Feds wants provinces to step in to support Canadians as well | CTV’s Question Period

Families Minister Karina Gould believes there is an affordability crisis in Canada and speaks about the actions the feds are taking.

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Feds wants provinces to step in to support Canadians as well | CTV's Question Period


  1. When Sobeys gave me a 2 dollar raise at the beginning of Covid, they called it “Hero Pay.” Just for 2 weeks, though. So that’s when I started eating floor steak

  2. Hi , I’m Justin Trudeau…i got a big raise …..and you didn’t…..hahahahahaha……SGFY

  3. Slight of hand! Give them a couple hundred of their own dollars back while taking thousands of new tax dollars with the other hand.

  4. So you have to have kids under 6 and get GST to get 1-2 weeks worth of groceries….great…
    And for the rest of the millions of Canadians who are suffering??

  5. I don’t think rent is controlled at all…it’s out of hand everywhere…when those on social assistance can’t get rent subsidies meant for low-income because the landlords simply refuse it there is a problem…there needs to be a new ruling for not allowing a landlord to deny needed measures…my rent surpasses my social assistance by $52 and will increase…that is a serious problem…

    1. In case you have forgotten all of canada has a rent crisis not isolated to only two of the biggest cites thanks…Atlantic canada is among that…any place where you work or are on social assistance amd can barely afford your rent then cant eat is a crisis but the renting industry is taking alot of ppl for high rides affordable or not due to inflation and not having rates match the rental rates is a major problem its coast to coast not just in two major cities…

  6. The social “policies” that the current federal government is attempting to impose on provinces, are not sustainable even with a strong Canadian economy which is currently non existent in these inflationary times. Unfortunately the “affordability crisis” has been fueled by the federal government itself by increased taxation and their inability to control their own spending, mainly due to not understanding or appreciating basic economics.

  7. glad I bought a house before Justin became PM my house has more then doubled in value. thing is a don’t feel bad at all for the losers who actully voted for Justin and will never own a house themselves.

  8. I love the way she says ” we don’t pull all the levers” what a joke but soon it will be tackle once the liberals are gone bye thanks for nothing

  9. Wow….. it’s so nice when a thief robs you then opens his new wallet and gives you some money that used to be yours

  10. The government has to print money to offer rebates thus adding to inflation. Our grandkids will pay for our rebates. Stay informed.

  11. I do think Mrs.Gould does care about Canadians , but I can’t understand how you could work for a hypocrite who stays in 6k a night hotels and takes 150k vacations using tax dollars, while everyone else is going through hell.

  12. ever since prices have gone up 30 % because of federal spending I have a better idea, how about Trudeau steps down and we have someone represent truly Canadians.

  13. Takes 20 at the pump, 20 at the grocery, 20 at the utilities, 40 at your income then gives you 10 and says: “see how you are well with me so vote for me”.

  14. We can rest easy at night knowing the Liberal shoe-shining goofs in the GTA will no doubt vote Liberal again during the next election to put the final nail in the coffin of affordability, peace and stability in Canada. This is no longer a Liberal Party problem. It’s an electorate problem.

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