1. Exactly, everyone wants to bring partisan politics into it. Bottom line getting in someone’s personal space is asking for it, that’s basic Man law.

    2. @JasonDrvmz I know. Im a Republican, and NO man should expected to sit there and just take it, even the police.

    3. This is exactly what the blue cult deserves after calling for the harassment and assault of those who support the previous administration.

  1. dude was in his face. he tried to evade and deescalate the situation, other guy wouldnt let up…far as im concerned he did nothing wrong

  2. Let me make this perfectly clear, if ANYBODY got in my face and made physical aggressive contact with me like the guy in the green jacket did, they would be taking him to the hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. You are a tough man the internet! You just don’t like the blow back KDL is getting as a resulrs of his racism hence taking your anger on the internet green guy. 🤣

    2. Well, to be fair unless you are a lying, dishonest, racist POS I doubt you have to worry about getting confronted like that.

  3. I see a councilman being prevented from leaving by an aggressive protester detaining him against his will, he had the full right to use any force necessary to get free of the protester. The protester should be arrested for kidnapping.

    1. @Vertigo Btw, it is perfectly okay to have racial bias. In the political sense it’s foolish not to recognize race is an important factor in issues and long-term support.

    2. @Don Jindra There is something the matter with you. You have piss poor comprehension. LISTEN AGAIN. They are there to serve their constituents. If there is doubt regarding their impartiality on something like race, then OF COURSE they should resign. What planet you live on?

  4. These people go and harass other people and then get surprised when they get the reaction they didn’t expect, then they wanna play the victim. Weirdos 🤦🏽‍♂️

    1. a black man uses free speech calling out a racist with his hands in the air so he should be attacked? this is what oppression and a threat to democracy really looks like. keep on presser man

    2. @runna I’m black and there’s still other ways to call things out other than getting in another man’s personal space. That’s not the way. I saw someone catch a head tap 20 something years ago for doing the same thing getting up in someone’s face like that. It’s not worth it especially when you don’t know how other people will react, especially nowadays. And by the looks of things the politician wanted all the smoke with the guy in the green jacket, he was on go.

    3. @JasonDrvmz Sorry about that maga, fixed it for ya 🤣. And you’re not Black, and don’t use your race to lend credibility to your facile statements. It’s uncouth.

    1. @Thuggee Gaming There is no reason to assume people that think the “protestor” was in the wrong are maga. I hate trump as much as most reasonable people and this is a clear gut case of the guy in green starting something and whining about losing the fight later.

    2. @Alpha Nerd I can tell you’re triggered, and a maga. You need a safe space because you’re very triggered, but you’re going to be even more triggered when drumpf goes to prison 🤣

    3. @JasonDrvmz Didn’t say it was a partisan issue, I said he’s a maga, and so are you. You’re also triggered and mad at the FBI for raiding Mar a lago 🤣

    4. @Thuggee Gaming Okay. Never mind that I think the 1/6 insurrectionists should have been shot on the capital steps or that I have made no emotional statements whatsoever. I must be “maga” becuase I don’t think a man is obligated to take it when some guy physically pushes him against the wall and headbutts him.

      You are right. I am mad at the FBI. I’m mad at them for publicly slandering Hillary Clinton a week before the election. I’m mad at them for dragging their heels on rounding up insurrectionists.

      Do you feel stupid yet?

  5. The guy in the green coat was at fault here. You need to respect personal space or things like this will happen. I would get a restraining order against the guy. He calls himself a community activist but he is really a bully and an antagonizer that needs to be outed of public space if he is going to go after people physically.

  6. A guy gets in my face like that, and I’ll throw a punch or two myself. This story should be about that S. O. B. It was clearly self defense.

  7. Looking at the video, to me the guy in the green jacket seems to be the aggressor… I would like to see these guys sit down and TALK it out – use their words and explain this incident to the children who have seen this. We must start acting civil and stop being so hateful and ugly, come on community representatives – get it together!!!

  8. Kevin should no longer be a council member, and while I would not call what the activist did a headbutt or know what he is talking about when he says a pelvic thrust, the activist is in the wrong. You can’t get in people’s face like that. Imagine if someone walks up on you and puts their face against your own. That right there is bad enough. Then add in the fact that the person is angry at you and yelling. Just putting his hands up does not make it okay to invade someone’s personal space like that.

    1. @AngelBaby Cards Actually, I don’t think people should walk on egg shells simply because someone might take offense. It’s time to ignore all snowflakes.

    2. @Ry I just dont understand, with what I saw, even if there is no headbutt de leon had every right to slug the guy. Honestly it blows my mind anyone would think differently.

    3. @john mcguire From the story and the comment section it doesn’t look like anyone does but the lawyer of the guy that attacked the councilman.

    1. @Rosa M Diaz He is scum all of those LA representatives are scum and to think that they would even say bad things about Black people who’ve been in the city longer than they have. They’ve been in the country longer than they have.

  9. 2:54 Honestly, it does look like the guy in the green jacket confronting him was the first to make physical contact with as he put it “a pelvic thrust” and a “head but”. As much as I don’t want to take the side of Kevin de Leon, that does appear to be what the video shows.

  10. Judging by what I saw in the video, the “activist” made physical contact with de Leon first. I’m no fan of de Leon, but he was within his right to defend himself. I certainly would.

    1. I agree 100 %. He was cornered by an angry crowd and had every right to defend himself. These stupid protesters need to get a life. They are blowing this way out of proportion.

  11. “Community activist” earned that one, what a PoS. I’d have done a lot worse to the guy and I’m non-violent. You have a right to defend your personal space. Dude clearly head butted him: 2:56

  12. Honestly, if people are going to be this up in your face you should hit them. Just tell them to stop and explain the local harassment statutes to them first.

  13. Anyone who’s being lambasted “in your face” that close obviously should do something about it. Try doing it to a police, to a soldier, a marine, an MMA fighter or to any so-called ‘patriot’ and let’s see if their reactions will be different. Respect and be respected. An eye for an eye.

  14. KDL was completely in the right here, he was harassed, his space violated and you can see the guy head butt him, he absolutely had the right to defend himself just because the guy is a constituent doesn’t mean KDL has to treat him like he’s a god and not defend himself.

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