Former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi reacts to the president’s firing of top cybersecurity official, Chris Krebs, over his declaration that the 2020 election was the most secure in American history. Aired on 11/18/2020.
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#FrankFigliuzzi #Election #MSNBC
Figliuzzi: There Is ‘No Leadership At The Helm To Stop The Propaganda That People Are Buying Into’
The worst and most disgusting president in America’s history has been fired by American citizens
@Jamie C, my comment that contains that sentence is self explanatory.
@Jamie C Your a hypocrite.
@Scott Allen Biden

WON 2020 

@james wheeler I think you mean “you’re”
@Gina Mazyck, yes.
This Chris Krebs matter is just a diversion tactic by Trump, to distract from what Pompeo is doing in the Middle East. Trump is a con-man. He is withholding security briefing from Biden because they probably contain Pompeo’s meeting notes from the Middle East. Wake up America.
They’re protesting Pompeo over there.
@Dawn Santi good
Pompeo wants to run for President.. God help us!! Another Flinstone in the WH…?? OMGOSH
krump seems to be making moves to benefit puttin .
and that ain’t kool
lol they won’t even meet with him dude, they’ve already dealt with him, Kushner and Pompeo, they want to work with Biden more, enough that yeah, Pompeo’s pretty much just over there on vacation with his wife, everyone keeps telling him Trump hasn’t conceded and don’t recognize the administration as legitimate anymore.
t’rump fires the Sec of Defense and 4 of the 6 top officials at the Pentagon.
But hires Rudy to fight his losing legal battles, paying for it with donated funds from his campaign.

those moves benefit his boss Puttin
Genius – he knows the best people, the best words, the best lawyers – what a con man
Trump needs to leave now and people should act now because the government is not standing up for the country
I absolutely agree so what can people do
@gina lanthier We the average citizen can do little. Senate Republicans need to go get Trump under control.
@Raging Monk The Senate Republicans are on Trump side at the moment so I think it’s safe to say that America screwed
@gina lanthier Maybe Mitt Romney can rally a few. I hope.
Romney? Lul… he’s the PR vote puppet.
“Got they hand so far up his rear, call him Mitt” – erb
America has become a banana Republic, we use to be a beacon of democracy!
No. At least you know the banana republic is a banana republic. There’s no description or analogy for what a country with a history of longstanding structures and institutions to come to this ridiculous laughable point in life… to have legislatures enable corruption in broad day light
Wait… But I thought the leftists say that America was never great? How could we have been a beacon of democracy if we were so terrible?
Republicans are the problem. They work for corporations, not Americans.
He won’t have a problem finding another great job
Someone needs to check and see if he’s receiving a salary from Putin, because that’s who it looks like he’s working for. Still 2 months of this crap to go. That’s way too long.
Putin has something on him. That’s his m.o.
It’s sad that he knew by telling the truth he would lose his job. Stop and think about that for a minute. You’re at work and you have to worry that if you tell the truth you’re going to lose your job but if you lie then you’re the best person and gets praise. Trump is Pathetic…
Beyond pathetic. He is truly a horrible narccissistic monster.
t’rump fires the Sec of Defense and 4 of the 6 top officials at the Pentagon.
But hires Rudy to fight his losing legal battles, paying for it with donated funds from his campaign.

Who benefits most from trumps flock thinking he is a god ? Putin, the real Q
The Trump/Putin cheating mechanism failed and Trump is losing it over their failure! Chris Krebs did an outstanding job, he thwarted Putin’s interference!
Qutin from Qremlin has been the real Leader of the USA the last four years. Qoscow is behind all the divisions gone extreme and all the chaos. And will be who knows how long because Qrump and qrumpism are not going anywhere but Vice versa will be boosted years to come by Qutin’s cheap but effective dirty weapons, sophisticated cyber warheads unseen by any radar, using almost demonically certain american liberties thought as american democracy’s strengths showing their unthought weakness if under constant strategic siege which turn those liberties into weapons against american society. To try to defend and fight effectively against Qutin’s attacks would mean restriction of these liberties, which would cause civil unrest and later chaos. So either or: Qutin has already won and has made damage impossible to measure yet. So unite americans and stay vigilant.
Once again, Trump purges those who fact check or investigate him. It is all about controlling the message.
Propaganda reigns! Remember the freak-in-chief targeted the demographic that were easily malleable and then drummed into them the very crap he’s pulling on them and has made it appear it’s the Dark State ie the ‘other side!’ And, it is the Dark State but his cult followers don’t have a clue that it’s their Supreme Leader and all his minions that make up the Dark State! Drain the swamp was what this freak promised he’d do because it was catchy and sounded promising. He goal was to take over the Swamp and make it the Swampiest it’s ever been. His goal from the get go once he ‘won’ the 2016 election! This cretin has absolutely no redeeming qualities and neither do any who support him! They’re filth!
He has always been about manipulating others. That is the only area he has had any real measure of success
If he would of lied, been corrupt and kissed Trumps ring of destruction, he would of been promoted!
I wish you would of used a different word.
would have.
President Joe Biden should give Chris Krebs the Congressional Medal of Honor. On Trump’s birthday.
On the anniversary of trump’s sentencing.
Good one.
That’s a fantastic idea!
Heck yea!
Hope Joe puts him back where he belongs, nice job Chris.
Narcissistic sociopaths MUST destroy everything before they leave. It’s how they cope with rejection and it’s usually epic/awful. Trump is extremely dangerous!!! They simply don’t care how bad they behave or who they utterly destroy.
Forget Trump. He’s been “fired” by the voters. It’s only a matter of time before he’s gone!
Americans are not buying the Propaganda, Republikkklans are.
60% of us aren’t brainwashed sheep, 3 out of 5 isn’t bad y’all!
@Jonathan Davis well sir, it sure seems like it.. where is the backbone? Where is the leadership? When do ALL AMERICANS come first?
Chris Krebs is another in a long line of Trump’s victims. Trump leaves nothing but victims and bodies in his wake.
Man, did anyone ever imagine there were so many gullible objectively stupid people in this country?
He tapped into their HATE. He made them feel sorry for him by playing the VICTIM card. He is playing on their emotions. He promised them he’ll drain THE SWAMP. But in reality he’s creating his own swamp where is the main crocodile who eats everyone around him. Simple minded uneducated people fall in every era in every country. It’s by the book. The same way other dictators were successful. But this country is as big as Europe. He cannot possibly sway 350 million people all at once. His followers are enemies of this country. We will prevail. Blacks people have value, Brown people have value, White people have value. There are too many of us. They will fall. They are the weak ones. They’re Unorganized and Scattered. Only susceptible to the media’s propaganda. Just like zombies, they will cause problems. But we can handle them.
Trump is shocked that he lost an election Putin was tasked to rig for him. He’s shock that we were able to stop Russia from rigging it this time.
Trump is the MODERN-DAY Benedict Arnold. He SOLD his SOUL and COUNTRY OUT.