More than 11,000 members of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) are set to go on strike for the first time since 2007. The move could bring an immediate halt to the production of many television shows and possibly delay the start of new seasons. #CNN #News
Film and TV writers are striking. Hear how this affects you

I hate reality TV. Ugh.
Good to see these creators taking a stand against unfair business practices and shrinking wages. Now, if we can just get the rest of the workforce to follow their example, we can actually stand a chance at dealing with this new depression we find ourselves in. Everyone deserves to be making more money – no matter what line of work you’re in.
The sad trolls … devaluing the creative works. How sad and ignorant
instead of learning the powerful way of standing to the unjust . What a pity
@The Great CornPop-Holio psycho
@Debra Johnson You are literally watching tv right now.
@Debra Johnson Define woke.
There would be no shows without the writers..The big boys are getting rich on the talent and hard work of the little guys….
Yeah, that’s pretty much every corporation. Writers are now feeling the woes of your typical everyday american. Sure, we don’t want to pay the guy who fills pot holes, but we will be the first to complain when we blow a tire, what are taxes going too? Be ready for mundane BS TV, and people will be the first to ask what is are cable bill , streaming cost, or whatever going too? Someone else’s pocket, that’s where.
“The big boys are getting richer on the hard work of the little guys” –> welcome to capitalism…….
Oh no not that………..
Most all writers get their writing material from ethnic celtic people’s real life behavior. It is not hard for an ethnic celtic person to look at their celtic family and friends and get writing material. Non-celtic writers get their writing material from their friends who are psychiatrists who have celtic people as their patients.
its so weird to think back that the dude who used to be on college humor is now talking on CNN about the rights of writers, great on Adam
My daughter is in animation and these are the same issues they face. Freelance instead of staffing, the threat of AI. You can’t build a life let alone a career. I hope this sets a pattern for the rest of the industry.
Even shows like the soap operas can only go on so long without your Scripts some of them tape 6 to8 weeks in advance, but after a while, even they run out of fresh new shows. Even episodes of certain popular. YouTube channels do a lot of advertising and begging people to support them with donations to help them produce new material. They should all be paid a living wage.
Computer skills like graphic design and animation are oversaturated. There’s too many people that do it and for cheap. Instead of hiring her, a company can hire someone on fiverr to do the same job for like $5-$20. She chose the wrong career path. That’s more of a hobby niche
@Harold try to cope
@Tim Tutkus it’s not the talent it’s the producers who make trash decisions that cost time and money that isn’t allocated making workers burn out. A lot of the work is also outsourced. Not much is actually made in Hollywood outside signing checks.
Again, this is about corporate greed. They don’t want to pay the people that actually do the work. I will miss the late night shows but I have plenty of relationships and hobbies to fill my time. Good luck writers! Get enough to support your families and live a comfortable life.
replace media managers with nice people.
They are not the only ones being underpaid. What about the SAG-AFTRA actors who work as background, they are consistently taken for granted and abused by productions.
Typical. The top guys of the company take in the millions/billions in profit, but are so greedy they’d rather everyone else suffer than treat others as human, as fairly as they should.
the federal government should sue the AMPTP to stop the strike.
This is the problem almost EVERY worker in America is facing now. Contributing to the wealth of a company while the CEOs hoard all the profits.
Definitely well said
FACTS: We need more class awareness in this country
@Gozeraye Yes. When people are choosing poverty and free time over poverty and a 40+ hr/wk job, it’s time to reevaluate our system. We might as well be a third world country. I hate to say that about my home and a nation I love. My mother said people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, but when you can’t afford boots…
There was a stat I remember from the 2008 GFC that mentioned CEOS back in 1970s were making 15 times the wage of the lowest paid workers in their company, and in 2008 it was 240 times the amount – I am pretty sure the lowest paid individuals at Time Warner aren’t getting paid $1m each, so you can only imagine the CEO is paid like more than 2,500x the amount of the regular employ… Gotta ask yourself, is that one man doing the same work as 2,500+ other people?
@Anthony Costabile Thank you. My parents were both in management. Sometimes CEOs. They had ways to explain their contributions and I agree there were many that brought great savings and great profits. They were sometimes doubling profit or drastically reducing costs, but there were always people on the floor making those changes happen, navigating the problems, and making it work. The people who have the ideas don’t implement them. I respect my parents. They got involved and helped implement. But when I worked in the industry I saw the reality for the people on the floor. I have PTSD from what I saw on the floor. The CEOs don’t care about that. It’s too far away. Like a general sending a new recruit to the front line.
I’m delighted to see Adam on CNN – he should have a regular spot imo.
I hadn’t heard of him but he’s very well spoken .. I hope he and the writers get the appropriate protection and compensation they need
These are perfectly reasonable demands considering the grotesque salaries that actors receive. very useful information
Actors and sports figures and CEOs and . . . Hey, I’m all for someone making it big, but maybe don’t buy 3 mansions and 8 sports cars and live a little more meagerly. It’s ridiculous.
@kev7161 There was a time where companies would share profits equitably with their employee base, and it was a draw card to both want to work for a company, and to do good work because its success was your success.. somewhere along the way, greed came in and CEOs / Executives decided they needed a bigger cut and the employee should be thankful that they have a job, whilst they get to sail on super yachts and fly in private jets…
Not all actors, just big stars
You guys could just make Adam a resident ruiner at CNN. If he did a weekly segment, I’d watch it every time!
Adam fixes everything?
They deserve whatever they are asking for. I’m glad they are standing up for themselves. It is ridiculous that show executives think they are more valuable that the creators of their products.
This needs to happen not only in writing.
In everything medical professionals, police, construction, let the robots have it all
Collective bargaining is the only power the average folk will ever have against greedy corporations. Unions are what got us the weekend, the 40-hour work week, overtime, and ended child labor. We owe the protections we have to them whether you’ve been in one or not.
I’m proud to say I’m currently applying for the same line of work as many generations of men in my family with the IUOE International Union of Operating Engineers. They take care of their people. Once a journeyman, you’ll take home $30+ an hour with straight pay being in the $60+ an hour range. $8.50 per hour contributed to pension. $9.50 an hour contributed for healthcare. Union dues come out as well. And after all of that, you’re still making $72k per standard work year if you work the 2,080 hours with no overtime. Except construction works loads of overtime and is somewhat seasonal. So you’ll make more, and then have times laid off where you get a break and draw unemployment while the union hall looks for work FOR YOU. And they pay you to go through the apprenticeship as well with a “earn while you learn” model.
Find me anything besides a union that is going to do all that for you while all you need is a high school diploma. You can’t. Unions are the way if you want to be confident you’ll be taken care of as a human.
Holy crap – ONE person being given $250 MILLION dollars in ONE year?? One guy in a company of thousands being given that much money is just out of this world. Great work if you can get it.
I hope the writers win these war, it is time that they earn the rightful place in the industry because without them, all those entertainment content we love wouldn’t be possible.
This is effecting every job market. As a teacher, it sounds exactly the same. But luckily our unions have helped prevent that, maybe. I’m not familiar with the history of the AFT. (American Federation of Teachers.) But I pay my dues for now.
Paying 100 bucks a paycheck to gain a career of reliable work is a great exchange.
I left tech support because I saw the writing on the wall that those types of customer facing tech support jobs will go away and be replaced by software automated systems, self service systems and AI.
And that happened mostly. Call centers are always changing so I can’t be certain.
The Art market is WILD. There is absolutely no rhyme of reason to any of it and I blame similar causes. Large influential artists make claims or produce artwork that changes the market and everyone runs towards it.
This job market is fucking crazy. Thank God I’m a teacher, now if you’d pardon me I have a date with a bullet proof vest and some Brazilian Jujitsu training.
Good! I hope they get what they’re asking for. It’ll give us time to finally finish our backlog of shows. very useful information
Good for them! I hope they get everything they ask for. My whole life has been made better due to writers making me laugh, cry, feel entertained, of course they deserve everything they are asking for.