Figliuzzi: Trump DOJ Grossly Distorted Facts In Call To Drop Flynn Case | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

MSNBC National Security Analyst and FBI veteran Frank Figliuzzi reacts with shock and disgust to the call from Trump's Justice Dept. to drop the case against former Trump aide Michael Flynn. Aired on 5/7/2020.
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Figliuzzi: Trump DOJ Grossly Distorted Facts In Call To Drop Flynn Case | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Figliuzzi: Trump DOJ Grossly Distorted Facts In Call To Drop Flynn Case | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. @Kenny Scivally – Miss me with that BS… I said Trump’s Republicans. 🤦🏽‍♂️ You couldn’t even read _that_ right 🤦🏽‍♂️

    2. @Eric Echols Sr. you liberals ALL have a small child like mind and honestly I feel I’m taking advantage of the level of your intellect so on that we will end this discussion 🙋

    3. @Kenny Scivally – If it makes you feel better to think that I am a “Liberal”… Fine. You still just keep proving that your reading comprehension sucks 😂🤦🏽‍♂️😂😷🖐🏽

    4. @Kenny Scivally – I do have one more thing to say however…. Every since this Administration has come into Power, it doesn’t matter who disagrees with it or it’s supporters, They are labeled as Rino’s, Liberals, or other derogatory animations. Just like you telling me ” you liberals ALL have a small child like mind and honestly I feel I’m taking advantage of the level of your intellect”, because I disagree with you….. Exactly, who’s at a disadvantage of intellect again? 🤔🤨🙄😷

    5. Kenny Scivally trump is corrupt and his administration from abusing his power like this why wouldn’t they want the investigation run its course? who benefits when it’s investigation is stopped? Oh yeah the administration where u trust the most and trump haven’t even released his taxes where he said he would when he’s put into presidency and surprise surprise 3 years in nth but lies, but already expected. Abuse of power is written all over this but you people still blindly follow off the cliffs and still follow his call for division not even one thought but an instinct to obey trump putting the notion of “us vs them” even though it’s just the same American people in this same country. Luckily people are waking up and come November since the polls seem high enough that trump truly will lose and let’s see if your president will give up his power or be a tyrant and show his true colors that he truly is

  1. wait till Barr rolls out the sedition indictments when these clowns start seeing their heroes facing down 20 year prison stints the real screeching will start.

    1. @Lars Jones yeah sure bud what ever. lol i will just take this as an admission and leave it at that have a nice life.

    2. @Kevin T I hope you have a nice life too!
      However, thanks for shutting up when you couldn’t put up.


    3. @Lars Jones well at least you have been consistent in your deranged irrationality no one could ever accuse you of being intellectually honest ….. cheers

    4. @Spring Bloom Trump is under investigation for bank fraud, tax fraud and money laundering among other crimes. All worthy of prison and Barr won’t be there to obstruct investigations. I say him pretending to be too frail and senile will be his defense.

    1. Lars Jones I’m just watching the dominoes fall one by one & things don’t look very well for you. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

    2. ruth depew Fake News – USA has a lower death rate than most of Europe. More.than 50% of our deaths in just 3 Democrat states NY, NJ, MA that failed to react. Without those we’d be way way way lower than Europe.

    3. @M F Coronovirus: Hold my beer, I’m just getting started in the heartland!
      pitter patter
      better get at ‘er!
      Those states also happen to be testing, duh!

    4. Lars Jones Yeah brilliant observation – it’s a virus and a pandemic, that’s what it does, spread. We either hide and keep it in check and destroy the economy or we don’t hide and it spreads. The reason we are behind Europe in death rate is because Trump took action to limit travel from China and Europe. But all that can do is delay not prevent.

    5. Unless Trump pardons them or a judge dismisses the charges with jeopardy attached the next administration can just pick up the cases and finish them.

    1. @Folk Aart Funny, they’re all free. 2/3 of Trumps cabinet is in prison, holding cells, cutting deals or are on trial.
      Keep your conspiracy traitor crap to yourself loony.

    1. Lies only work if the people you lie to trust you, and nobody trusts these radial liberal subversives any more.

  2. What happened to the MIDDLE ?
    It’s one helluva screwy 3-ring circus. I bought center ring premium tickets – and all I see is a brighly lit dung heap – elephant n donkey poop, mostly. The other two rings are awfully crowded, noisy, dimly lit, and people are all scrambling around chasing money that’s being dumped from the tent’s high rigging. Can’t see exactly where it’s coming from – it’s like one of those game shows where you try to catch money that’s blowin around. There IS a middle – it just stinks right now.

    The Ringmaster is absent. Rumor is, he’s off jamming up the local judiciary, so he can keep the show in town beyond the time limits of the circus’s carnival and dung heap permits. Tis said he’s expert at gumming up the scales of permit justice – he uses division (essentially only the 2 extreme rings to choose from – wish I’d have known), distraction (IT IS, after all, a rather remarkable dung heap) and delay – til HE’s ready for the show to move on. Nobody knows where it’s headed.
    It’s one helluva screwy 3-ring circus.

    The main attraction is a dung heap?

    1. Wallace Mulls Why is that Wallace? They aren’t racist enough for you? Tip, not everyone is a KKK member at heart such as yourself.

    1. @Steph I think you need too go read the facts of the case and read the definition of a coup …. That is a violent take over of a government

    2. Marc Ridge
      I’ve read the facts of the case.
      A coup is a sudden violent or illegal seizure of government. You might look up the definition before you correct someone. It was definitely an attempted illegal seizure. Kind of hard to get our head around. We need to wake up-this was close. And still possible. Regardless of your choice of an elected official, our constitution is far more critical than our wants.

    3. Marc Ridge
      Not illegal
      Looked at twice
      Love that CNN-
      We will just disagree.
      The facts are so simple and clear…

    1. And then another 4 years of winning, winning winning and leftist idiots crying, crying, crying.

    1. ESPECIALLY the REpublikkkans……November 3rd is the day the REpublikkkans will find out just what justice looks like!!

  3. Who is gonna file an amicus to make sure all these t-Rumpster lies are pointed out to the court?

    1. You need to seek help, seriously your delusion is impacting your view of reality. Before you go all insane (well worse then you already are) I did not vote for Trump I have never liked Trump and I am mixed race. The FBI just released last week internal documents showing that the agents investigating Flynn had stated there was nothing to justify the investigation and attempted to close the case. Then Comey, Obama, and others stepped in and set up a perjury trap and threatened to go after his family if he did not plead guilty. The man took the fall to protect his family from false charges and a destruction of their lives and businesses. The whole point was to force Trump to fire him because Obama hated the man for calling out Obama’s weak responses to terrorism. The evidence is overwhelming at this point that the Obama DOJ, and other federal agencies have conspired to over turn the 2016 election. I know Trump winning was not what you wanted but he did win, and for that the DNC has destroyed all trust and credibility of the US intelligence and Law enforcement agencies in an attempted coup.

  4. Barr still thinks he is Trump’s and friend’s personal attorney, thus he must grossly distort the facts to please his boss.

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