Craig Melvin is joined by Jane Timms and Leigh Ann Caldwell to discuss Thursday's contentious Senate Judiciary Hearing on Voting Rights, and voting rights bills currently being legislated in states around the country. Aired on 04/22/2021.
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About Craig Melvin: Craig Melvin is an MSNBC Anchor and NBC News Correspondent. He currently anchors “MSNBC Live” on Saturdays and Sundays, contributes reports for “TODAY,” and fills in as host for Lester Holt on “Weekend TODAY.”
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#Fireworks #SenateVoting #MSNBC
'Fireworks' As Witnesses, Leaders Clash At Senate Voting Rights Hearing | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
Republicans: we lost the Presidential election so your right to vote will only count if you vote for our guy. However to buy a gun we can’t require anything, and the background check doesn’t really work so don’t worry about that stopping you…
@Insignificant360 That’s not a very smart view of the issue!
@Judy Chandler That statement reveals the true character of “blues” as vindictive and hateful; who thrive on discord to subvert stability in society.
@Scott Parr I guess I fear a large,rich conglomerate of technology, government and business more than a wackjob off their meds.i can takedown a wackjob.the conglomeration is a different story.
@always dirty Well its time to TRY to stop the trigger happy murdering crazies from getting guns ..What would you suggest ? Just ignore ithem all ??
@PJ Celeste Really?? It’s the truth..
Used to argue over policy. Now we’re arguing over the continuance of our Constitutional democracy.
@Tonné k WHITE PEOPLE!!!
@Eric Brooks good luck getting justice in Republikkklan controlled Amerikkka.
Next will be arguing over nuking America.
@larry taylor That is your interpretation. You are basing your opinion off your reading the constitution. Not taking into consideration the form of government that the founding fathers established. (Representational democracy) the idea being borrowed by the founding fathers from the Greeks. Your point is mute because we clearly live in a democracy founded on the ideas laid out on the constitution. Ideas that continue to develop. So honestly whats your point and why are you trying to make it? Are you saying you don’t want to live in a democracy? Are you saying our form of government is unconstitutional? Or are you looking for an excuse to be against our government and you settled on this one point for your argument. Are you trying to justify violence against the government? I’m smoking you out so you will get to the meat of your argument. Whats behind your statement? What are you leading up to?
@My Tale Republikkklan Confederate Nazi’s will want to Nuke Blue states.
Mark Robinson is lt. Governor of n.c. and I guess he is representing so of the state and not all. We can see you and some of us will not forget you.
He’s the Lt. Gov. The Governor is a Democrat (and he is white.) Ain’t that some ish. The black Lt. Gov. talking like a fool and the white Gov. has been fighting an uphill battle against these Rethugs here in N.C. ever since he was voted in, ousting Pat McCrory. Even before then, N.C. has had a lead role in voter suppression with its gerrymandering, proposed voter ID requirement (which they have not yet been able to implement), election fraud (voters of that district STILL somehow elected the recipient of that fraud, as if he had nothing to do with it). Who knows what is next to come down the pike. They have their Supreme Court in place. Those things that were previously ruled against may now find favor. We shall see.
Washington state. All mail in voting, postage paid. Available for all registered voters. No need for standing in line, driving to a location.
Yup, love the process
@Sam Harris the right coast is also left. Nobody likes republicans except for your wife/sister.
Yep, as in Australia, State and Federal Voting, we all get chance of mail-in, postage paid, and receive a card with one of those patterns for scan if you want to go in person. Oh, we also have 2 weeks of ‘Voting Early’ options. Oh, we ALSO vote on Saturdays, all forms of voting, Local Councils, State, Federal.
Oregon has been this way for twenty years and our Democratic Government has rejected ALL VOTING RIGHTS LEGISLATURE that would suppress the vote. The legislature has been tried by REPUBLICANS of which we now have few R Legislaters. THANK YOU OREGON!
@hegyak Who Is “Privileged”: The race that has scholarships that ONLY apply to students of that race.
Who Is “Privileged”: The race that gets the job based on their race, over those of other races who are equally or better qualified.
Who Is “Privileged”: Those people who cannot be fired or even reprimanded for not doing their job, because of their race and hold the threat of discrimination.
Who Is “Privileged”: The race that is given greater preference in Civil Servants Exams.
Who Is Privileged”: The race that Corporations are holding positions open for, completely overlooking qualified applicants because they are not of said race.
Who Is “Privileged”: Those people who can loot & burn with impunity, even though such actions are illegal.
Who Is “Privileged”: The race that operates television networks with content & actors solely of that race, holds awards shows that are not open to other races and operates colleges that are open solely for those of that race.
So, CHECK YOUR RACE. If these apply to you, YOU are “Privileged”!!!
FACT: ALL of these are contributors to the perpetuation of racism in this country!
If you have to pay for an id , how can that NOT be a poll tax?
Just a dumb argument about cost/effort. For most people by far, yawn, here is my dl
Seriously? That’s a dang desperate excuse!
You don’t Steve you moron. Legal IDs are totally free from the state.
@Whitney Mohrhauser my state? $30 for ID, nearly $100 for passports. And in any case, if you have no extra money, can barely feed your family, how will you come up with anything to pay for it? new poll tax. GA Gov even told poll workers to ask for a paid car tabs receipt to make residents “prove” they live there when they register. seriously.
@Tonné k no. some people just don’t have ANY money, whatever their color (I am white, and I couldn’t have parted with anything extra years ago. my grocery budget was $10/month for 3 people. think I would have anything left to pay for that??? I worked 3 jobs, so spare me. most of it went to the babysitters. yes, food shelves, I know. not in my DNA. I went once, cried so hard in line that the manager put me in her office and got it for me. NEVER did that again! It was a feeling I will never forget.
They’re showing their true colors
Who Is “Privileged”: The race that has scholarships that ONLY apply to students of that race.
Who Is “Privileged”: The race that gets the job based on their race, over those of other races who are equally or better qualified.
Who Is “Privileged”: Those people who cannot be fired or even reprimanded for not doing their job, because of their race and hold the threat of discrimination.
Who Is “Privileged”: The race that is given greater preference in Civil Servants Exams.
Who Is Privileged”: The race that Corporations are holding positions open for, completely overlooking qualified applicants because they are not of said race.
Who Is “Privileged”: Those people who can loot & burn with impunity, even though such actions are illegal.
Who Is “Privileged”: The race that operates television networks with content & actors solely of that race, holds awards shows that are not open to other races and operates colleges that are open solely for those of that race.
So, CHECK YOUR RACE. If these apply to you, YOU are “Privileged”!!!
FACT: ALL of these are contributors to the perpetuation of racism in this country!
Amerikkka at its BEST … tells you how much your vote counts
Over 75 million of your so called worthless votes, sent Trump back into the gutter!
It means absolutely NAFF ALL
If you’re white, your vote is worth 1 unit… if you’re a minority, it counts 1/3 or even 0.
@Carl Butler Yeah, that was a job well done. We just need to be consistent. Vote blue in 22!
@Daniel Palma BS!
So republicans wants to limit democrats from voting to give them a better chance at winning.
Big deal..17 days of early voting with shortened voting time windows and the allowing of counties to limit voting hours. Yeah, nothing restrictive there?? Requiring a second form of ID to be sacrificed to request an absentee ballot thus putting citizens privacy at risk…not restrictive??? Limited drop boxes…not restrictive??? Republicans know this is zero sum game and if every citizen were to vote, republicans would never hold office again on a federal level.
@Sam Harris
And what good reasons could there be other than some stupid lie about voter fraud that never materialized. Three, I repeat THREE audits were done and no voter fraud so why the need for a change?? Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the massive turnout right? And please don’t condescend to me.
@PJ Celeste
Read my other response.
It isn’t Republicans who are supporting voting by mail. Voter ID laws PREVENT fraud. Mail voting encourages election fraud.
How does it limit democrats from voting? Please be specific.
Shouldn’t be easier to get a gun than it is to vote

Its actually really hard to get a gun
@Eric Klaus in many states around the country you don’t need your ID to vote. You just need to share your address, and name and that’s it. You vote it’s a done deal. ID is an undue burden because sometimes State DMV and RMV make it difficult for people to ascertain their state identifications.
@Snoop Catt it’s not a burden!! You pull it out ,shows who you are and that’s it ,not hard
@Tonné k literally everyone selling guns without doing background checks online
I agree
I live in Colorado, vote by mail is available to 100 % of us if we like.
This is Republican fear mongering.
If you by into their b.s.. God help you.
Americans should not be MOWING DOWN Americans with their cars. It iS A FEAR TACTIC! LET’S VOTE!
@William Nelson please wake up. I am enjoying the peace for as long as it last. I dont want to hear about what stupidity a president is doing everyday for 4 years ever again. It is obvious the powers that be did not want your choice. I am not disappointed.
@grannypantsification yes, me too. That’s how I thought it worked everywhere. You register to vote through the DMV or I registered when I tagged my car. So that your identity is tied to some physicality — just like how you have to prove residency. And you have to prove residency to get a driver’s license. You need three forms of proof. That’s why having to show a driver’s license or ID to vote is redundant. That was my point. My point is that Republicans are crap humans.
@Sylvia Rucker Don’t get too comfortable, just as many will show up next time. But yes we deserve a break after Trump and Trump is doing these clowns way more harm than good. We get to watch the enemy destroy itself, that’s what comes from hate, that’s human justice.
@canadian welder well I think you should keep your Canadian comments to yourself.
To the random person reading the comment section. I hope you have a blessed day.
@Jim McLoughlin
You’re welcome. I hear NZ is a beautiful place .
@Tanja B. – I pick the side of non-belief until the evidence demonstrates truth.
I love that word “blessed”
@Rene Jean
It is free will. I truly hope you will find the ” evidence” you want .
Have a nice evening Rene
Crazy AZ gave me another reason to leave this state.
I guess the republicans cared more about the rights of the Iraqis to vote than they do for black Americans to vote even though black soldiers died protecting the Iraqis right to vote as republicans held their ink stainded fingers in the air during that process
If you bothered to read the bill for yourself, instead of believing news media propaganda, you would reconsider your comment. But that’s ok, you are still entitled to voice your opinion no matter how inaccurate…for the moment anyway. Give the socialist progressives a little more time to completely obliterate the 1st Amendment for US citizens.
@PJ Celeste Why should I read bills that congress doesn’t stupid? And I was around when the crap republicans held their ink stained fingers in the air as our soldiers died protecting the Iraqis right to vote because the weapons of mass destruction lie wasn’t working
How do any of these bills suppress the black vote? Please explain specifically so we can all understand.
Now we know how important our vote is .
There are very few things more important. Voting shapes the future.
and it scares the crap out of them.
They want us to beg for JUSTICE we will fight and keep fighting yes fight
Power To the People

Yep, modern communication systems have made it possible to fight more effectively but never doubt we will have to fight for everything we get.
Howard L. Brown
Yes Is More: Tangible and Timeless Ways to Differentiate Yourself from Your Competitors
We the People need to raise the Voice of the People on this and all critical concerns!
I found myself searching for shelter again and again, Against the Wind, I’m still runnin’ Against the Wind, I’m older now but still runnin’ Against the Wind.
The way they are fighting to suppress your vote, should tell each and every person why your vote matters.
I have yet to have one person explain how any of these bills “suppress” anyone’s vote. Can you?
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