The fired Navy Secretary speaks out and delivers some scathing words for President Trump after being fired for trying to discipline a pardoned Navy SEAL who was convicted for posing with a prisoner's corpse. Aired on 11/25/19.
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Fired Navy Secretary Criticizes President Donald Trump | All In | MSNBC
Bone spurs Trump knows absolutely nothing of good order and discipline
@efs 1066 Yeah, I’m watching the Trump Rally too. Get back to me when it’s over.
@TheBase1aransas still non-responsive
oh wait … you’re right, crowds “matter”
@efs 1066 Doubt you will show your face. LOL #EXPOSURE
Bone Spurs Cowards like Trump die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once!
OK Rambo
Spenser has joined some admiral company, such as Yovanovitch and James Mattis. Good on him for standing up for our structures and the rule of law. Once again, shame on this president for degrading the good guys and heralding dictators, murderers, and our national enemies.
MysticFiddler1 … A great comment.
A reminder that the president’s power is unleashed.
Trump’s interference in our military processes is appalling.
Trump’s victimisation of people who disagree him is repulsive.
Yep, remember that DEMON-RAT CARTER leaving Marines as hostages for 444 days! Yeah, the what demon-rats do!
Republican’s have turned their back on discipline and patriotism . While defending their king trump.
Brutish, ignoramus, Trump.
Dictator Trump.
@l maille
Yes, what else can you call trump at this point? Might as well call it exactlly what it is.
he has just appointed the ambassador to norway as the navy secretary what he knows about war at sea, about as much as trump knows about honesty
Not trying to pick a fight or defend CHUMP but I’m like 90% sure the ambassador actually use to be an admiral in the Navy as well before becoming an ambassador, just saying.
Ambassador Ken Braithwaite currently the Ambassador to Norway is a Naval Academy graduate, served from 1984-1993 in active service in the US Navy, from 1993-2011 in the Naval Reserves and achieved the rank of Rear Admiral. He is also a Naval aviator. He knows plenty about war at sea. He served during the Iraq War.
Norway has a lot of sea.
@Sterling Pound like Puerto Rico, surrounded by big water, big big wet water bigly water.
@HarryRacer18 I’m wrong all this is completely above board predictable and sane
Trump is a malignant cancer….he kills everything he touches.
@No Name You mean terrorist?
@No Name You have a warped world view. You mean terrorist on the battlefield, right?
@Mitchell Davidson
No I mean what I said.
@No Name By the way he was found not guilty of what you claim. However, he was found to have taken a trophy photo with the dead terrorist. Why are so many Democrats pathological liars?
Spencer is 100% correct. Generalissimo Bone Spurs has no business intervening in disciplinary matters involving our troops.
@mugwump242 Good post…..
The problem is, you’re not the judge of “arbitrary”……
Between you and Trump, you are the LEAST informed….
Therefore, the LEAST good, determiner, of whether an action is “arbitrary”….
Or don’t you recognize that he knows any international situation, better than you ?….
Or has inside military intelligence, that you dont ?…..
@Liberalism is a disease. This is like a CEO of a big company getting in the way of the mail-room manager from firing an employee after being reported by co-workers for doing something illegal. Of course, the CEO has the power to stop the firing, but it is very disruptive. It just doesn’t make sense. Any educated person would understand this, not just veterans. Think about it, his own team members reported him.
Make no mistake, there is no way that Gallagher’s brothers within his team would have made such serious accusations against him if it wasn’t true.
Gallagher, Pompeo and Esper are men without honor.
*”Yes, it’s going better than expected.”*
Vladdy Putin
Military about as much as he loves his 3 Wives.
Fckface aka Fat Donnie NO Nuts *dodged* the draft, marital vows & family responsibilities.
Sweet Daddy
Donald loves the
DonTheCon aka
Best point made yet
And fake AG, Barr
Well, Trump supports criminals. Sad.,..He does not care about discipline.

Like Barry’s ‘Fast & Furious’ guns to DRUG DEALERS & HUMAN SMUGGLERS! Hmmmm Killing Humans verses Pardoning them!
I think the commentator is correct that Trump is trying to weaponize the military in his favor, however, as a veteran that served in harms way, I am effected by this pardon but not in the way Trump might like. This is the worst thing Trump has done. He is undermining the integrity of our operational units and giving aid to our enemies. That is treason. If I had done those things while serving I would have expected a court marital with severe penalties. Trump should be removed from office before he can do further damage.
Amen to you Veteran & may I take this moment to “THANK YOU personally, right here, right now, for my freedom that I get to enjoy because of YOUR service to our country. I just pray that because of your testimony right here that people will wake up read your testimony let it sink in to their brains so that they may see that this “person” is very corrupt and should not be our President” another day much less another 4 years! Thank you again kind Sir! I salute YOU!!!
Thank you for your service
Think of all the things that trump has done that haven’t been exposed….
josue hemp Actually I think about this a lot. In fact just today this same line of thinking was paramount. There are no doubt vast numbers of horrific things that have not been uncovered .. People need to realize this !
josue hemp That includes the infamous “pee pee” tape which the Russians haven’t yet released as Trump is currently happy to be Putin’s bum boy.
It doesn’t bear thinking about. What we already know is abhorrent
Was he more FLEXIBLE with COMRADE VLAD, Did he Press a reset button with COMRADE VLAD?
Donald Trump got his wish, he’ll soon take the three convicted or accused war criminals he spared from consequence on the road as special guests in his reelection campaign.
Wait for it
Yeah, he said he would.
And…that didn’t take long, did it…
Plus Gallagher is taking up a role at fox as a new pro-trump mouthpiece there too.
deceased human beings are not trophies .. there IS NO EXCUSE !
@Suzy Qualcast
“would you rather it was the other road round?”
I think this was rhetorical but here goes in case you don’t get the whole concept.
Short answer, No!
Let me explain…T
here’s a code of conduct, an oath, that a soldier must adhere to no matter which side he or she may be on. Without it…..what would we be?
I think we’d be the corpse in the photo. I don’t mean we’d be the dead guy. I mean we’d be no better than that ISIS fighter we’re trying to defeat. Sounds a bit snowflakey, I admit. But that’s the answer I’ve got.
@Bud – Also his fellow soldiers witnessed him on several occasions shooting and killing unarmed civilians including a young girl and an elderly man. His comrades had to shoot warning shots and tamper with his weapon to try to curb him from killing many innocents. The man is a walking time bomb, he should ne in jail for war crimes. If we cannot believe our service men at their words then how can we trust them ?
Didn’t he also shot a girl through the head? Or was that someone else?
This is probably the most unneeded interference Dotard has ever undertaken.
Yew Moon Lee there is a reason for this. It wasn’t random. The orange turd is systematically ridding or corrupting long time career officials so the orange turd can roll over all ethics and anyone standing in his way…then he can install his puppets. The guardrails are being discarded.
Which one as needed?
Actually… i can think of one… never mind
Trump is drafting the U.S. Military for his 2020 reelection campaign.
Stephen Tomsky – trying…trying to draft….we’ll have to wait and see….
Kay Jay I agree
@BC Bob I am voting, so are my Army buddies and *ZERO* of us are voting for Trump, it’s a patriotism thing, you wouldn’t understand.
The President needn’t try to draft military personnel, they’re already quite pro-Trump. I mean *actual* warriors, not REMFs, blanket-folders, profile-riders, and stolen valor AirSoft wannabes like Ms. Mainely above.
@Tread Knought Seriously? So we’re supposed to believe that after what Trump just did, and Gallagher just said about them and the Navy ON FOX NEWS, that his Navy Seal buddies are all enthusiastic Trump supporters? I suggest you do your polling beyond the local bar you frequent with your “warriors” where you low IQs escape your marriages staying drunk, angry, and uninformed.
This whole thing is very troubling. Gallagher should have taken his penalty honorably, he should not be pleased Trump involved himself in the process.
Why shouldn’t Gallagher be pleased? He gets to retire and pretend that he served with honor and dignity. I think he should be elated.
Trump is a NEVER-military and the leader of the military. Expect chaos.
Last 4 or 5 Presidents never served.
Never military? He put over a trillion into rebuilding our military. Try again.
@Giorge Leedy’s English Mastery
You ever hear “Commander-in-Chief” and that Trump is head of Executive branch?
@Shadow Banned are you trying to scare us? We’re trying to play stupid till the regime change.
@BC Bob Last 4 of 5 didn’t spit on the military as Trump has either. I’m still wondering where that 10% pay raise is he bragged about getting for the troops (when it was in fact 2.4%)
Also they didn’t fund raise off of veterans and then refuse to give the funds to the veterans
trump is a nazi and trying to tear apart the US
The disgrace to the presidency protecting and defending war criminals and having the filthy nerve to bad mouth military hero’s.
@jamie oxenreider Politics had nothing to do with the testimony from his fellow soldiers. He was openly firing and killing innocent civilians. It was so bad they started a group to discuss and try to prevent him from doing this anymore, including firing warning shots and weapon tampering. The man lost it, his comrades and the Navy knew this. Trump undermined the whole process of law and order and they are not impressed.
Ryan Prosser incorrect, Trump pardoned none of those charges. Those charges were all dismissed prior to Trumps pardon do to the Navy finding him innocent of those claim.
Ez-8 … please finish your sentence. “Military hero’s ___”. What possession of a military hero was President Trump bad-mouthing?
A Commander In Chief who craps on war heroes like John McCain and pardons war criminals is a traitor!
John McCain is in hades waiting for judgment of the damndest