Fighting White Supremacy on Day One | Into America Podcast – Ep. 98 | MSNBC

Rooting out white extremism will be among Joe Biden’s biggest challenges in his first term as president. This week on Into America, Trymaine Lee sits down with Erroll Southers, a former federal agent and an expert in homegrown extremism at the University of Southern California. Southers lays out how white supremacist extremism was fostered over decades in this country, and the steps President Biden can take to begin to address the crisis.

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Fighting White Supremacy on Day One | Into America Podcast – Ep. 98 | MSNBC

Fighting White Supremacy on Day One | Into America Podcast – Ep. 98 | MSNBC


      They are also not white supremacists inciting for a civil war.

    2. @Lee – Child of God Trump did not win squat, he lost the election by 81 million votes to Biden.
      White supremacists stormed the Capitol and are a bunch of thugs and criminals.
      the FBI is looking for those criminals and watch out that they don’t look for you too.

    3. @Incisive Commenter Trump lost by 81 million votes? You’d better check eiher your math or your English language skills on that

    4. @Corporate Democrats Hate Progressives oops you’re right, I stand corrected.

      Biden won by 7 million votes, making to 81 million votes total. More people voted by Biden than any other American president.

    5. @Lee – Child of God Again, there’s NO evidence that Antifa or BLM was ever in there.
      The far right, Q-anon, the Boogaloos, the proud Boys were there though, and are going to jail.

  1. *Thought Police* Judge: “You have been charged with wrong think, how do you plead?”
    Freedom Aficionado: “Uh..not guilty?”
    Judge: “Wrong! To room 101 with you!”

    – in a history book coming to America soon-

    1. @Lee – Child of God
      Antifa is not an organization, so it can’t have “members.” And it is extremely unlikely any would have been there anyway, unless maybe to counter-protest. and I have already agreed with you on the blanket generalizations.

    2. @Jock Young Nope. They’ve already proved that there were some of Antifa there as well as paid protestors and crisis actors among those who got inside the building. So no, not all of them were trumpers.

    3. @Lee – Child of God so we should just stop addressing white supremacy? That’s not a hill I’m willing to die on.

    4. @Garrick Thomas Nope. Never once said that. We must deal with true w h i t e supremacy (not falsely accusing people who are not), true b l a c k supremacy (again, making sure we’re not falsely accusing), b l m, Antifa, and others.

    5. @Jock Young hi, I’m a Trump supporter (wasn’t always until I watched Candace Owens talk about the real problems in the black community).

      Am I a white supremacist?

      I happen to disagree with the statement that the rioters at the capital (which EVERYONE agrees was wrong) were proving their white supremacy.

      Is me disagreeing with you enough to call me a terrorist supporter? If so, turn me into the thought Police.

      And BTW, what you, the MSM, the corrupt politicians are doing calling half of America terrorists and white supremacists, is akin to slander.

      The establishment has just made it so incredibly expensive to fight in court so they can get away with it.

    1. There is black people in small towns. What you mean is these specific black people in question. But then again I would say the same thing for the white Hispanic and whatever else is in that crowd

  2. Take a look at all the racist in the comment section!!! Now let’s isolate every last one of them. Don’t even respond to their ignorance!

    1. @Evan Kellison
      If Emanuel Jackson was arrested, what is the problem? Like most of the terrorists, he apparently believes that America has been taken over by Chines globalists are something. None of those people were very bright.

    2. @Jock Young Emmanuel Jackson is an African-American BLM supporter. Every single headline in the main stream news blames Trump supporters for the riot. The guy that they are actually charging for murder and insurrection… Happens to be a black guy supporting BLM and attempting to overthrow the Biden administration according to his Facebook messenger posts. That’s the problem. They’re trying to impeach Donald Trump right now for something that Emmanuel Jackson and the BLM crew did. You don’t think that political corruption is a problem? I do…

    3. @Evan Kellison that’s a generalization. The same thing was done in those “antifa wildfires” and it’s ridiculous. If one American kills a Mexican National, are all Americans at war with Mexico? No and you know this. It’s clear that he is a lone actor, but you want to generalize to make the situation seem more than it is.

    4. @Garrick Thomas OK… Maybe reading comprehension isn’t your thing. The FBI said he has over 120 people linked on Facebook messenger that were all at the protest in the front of the line near the capital. The reason why they caught so many of these people so quickly according to the FBI, is because of this man’s phone and his Facebook messenger profile.


  4. Tell Biden to look in the mirror first. He hade some pretty anti-black speeches in his day. Senile old grifter.

    1. @Jock Young well why not? you’re so hateful and miserable you did it to trump and his supporters for four years.

  5. Trump even went to the lowest ebb destroying racial sensitivity program in all Federal organization or agencies!

    1. Probably because they were falsely teaching that all w h i t e s are r a c i s t and “privileged”.

    2. @Lee – Child of God
      Is that your assumption? Why? Just because some people go to far does not mean diversity training is unnecessary

    3. @Jock Young Because that’s literally what they teach. It means we need to not base diversity training off of the fake political correctness.

    4. @Lee – Child of God
      No, that is almost never taught in diversity training. Political correctness ensures that as well.

    1. BLM and antifa aren’t as big a threat as white supremacists, how quick we are to forget Charlottesville. “Good people on both sides” – Cheeto who got deleetoed in the election.

  6. How do We The People stand up and fight against these white supremacists? It doesn’t belong here and I want a better world for our children.

    1. He thinks he is🤪. His 60 day executive orders will be just that!! Stupid, corrupt cheating Joe and is disgusting FAKE VP 🤪

    1. @Garrick Thomas

      There ARE no other “Supremacist” groups, only White Supremacy ( which is more than the KKK and Nazis and GROUPS).

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