinetics of people with cancer, like my sweet sister in law, who have also now contracted covid-19, is disqualified from vaccines.
Add organ transplant recipients {still alive, except my brother} would also be disqualified to pump more viral load into their already highly compromised immune systems.
A long time friend of mine recently said that ‘it’s all good, they’ve found an antidote.”
Well, on the right track I guess?
But hey, let’s just throw another superspreader event and have college basketball players in town… tonight!
Those making less than $50k will be the last to have access even though it was their tax dollars that funded the research. Remember that $1.2 trillion tax break that was given to the wealthy,? Remember when trump only paid $750.00 in taxes? They are only rushing this thru to cash in big from this failed administration. Do you honestly think big pharma is developing a so called “cure ” out of the kindness of their hearts? Do you think big pharma is doing all this testing free of charge? Meanwhile the taxpayers will be stuck with paying off this $5k per dose debt along with the $1k cost per test to see if someone is positive for generations to come.
Each and every child brought into this world today is automatically born into owing $80k to the government which has been a broker for the wealthy for decades.
You remember the 9 trillion obama stimulus package and website to trace the money that we are still waiting on you minus that from the debt
20 trillion
_ 9 trillion
= 13 trillion THAT WAS AWESOME!!!
Still waiting on that list of hospitals that are overwhelm so the ain’t scared generation
Can do a follow up
Wow Georgia republicans you have already lost Republicans why risk your life to vote for someone who has already lost why not join the winning Democratic team and be American
@Harris Biden 2020 WON !!! LOL we pefer to keep our souls
Wow Georgia republicans you have already lost Republicans why risk your life to vote for someone who has already lost why not join the winning Democratic team and be American
Trump is responsible for a holocaust of the United States of America just like they did to the native Americans oh I forgot we don’t matter.
Yes, if only ISIS had been able to recruit the Donald. Oh, wait ……
The vaccine is from BioNTech, not from Pfizer. Ugur Sahin, a muslim Immigrant here in Germany is the mastermind behind the vaccine. Check him on Wikipedia and the BioNTech homepage. Sahin and his company BioNTech chose Pfizer as his partner for co-production and distribution.
Trump tries to steal the honour from a Muslim, that`s ridiculous, as he tries to steal votes.
It must really hurt when the shot is given because it’s so cold! Why can’t they make one that doesn’t have to be so cold?
Funny, yesterday an anti-body drug shows up, now they have a freezer ready and waiting in a state with the worst infection & death rates in the country. All courtesy of one of the most resistive and ambivalent Governors in the country. She should resign … now.
Government is of, for and by the people… not of, for and by the corporation
Question is how do they heat it up? At such low temperature, the vaccine will be frozen solid and obviously you can’t inject solid. How long can the vaccine last after returning to liquid state?