Minister Jean-Yves Duclos speaks on the use of the Emergencies Act and new financial powers to freeze funding for the protest convoys.
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Whatever, the third Reich used similar bafflegab.
Really? So you think anti vaxxers will be put in ghettos and then eventually used as slave labour before being murdered? You are a sad individual to compare the two.
We hope that the RCMP and OPP turn around and arrest Trudeau

That will never happen and the fact you said it shows you’re incredibly immature and are ignorant of how society actually works.
For what??
@Checko_O7 tin foil hat time
@Checko_O7 How did Shallow Hal put it…”cuckoo”
@Alan Macphail You forgot about the ethics commission finding him guilty? Twice?
Hurry up and get rid of the mandates
When it’s safe to do so it will happen. Your little temper tantrum will not change the time table in anyway.
@Ed ‘S Are you getting paid by the hour or by the word?
@Marie McIntyre obviously!
Caligua rises!
‘The seizure of your property will be done in the fairest way possible’
I hope you’re being sarcastic?
It could be either way.
@Ivan Novotny There is no fair way to seize personal property when you’re under an Authoritarian REGIME!!! That has mandates over your body and movement.
See you and your family around!
This announcer pretending to have any sense of journalistic integrity is beyond the pale.
Total hack. Had a beer can tossed at him , cried for days…..
Where are the Canadians that are apart of the charter of the Last Flag Standing? When Canada’s Constitution was eradicated in 2017.
Since when has the government been transparent or responsible?
I would love to track the finance of the Liberal party!
Yeah I find it rich the liberals care about where this money is coming from but they weren’t asking that when WE was funneling money to Trudeau. Or when he was taking money from Lavlin
Take their money away and send them to a re-education camp…..Non confidence vote now!
Fun fact : emergency act is squashed. Criteria not met.
Where have you seen this?
What if my bank accounts are freeze because I have a similar name to a protester they target?
all i can say is go to your bank and empty your accounts
Sue the Federal Government if they do this!
Canadian government has never been transparent or responsible
Hey Justin you show your finacials I will show mine.