Feeling ‘Low-Grade Depression’ Over Pandemic, Racial Strife, Trump Admin. Hypocrisy | MSNBC

Zerlina Maxwell joins Ali Velshi to discuss Michelle Obama opening up about feeling “low-grade depression” about the pandemic, racial unrest, and the hypocrisy of the Trump administration, the “mass loss and grief and trauma” that the nation is collectively dealing with and how to use Michelle Obama’s message to move forward and take back the country from a “rudderless and incompetent” president. Aired on 8/6/2020.
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Feeling ‘Low-Grade Depression’ Over Pandemic, Racial Strife, Trump Admin. Hypocrisy | MSNBC

Feeling ‘Low-Grade Depression’ Over Pandemic, Racial Strife, Trump Admin. Hypocrisy | MSNBC


  1. The entire country has been depressed since Trump became president. His presidency will be remembered as the Great Oppression.

    1. Obama & His Administration
      Needs in Jail .
      Worst President ever !

      Did ya notice thousands of Americans 🇺🇸 couldn’t see their Loved ones before they died ?
      Couldn’t have a Funeral.
      Couldn’t be in Church .
      Well look at the double Standard with a Democrat Congress member .
      There was a Funeral.
      People sitting sides by side ,
      Church packed .

      Then you have that disgusting Obama Doing a Democrat Galley at a funeral !
      No 14 day Isolation afterward. .
      Anyone else see the Double standard ?

    2. @Eric Phelps You mean at John Lewis’ funeral? They were practicing social distancing. It’s okay to hate Obama. But, for what? He’s not the president. He’s a private citizen.

    3. @Karen Byrd
      They was sitting right next to each other !
      Thousands of people couldn’t even see their Loved ones before they died .
      No Funerals .
      No Church .
      But the liquor Stores are sure open , on and on
      Tarrany !

      If your an American watch this . that will upset any American that bleeds red , white & blue .


    1. Vote get involved and Trump is going into handcuffs when he leaves. I’m also looking forward to his family following behind him.

    1. Obama & His Administration
      Needs in Jail .
      Worst President ever !

      Did ya notice thousands of Americans 🇺🇸 couldn’t see their Loved ones before they died ?
      Couldn’t have a Funeral.
      Couldn’t be in Church .
      Well look at the double Standard with a Democrat Congress member .
      There was a Funeral.
      People sitting sides by side ,
      Church packed .

      Then you have that disgusting Obama Doing a Democrat Galley at a funeral !
      No 14 day Isolation afterward. .
      Anyone else see the Double standard ?

    2. She did not want to be 1st lady. She certainly doesn’t want to be VP.
      Although she would be great:)

  2. Yeah, im depressed af since 16 and i’m not even american (or black). I can’t even imagine having to live in the US.

    1. You put one foot in front of the other and you go on. Life isn’t supposed to be easy or fair. Personally, I find it disappointing that Michele O. is saying this when she is a living example , along BHO, of what the American Dream is supposed to be about. I’m black. I don’t whine about how unfair life can be. Everyone dies. That’s how the score, if one keeps score, gets even.

      John Lewis didn’t ever whine about anything. At least I don’t remember him ever doing that.

    2. There are only 500,000 Americans who still watch MSNBC because we all know it is depressing anti-American propaganda. Fifteen one-hundredths of ONE PERCENT still watch MSNBC. 0.15% ! Only 15 people in a town of 10,000. The country is beautiful in the summer and the farmers are bringing in the hay and wheat and orchard crops. Cheers.

  3. Its very depressing to see, and hear the POTUS act like a child, and member of his party stand by and says nothing like scared cowards.

    1. I’ve been having so much fun for the past six months that I’m afraid someone might throw a net over me. The virus was found to be less lethal than first thought. Kids are 99.999% immune. Half the people who got killed were so sick they only had a year to go. The economic downturn that started about February 28, reversed itself about March 23 when the French doctor announced the cocktail cured 400 patients,; later he increased his count to 1050. Even though I couldn’t sell out on Feb 28, it doesn’t matter now because I’m 95% recovered.
      BUT THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT: Donald J Trump is now the leader of 40 countries who will set China back 30 years in it’s goal of world economic domination by the year 2050. China has been exposed as the villain who created this problem by releasing the virus into Europe. And foreign manufacturers are leaving China as quick as they can get out. Plus blue states which intentionally locked down in order to defeat Trump, will be the first to go bankrupt because of the pension fund liabilities and lack of federal welfare.
      If you can’t be thrilled by all this good news, you will probably have a long and lonely life. Cheers.

    2. @Jeff Gibson Thank you for cutting and pasting your manifesto into the comments, it’s the best laugh I’ve had in a while. However, as fun as this was please, please, start taking your medication again.

  4. The last time was during WW2 but back then we were feeling more anger than depression

  5. My depression started the day this mob boss was elected to serve the people. What a scam the last four years have been

  6. I’m just depressed watching Trump destroying America!! I really hope Americans can recover from his atrocities!!

    1. Obama & His Administration
      Needs in Jail .
      Worst President ever !

      Did ya notice thousands of Americans 🇺🇸 couldn’t see their Loved ones before they died ?
      Couldn’t have a Funeral.
      Couldn’t be in Church .
      Well look at the double Standard with a Democrat Congress member .
      There was a Funeral.
      People sitting sides by side ,
      Church packed .

      Then you have that disgusting Obama Doing a Democrat Galley at a funeral !
      No 14 day Isolation afterward. .
      Anyone else see the Double standard ?

  7. When you have an abusive President you have a population who are like children living in an abusive household

  8. What I feel is a low grade terror that the Monster will cheat his ways into another four years and the total destruction of America and perhaps the planet.
    Vote true. Vote blue.

  9. That low grade depression is not because of Trump, it is because you and hubby are being investigated for corruption.

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