A member of City of Miami Fire-Rescue has lost his 7-year-old daughter in the Surfside, Florida, building collapse, officials said Friday.
The girl's remains were recovered Thursday night in the rubble by members of the department's urban search and rescue team, Chief Joseph Zahralban said in a statement.
#CNN #News
Now, this is heartbreaking.
@Stan Wilson Don’t make this political.
@PottahHeadKay people will bring politics into anything that has nothing to do with them at all. it’s honestly really fucking stupid.
Actually if you look into it, this neglect was kinda the fault of the republican government, but I agree laying blame is not always the best way forward.
@Stan Wilson grow up .
RIP baby girl! I have 2.. 11 & 12 yr old. I couldn’t imagine & wish this sadness on NO ONE!!
Excuse me Sir/Madam
Are you saved?
If you died tonight are you going to heaven?
Jesus loves you
@Stan Wilson Oh FFS. I’m as blue as they come, and you need to STFU. This is NOT the venue to involve politics.
@dublinjazz1 exactly what I was thinking. Such an emotional and tragic event to bring up polotics.
@Stan Wilson please don’t involve politics in this.
Blessings your way from Switzerland. I lived in Florida, near Miami, for a couple years growing up and it’s my 2nd home. Lots of love
Many prayers for the firefighter’s family for their loss.
@qaGG-H&%$-(%’&# prove it, pics or it didn’t happen.. good ones with your face
@Books & Gaming don’t bash on others beliefs regardless on if u believe or not
@Dead Samurai I don’t think I’m bashing on them per se, but false hopes and false premises do tend to be a glass castle of ill-fated returns in terms of life satisfaction and proper attribution of cause and effect. I’m just offering my condolences in hopes that the family with find firmer ground on which to honor AND cherish their loved one’s memory than Iron Age mythology.
the same buiding problem now in china
This is so, so heartbreaking….
My heart is breaking for everyone, but especially for this father.
Put a mask on it.
Oh my. How heart wrenching
. Praying for all families
just hope it was quick.small mercy for a horrible event
I feel bad for the firefighters who had to see that image.
@qaGG-H&%$-(%’&# not now
@Jonathan Perry probably some of the owners are burried in the rubble pile.
@Adam Abele well that wouldn’t be convenient he wouldn’t have to run so far with that axe
@Jonathan Perry In incidents like this there is a long list of things that went wrong and many people involved in it making bad decisions or too late. There is not that one guy, that is guilty of all of that it is a combination between bad building codes, bad building code enforcement, delayed reactions by the owner(s), neglect, shortcuts by the building company … on so many different levels. Each of them will get a slap on the wrist, but can keep their money.
RIP! To every last soul that was lost in this tragedy!!!SMH…..
My condolences to the families of the people who didn’t make it out alive

Sad to point this out, but after 9-10 days, anyone still stuck under there most likely died of dehydration or gangrene already..horrible.
One of those headlines that just knocks all the wind right out of you, so horrific…
@30.06 on a Grassy Knoll ok relax.cnn just like fox is reporting.you new the title .
I knew I smelt sumpin
Not mine lol
To all of the victims of this tragedy, peace be with you. You are loved and will be missed.
My deepest, sincerest condolences for the friends and family of the deceased and missing. Also, my heart goes out to the emergency and rescue service members having to deal with this mess. Godspeed everyone.
Aw man. Knowing that children were trapped and dying in there is breaking my heart
Hug your children daily

So so sad, can’t imagine the grief.
sounds like everyone involved knew the building was crumbling from the bottom.
The building was fine until Biden had it secretly imploded, it killed some trump supporters, that was the Democrat goal in mind
The owners of the building got reports that it was unsafe and would need repairs to protect it from collapse.
*I hate this for all the unfortunate people living in that building.*
That’s so awful. I cannot even imagine the pain that family has.
We had a friend who was at home and heard a car crash so he ran out to see if he could help and call the cops. When he got there he discovered it was his son’s car and his son had died on impact. Upon that sight he had a heart attack and died at the hospital.
May those who lost their lives rest in peace, may their loved ones find solace, and may those found to be at fault be exposed and held accountable.
The pain a parent feels for a lost child is the worst. This story about the firefighter’s young child broke my heart! I know it’s cliche but still, my thoughts and prayers are with everyone there.
What her father feels when he saw her daughter in that condition
extremely painful . May god gives strength and patience to her family .