NBC's Bill Karins discusses why 2020 is already on pace to become the second-hottest year to date. Aired on 07/14/2020.
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First Half Of 2020 Already Second-Warmest Year On Record | MSNBC
Pandemic, murder hornets, sand storms, global warming.
Feels like Mother Earth is tired of us not listening.
pandemics are nothing new, hornets has been around for millions of years, and climate change is marxist BS… ALL the previous prediction about no artic sea ice, polar bears going extinct, sea level rise, increase in storms, etc have failed every time since the 1800’s
…….ahhhh where the f have you been the last 100 years? For gods sake at least read! It’s not that the Climate Changes…..it does. It’s the fact that you I every human can not control the climate. The planet has its own agenda.
J M M take your own advice
@Stephan Medlin yes humans can not control the climate… you made my point for me
its not nice to screw with mother nature
brilliantly said, ty mr karins and ms tur. it has been far too easy for it to fall through the cracks considering what else has been going on. we may have forgotten but it hasn’t forgotten us…
The glass ball ‘Earth’ has fallen off the cliff. All we can do is brace for the impact that is coming.
Great, really important this news, don’t let it get pushed away by Corona and other short-term problems
its propaganda
Well, i suppose the same people who do not believe climate change also do not believe in the pandemic or face masks. For a significant portion of Americans, every day is fantasy land in the magic kingdom.
imp5 If Trump stays in I don’t see anything serious happening. It appears that the Chinese are making it look like they want to start a war, we already have an economic war with them. They will posture and they will be outrageous and they might even use North Korea as a surrogate but whatever war will be short and sweet because of the weapons we have. The Chinese know that.
If Joe gets in he has strong financial ties with China and we will likely be sold out again like we have in the past. He strongly supported that TPP which was such a horrible treaty that nobody could even get copies of it. Members of Congress couldn’t get copies of it. WikiLeaks got a few pages and it had to do with controlling the Internet. So Joe gets back in we will be subservient to China again. Joe is part of the corrupt and entrenched political class that WikiLeaks warned us about. That’s one reason why I’m staying home on election day.
@T. R. Campbell I wouldn’t be so sure, according to mike around the world, war is inevitable and we will lose because our enemies are so far ahead in tech. So that is a given, but I think we still have at least 2023 if Trump wins, but the chinese will probably release some “real” virusres with a high mortality rate… if this spaghetti virus has caused so much harm imagine a real one?
imp5 I don’t think anybody is that far ahead. But, time will tell. Thanks for the post.
@T. R. Campbell Actually, more than 90% of Scientists who specialize in the Study of Climate Change and Global Warming believe the combustion of Petroleum, Oil, Coal, Gasoline and Human agriculture, especially Cattle, Sheep, Chickens, and Swine/Pigs all contribute, to our detriment, to pollution of the air, water, and soil, among other degradation to our natural environment, “Mother Nature” and ” Mother Earth.” …….I have read and heard that we must within the next thirty years cease all combustion of Petroleum, Oil, Coal, and all Fossil Fuels or face dire consequences for Humanity and many other forms of Life on Planet Earth. We as a species are capable to solve our collective “Problems.” ….Not to sound predictable, but not “Can” but “WILL” we solve Our Problems?” is the
question we must answer
collectively as a species
and also individually, as
(according to my Faith as
a Christian) unique, distinct, individual Creations of God. We owe ourselves and future generations of Humanity (and other forms of Life) nothing less.
Russell Jordan That is incorrect and that study was proven false by many of the researchers who were named in the study as well other scholarly publications. I believe this was story crafted by Australian John Cook and the media picked up on it without ever doing any vetting of the of the source. At best the number of researchers is at about the 40% bracket but even they are unsure as to the extent. All of this is just speculation that cannot be replicated. This is why so many lawsuits have fallen apart, the Exxon New lawsuit out of NY State that fell apart is the best one that I can think of right now.
What can be scientifically proven and replicated is that climate is caused by solar, geological, and astronomical events. Thanks for the post and interest.
Not to worry! Trump is doing everything he can … to make it all much worse! He has dismantled the Clean Power Plan, rolled back caps on methane, loosened emission standards, withdrawn from the Paris Agreement, put a coal lobbyist in charge of the EPA, and so much more …. Why should an old psychopath worry about the future of life on this planet?
This is the hot ist day recorded in decades to come. Truly amazing.
Nature has had enough of ignorant humans, she’s beginning to fight back. We should be much more worried about the glaciers and permafrost melting and releasing pathogens we haven’t seen in hundreds or thousands of years…
only problem is that is not happening
@Paul Wilson yawn. I’m kinda sick of you betas crying “nahuh”, so where is your proof it isn’t happening? Because there is much more proof to say it is beta boy.
In the future, as Florida gets drowned by rising sea levels, we can at least looking back at this moment in time as the good times compered to the clear and present, and future, danger climate change has in store for us. No mask will protect us!
Who would miss Florida?
climate has always changed… thats nothing new
The Clean Air Act, enacted in 1963, was designed to limit air pollution within the United States and it has worked well. Since then, air pollution has been reduced dramatically. However, the Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that greenhouse gases, and specifically carbon dioxide, are air pollutants and, thus, the EPA is obligated to limit their emissions to protect the public health and welfare.
While reducing pollution is a laudable goal, is carbon dioxide really a pollutant? In elementary school, students are taught that plants use carbon dioxide as it is essential for photosynthesis. Indeed, commercial greenhouses often enrich carbon dioxide up to four times the natural concentration. This is because plants will grow faster, become more water efficient, and improve their overall quality under increased carbon dioxide concentrations.
@Brian Nave By describing how botanists, horticulturalists, and Greenhouse Gardeners use Co2 to Improve growth and yield of plants you made an argument for the proof of Human activity contributing to Global Warming. Co2 is a
“Double-edged Sword” enhancing Plant Growth and more frequent and more powerful storms, hurricanes, and extreme weather in general.
For our families and our communities.
For now. For our future.
And behind all the smoke, your government is pulling back on environmental laws and giving oil and coal companies carte blanche to pollute as they wish.
Republicanss love covid and pollution.
didjeridu100 I wonder if it’s because they already know it’s too late.
@Raoul Radio No, they’re gambling that the real emergencies won’t happen until after they’re dead.
That is a really good look Katy tur, respectable and handsome. More newscasters should dress like that
Also thank you for reporting on this issue. Just facts, not opinions, it’s a breath of fresh air
It’s already the second hottest year to date, but somehow all the heat somehow magically didn’t make the coronavirus go away, as 45 claimed it would.
I was wondering why I hear a hot year and it’s been cool here. I’m in that one tiny blob of cold
We’re tearing our house down with nowhere else to live. Who said humans were the superior beings?
At least Donald Trump and his followers have firmly established one thing:
Calling things FAKE doesn’t make them go away and be not real.
I believe the scientists on Global warming but Atlanta has felt cooler all year long…goes to show you can’t trust your frame of reference.
Time management guys. instead of 2 hours discussing the upcoming “special” coverage, cover a wider range of topics.
But there still are ice cubes in my freezer, it’s a hoax!