Fierce fighting On Turkey-Syria Border, Casualties Expected To Dramatically Rise | MTP Daily | MSNBC

“It’s just tragedy upon tragedy of the same over and over again," NBC News correspondent Matt Bradley said, "starting with that betrayal from the White House." Aired on 10/9/19.
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Fierce fighting On Turkey-Syria Border, Casualties Expected To Dramatically Rise | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Fierce fighting On Turkey-Syria Border, Casualties Expected To Dramatically Rise | MTP Daily | MSNBC


  1. 45* has towers in Istanbul. But surely that didn’t affect his decision. Once again, our US policy is based on his business interests, not our countries’ interests. Most corrupt potus ever.

    1. Oh yeah, I’m sure the Turkish president said something about Trump’s precious towers in that phone call they had the other day. Maybe “Let us attack the Kurds or we’ll seize your towers.”

      A guy who is so easily compromised should never be president. He also has property in Saudi Arabia, that would explain his extra friendly attitude with the prince as well. And we know he really wants to build a Moscow tower, so he kisses up to Putin too. Everything he’s done as president has been to benefit his own business interests.

  2. Trump pulled out of Syria to divert focus from his impeachment. He is a traitor and a lying sack of sht. He is guilty of extortion of Ukraine to find dirt on a political opponent.

    1. the losers, innocent children caught in the middle, running away from bombs drop by turkey. makes me sick. who are the good guys? now a days. the middle east especially syria is a mess……

    2. Traitor Trump! Traitor to America and now a Traitor to one of our best, fierce allies ever, the Kurds.
      15 years of fighting and dying alongside American’s, betrayed to drumpfs master, Putin. Traitor!!!

  3. Trump handed our ally over to Turks to be slaughtered so he can have his Trump tower in Istanbul. He betrayed our country and our allies. Get this criminal behind bars.

    1. Turkey is a country and kurds are just militant come a country would support an militant organization over a country

    1. Everyone at work has been saying we only have 2 choices in 2020. A vote for Democrats and America, or a vote for corruption and foreign influence.

  4. All these dead women and children just because Satanic Moronic Loser Trump wanted to show off for his base. Wow. Just wow. 🙁

  5. Since Turkey might have bought Russian S400 as protest for US supporting Kurds, Turkey’s so called terrorist, Trump is sacrificing new allies to get back Turkey’s favor.

    1. ConTroller don’t you understand that the ypg is the syrian branch of the pkk wich is a terorist organisation recognized by the usa.turkey and eu they have the same goal they are brothers they’ve killed 40 000 turks over the last 30 years with suicide attacks and everything how would you react in this situation ? Imagine your nato ally supporting a terror group on your border ? Let me answer THE SAME

    2. @Seksiumutcocuk -_- Boşver mal oldukları için anlamazlar. Yapayalnız kaldık yine umarım bu terör yuvalarını tamamen yok ederiz.

  6. I really hope he’s not trying to provoke an attack on America and start a war to stop the impeachment process

  7. Scary. ISIS will now have the opportunity to rebound in strength. However, the world’s most dangerous idealogues reside in America.

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