Ousted State Department Inspector General Steve Linick was investigating Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s decision to greenlight arms sales to Saudi Arabia against the will of Congress when he was abruptly removed from his post, congressional officials tell NBC News. Josh Lederman reports. Aired on 05/18/2020.
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Fired Watchdog Was Investigating Pompeo Decision To Approve Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia | MSNBC
This administration is in bed with the murderous Prince of Saudi Arabia. How deep those ties go is the question.
@Annie Warbux That’s exactly what it is. The whole lot of the administration also owe big money from them as well.
@Ruthanne Perry Ewwww just got the grossest visual.
@Laura Zaboraski Saudis have been your friends for decades
Do you even watch what you send? Lol that was making fun of fox news…. try again.
wow this administration stinks to the core
Yeah ! Wow!! ??.smh! We were warned. I knew that’s why I didn’t vote for him!! Con
Do you think we’ll reach 200000 deaths by the end of summer?
*from the stinking head down!I!*
Konina Konan So do its supporters/voters. Disgusting.
Trump has been dismantling our Government, since day one. There are sadly, too many Americans who don’t get it, it’s a Yuge problem for our future.
And Republicans will do what about it? Nothing. They established a dictator. Maybe Susan Collins is concerned. Or troubled. Or something harsh like that. And do – nothing.
The GOP are not doing nothing. They’re egging Trump on to run interference for them while they rig elections and stack the courts.
@ Amar Dutt.. And Below The Lay..!!
They got their tax cuts for the wealthy. That’s all that matters to them. They’ll put up with anything.
I’m anxious too hear this inspector general testify in front of congress!
@zano zano who are you addressing?
@Isaiah that took the wind out of my sails but you’re correct.
…”I am anxious to hear him testify in Congress…” Better yet as a witness in a Trial against McConnell’s andTrump’s Corrupt Regime.
trump doesn’t have accomplishments – he has accomplices.
@Kyle Towers he was spying on trump.a three star will attest to that
@Scott Griggs Make that near 92K dead Americans as of this moment – that is a conservative number of course, not counting older people that likely died at home, alone without anyone being any the wiser.
@Whicker Boy Inspector Generals are independently assigned – their findings are not law, they are just information to be considered by Congress that allows them to make informed decisions relating to the matters the IG’s were assigned to.
The fact that he was fired is proof enough that someone (Pompeo) did not want anyone sniffing in his dealings here. Pretty clear corruption when you go to such lengths to obstruct an investigation like that. An innocent man has nothing to hide, clearly Pompeo isn’t even remotely innocent here.
@srgreeniii The first wave is still going and already just short of 92K as of now – this time next monday it will likely exceed 100K unless Trump’s attempts to restrict the way deaths are recorded go through (and ironically make the US into exactly what he accused China of doing over their death toll).
Shady back-door dealings with the Saudis from corrupts AF Pompeo= POMPEOGATE. Full-Stop.
Great, a Saudi version of Iran-Contra Affair.
@Bovine One God you are dumb. They bypassed Congressional oversight and did a shady, back door, in the middle of the night deal. That ain’t legal and if the black man had done it you would be chewing your tongue off.
@Bovine One Hey BOVINE, who sounds alike SWINE flu. Come closer, closer NOT that close you #COVID19 diseased inbred Mongrel!
Keep your Social Distance and now tell me something, all you imaginary pedo-gawd-given greatest Stable-Geniuses:
where EXACTLY did the Real Estate Mafia Don Trump rushed to, just to grab the Earth’s globe just as Trump likes to grab V-J-J’s?
Was it:
A. ) to the Moon
B.) to the Vatican
C.) to Israel
d.) With other religious dictators, including Saudi Arabia’s’s Islamic terrorists-funding King to the Islamic Middle East
E:) To Washington DC
Godless Best now, all you by fanatic SUPER DUPING billionaires easily deceived religious frenetic Mongrels!
Projectheureka LLC
Projectheureka – Err, derpty doo!
@David Willis he also did a Mueller type thing too. Twisted the truth.
That must be in the Republican party playbook.
I wonder how much money Jared made on the side off of this deal with the Suadi’s?
@Bace We all know that, don’t play dumb.
@Bace I see “xl” follows the same gaslighting patterns as t’rump.

“What exact crimes are you alleging Obama is guilty of?”
“You know what they are.”
“Umm, no, we don’t.”
@Ro G Yep. I have challenged any trump supporter to defend the moron without lying. None can do it.
@X L AND WHAT ABOUT HILLARY’S EMAILS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /s
Nothing that can be tied to him. Jared is getting HIS through the $500 million creative financing loan from the UAE financiers for his 666 building that was about to be foreclosed on.
Basically the Trump administration is hiding evidence in plain site.
@Redsky Eagle Thats racist
@Mighty Mouse Trump criminal enterprises are not gonna win.
@Mighty Mouse What is?
@Redsky Eagle its racist to tell a person they are using white pride and flaunting it. Im offended
@Mighty Mouse No it aint!
Two obese racists, an adulterer and a WWE clown walk into a McDonald’s…
The cashier asks, “What can I get you Mr. Trump?”
Please pray for them to be inflicted with stage 4 pancreatic cancer
Good one, me laugh of the day. Thanks you lifted me spirits.
Clearly Jared’s father needs more Saudi money.
Jared, father was in prison for insider’s trading. He work fir Trump.
ss..Jared’s father needs a “presidential pardon” more than Saudi money…How much do you want to bet that Jared is possibly “selling ” presidential pardons?…Of course, his father might have paid him already for his “pending” Trump pardon…Just wait for it! The most prolific “criminal enterprise” in America’s political history…Behold! the day of reckoning is fast approaching….Just wait for it! #MAGASWAMP
$50 says Jared Kushner got a commission sale from the Saudis for the arms deal.
Remember Saudis prince said he had Jared Kushner in his pocket.
Kashoggi was investigating Kushner and MBS ( Saud’s) when he was murdered.
I thought Kushner was more involved with the transfer of nuclear technology to the Saudis. But maybe convential weapons is a sideline?
He’s another snake that can’t be trusted
You bet, no doubt about, right on the money.
Given the history of this presidency so far, I’m not very surprised by this.
What history? Why aren’t you surprised and appalled by the sedition (TREASON) that’s going on? The man was fired! What did that tell you?
Lets be honest and not forget Obama the great fired every single IG when he took office and appointed his own, which is the very circumstance you hypocrites now complain LOL!
@J Rich some of us didn’t like obama either. corruption is corruption, no matter who engages in it.
@J Rich Obama did not fire every single IG. One was fired for cause [personal corruption].
VOTE Blue!! End the gop swamp in november
jnsdkljfn if you know all that why waste your breath
@jnsdkljfn Well, they couldn’t get any worse.
originalpunkSxE true but let’s change the conversation about who’s less in the toilet
What party do you recommend?
jnsdkljfn What party do you recommend?
More evidence of corruption from the most corrupt administration in American history.
Jason m – Hey dummy. It’s an EMERGENCY ARMS SALE which Congress gave the President the power to do years ago. They voted to block the originally planned sale so the President is using his emergency powers (which Congress gave him) to effect the sale. They would need a 2/3rds majority to override an emergency arms sale.
Did YOU take a civics class?
@Bovine One there is no emergency and Congress knows it which is why they voted against it. The IG was investigating whether there really is an emergency to justify the deal and pompaeo knowing full well there isn’t had him fired.
Jason m – There’s a WAR in Yemen that our ally (Saudi Arabia) is fighting! That’s precisely what an emergency arms deal is for! There doesn’t have to be a domestic emergency to sell arms to a foreign country. That would make no sense whatsoever. The emergency is in THEIR country. Which is exactly why THEY needs the arms!
@Bovine One they are responsible for the death of one of our citizens and connected to the shooter at a military base so no they are not an ally and there was isn’t an emergency to the safety of our nation which is the only it would qualify under emergency powers.
Jason m – Wrong on both counts. They’ve been an official ally since the 70’s. Your opinion of them is irrelevant.
And the whole point of an emergency arms sale is to help another country deal with an emergency like we did with Britian before we entered world war 2. Hitler wasn’t a threat to us at the time yet we sent emergency supplies to our allies. You don’t know what you’re talking about and I’ll bet you real money that nothing will become of this. Seriously, let’s exchange information and and make a real bet. I’ll go as high $1,000.
Trump will be indicted when he’s voted out in November. Pompeo : “wasn’t performing a function in a way that we tried to get him to and was trying to undermine what it was that we were trying to do” The IG wasn’t being corrupt is what that meant.
Does the word “Independent” go in one ear and out the other of Pompeo and the Asslickers (great name for a band)?
Everybody in this sleazy administration needs to be investigated.
Now Gregg, Formalities Must be Observed. But personally; “Lock Them Up and WELD The Doors SHUT”.
@Sarcastro sarcastro_ Do you think Obama should suffer the same fate? He is a was criminal too, him and Hillary are guilty of the same crimes.
Will the next President have as much balls as Xi Jinping and go after previous corrupt politicians? I don’t think so.
@Once Upon a Time They’re not in office, fool
The most corrupt and criminal administration in history.
@Daniel A It is. Hes a Russian traitor. Panama hotel Trump tower Drug money laundering, human trafficking.
@Jinx Mim What about all of Trump hedgemen in prison right now. Trumps lawyer, campaign manager,ect….that isnt proof? Colluding with Russia is proven. Obstruction of justice is proven. He will lose cause he’s been a loser his whole life. TV president Trump. He lost 2016 by 3 million votes. But won the slavery clause vote. By a few illegal voters. Even then he was a loser. Lost popular vote means he’s not popular!
Kristi : if u really look, it was d obama administration that’s d most corrupt in US history.
@Aidan Fisher He didn’t run against president Obama.
Redsky Eagle : ehh???
They’re crapping all over our rule of law, remove them and charge them.

And drag them
If this doesn’t end with people in jail, you might as well say good-bye to the USA.
I sure hope Senator Collins is satisfied Trump has learned his lesson.
Yeah I hope Pelosi is impressed with trump’s self impeachment too. What a dam joke our government is
Good one ! Hahaha….woo
She deserves to be soundly defeated.
Whole tRump regime is like a serial bank robbery crew – crimes followed by getaways.