Reacting to a slew of headlines on the actions by Trump's Attorney General Bill Barr, MSNBC National Security Analyst Frank Figliuzzi says Barr 'is all in for Trump, and not in for the Constitution and the rule of law.' Aired on 09/16/2020.
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Figliuzzi: Barr Is All In For Trump, Not The Constitution | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Everyone in this government has failed us.
The rest of the world laughs at all of you dum dums and I’m here doing the same.
@Ryan R Just out of curiosity what and where is your government?
@Tom Cornwell It was a slowed by 50% continuation of the Obama / Biden growth. We lost high paying factory jobs and gained retail / food service low paying jobs. Trump is a failure.
@Jarrad Bruessel its happening around the world .. This not the first time this happened…it looks like a purpose act to me.. Doesnt really seem to be infecting the rich and powerful…
the fact that the rich will stay rich.. The rest of of us humans are just something to think about … They have to think about how to fix what Americans dealing with..
They dems and Republican just arguing.. Making more money.. Taking ours seems like.. Smh.. Not everybody is the Same.. But trump seems to have gotten a lot of humans that’s not different from him at all.. If that doesn’t make you feel some type of way.. Then its cool.. Regardless of what he says or does.. Its just not right that other that don’t see his way of living.. Gots to continue to deal with the inequality we living today.. Lives shouldn’t be taking because someone don’t like the color of your skin.. He tells y’all he cares.. His actions speaks different.. Just know.. Its a lot of people out here that wants to live.. Not be told lies …. Americans actually like trump…Trump has no heart… Feelings.. The doesn’t care .. And his hate is spreading .. Blame Blm all you want.. Continue watching innocent lives taking.. Due to careless people..
@SmurfMan32 Hope i hate trump don’t get me wrong, but this isn’t population control. There is a reason why it isn’t affecting the rich as much, because in this country, there is only 1% of people who are rich. They can afford to not be out in public and risk their lives. They can afford having certain things done. While the rest of us have to suffer. It isn’t population control. It’s just them being lucky enough to have such luxuries.
“A _rarely_ used sedition law” – What? Like the Logan Act?
@Michal Torres so no then?dont charge violent rioters?the DAs are just letting these people go. You’re down with that?
@James Brice “The people ARE the militia, amd if you were familiar with the letters and writings”
I’m a Military Police Vet you inbred trailer trash.
@Probably Not Dad God, I get tired of the ignorance of the average American and you are below average. The National Guard is the state militia and when the federal government wants to use those troops they send a request. The national guard is activated (deployed) by the State Governor and can be recalled by the State Governor over riding the president.
@New Republican No, he accused scientists working against Trump of sedition.
@Chris T
Direct quote which references a Biden victory : “And when Donald Trump refuses to stand down at the inauguration, the shooting will begin,”
Sure seems like he’s implying resistance to Biden’s election .
Definition :
Insurrection – a violent uprising against an authority or government.
…we still have a constitution? Has anyone visited the National Archives lately to make sure?
@MAE Gary I remember, he did do that to help protect America but at the same time, I wasn’t a Bush fan. He’s a globalist. I think the government then had much to do with 9/11.
@Darnell Magruder Yes they are, in fact so are many top democrats. Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or resistance against, established authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interest of sedition.
Borvo So blame Trump for people having temper tantrums in the streets?
Or just MAYBE people should look at their local officials , and point the finger where it should be pointed.
So sad, that people are so caught up on their dislike for a sitting a President.
That the VAST MAJORITY of them have no clue who runs their own District, and Who’s running these upcoming elections.
Pretty Important stuff , wouldn’t ya thinks?
You know , it only effects every aspect of ones daily life.
Trump Has no control over a community when it comes to its , Education, Police , Financing, Laws, Taxes, Codes, etc, etc…..
Now As far as you ignorant rant, that has Zero Credibility , or Logic to back it.
Let’s Talk facts…
Because I can give you His Numbers , compared to every Sitting President since Reagan, of what he’s done since taking office.
Where would you like to start?
Immigration, Drug Trafficking, Human Trafficking, Terrorism/ Foreign/ Domestic.??…
like I said…
He’s not responsible for pampering a bunch of entitled Brats, and Thugs that refuse to accept any Fact or Logic.
Bear Bear it’s the corporate elite..neocons and neoliberals.
The parties in essence are both pretty decent.
It’s the corruption.
I never point fingers at particular parties because I know who’s really running the show.
And it isn’t Americans.
geno mccgeno excellent point!
Don’t feed the Trolls here, just vote and this will finally be over.
@Buff Straw I see your approach. Start an argument by repeating the opposers statement completely in the form of a question. Clever. Btw, you’re hardly American. You’re uncomfortable in your own skin. Go ahead, repeat all of this in the form of a question.
this thread is so full of stupid. The comment was dead on though.
@Kermit T. Frog Again, where is your PROOF that Republicans are leaving??? BTW numbnuts, the “naked totalitarianism” is coming from the LEFT, not the right. It’s the DEMOCRAT politicians from DA’s to Governors locking down their states UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, even going so far as to dictate what products can or cannot be sold during the lockdowns, even FOOD products.
Before HeCheats
Leftism is fundamentally anti-American and evil, so she can’t be a “real patriot”, and neither are you.
You’re also evil for supporting the evil she posted.
Not over ! Four more years.
When stuff is happening right in front of their face they deny the truth in realitya fire could be burning the virus printing and people dying and people believe them or call gullible.
Barr has cemented his place in history.
@cheryl challacombe I believe it’s way more than that.
They have a Plan for America and its Not Good.
@Todd Toure I think you’re giving them credit for too much intelligence. The country is being led by a self serving individual who has no interest in anybody or anything but making Trump the greatest. He would put the Trump logo on the Stars and Stripes if he could so he can say “Look at me dad. You thought I was a loser.”
@cheryl challacombe William Barr is a Diabolically Intelligent individual who thinks he Knows All the Angles.
I am old enough to remember his Deep Involvement the Iran Contra.
Please don’t Sleep.
heavy chevy oh come on…this is bizarre. Invoking this religious imagery is ridiculous. But, since you have, I suggest you take a look at the words and actions of Jesus and compare to Trump, our “Great American President” I somehow doubt that Jesus would approve of this self-centred egotistical buffoon.
@Paul Matthews I think that poor person is not well. A lot of Trump supporters have mental health issues thats why they are armed to the teeth.
Fire him now!
Thay are possible ignorant, some part of this hole thing
pretty obvious, like a crooked nose
We have a constitution when it pertains to certain people, we all know that.
@H.M. Murdock and our guns are our d! Icks.
@Cody Kays Sorry, liar. They do not.
@H.M. Murdock You believe everything the RepubliCONs tell you, don’t you, chump?
@Cody Kays Really, stupid? Answer me this, who is the alleged President? Dump said the virus was a hoax. Dump refuses to wear a mask. Dump is still telling States to open up for business. Over 6.5 million infected people, many of whom are suffering from long term symptoms, once they are virus free. Over 200, 000 dead. Who is the supposed President, again?
@Washoewillie you cant blame the president when Trump put 1200 beds in the javits center and still put sick old covid patients in nursing homes. You have 50 other states that are supposed to do their jobs. And if you actually pay attention the shutdowns killed people at a faster rate than opening it up. He shut it down because he listened to a “supposed” medical genius named Dr Fauci. Yeah that’s why Trump is getting closer and closer in the battleground states because of the riots.
can hardly wait for the end of this orange nightmare and his circus.
That’s exactly what it is. A circus and Trump is the ringmaster. A showman! Unfortunately the audience are clowns.
You’ll have to wait four more years sucker… LOL
2 rotten peas in a festering pod.
WALL Street a corrupt organization… LIARS!!!
Greed, the most addictive drug on Earth and all the GOP tRUmpet players are on it.
Bill Barr looks like a weak little butler-he used to get bullied at school I heard-Trump has lost 5 million US jobs-go Biden/Harris
PLEASE SHARE: Federal police asked the National Guard whether they had a “heat ray” officers could use against protesters gathered near the White House this summer,according to a letter sent to Congress from a senior officer involved with responding to the protest.
Savannah Behrmann
Batman became great thanks to his butler.
Richard Butler is a great comedian.
The fascists are lining up, taking their positions, reinventing “order” – just as they did in 1932. Oh, but Americans don’t read history anymore, do they? Gore Vidal: “Americans don’t learn anything because they don’t remember anything.” To Vidal, we were the “United States of Amnesia.” And so today, past is prologue.
I agree with you, Mtn Writer.
I thought the attorney general and the DOJ were there to protect the citizens and the constitution,not trump’s re-election.
Not that Attorney General.
Hes just another little terrified wimp afraid of being destroyed by the Fuhrer
Lock them up together. They can spoon each other.
Why is barr still allowed to run a muck? He should have been gone!
PLEASE SHARE: Federal police asked the National Guard whether they had a “heat ray” officers could use against protesters gathered near the White House this summer,according to a letter sent to Congress from a senior officer involved with responding to the protest.
Savannah Behrmann
I know….it’s almost as if he is the President’s “wingman”. Oh, the HUMANITY!