Feds seized documents from Mar-a-Lago in June

The FBI search at Mar-a-Lago this week came months after federal investigators served an earlier grand jury subpoena and took away sensitive national security documents from former President Donald Trump's property during a June meeting, people familiar with the matter tell CNN. #CNN #News


    1. @richard armstrong y’all voted Democrat and it’s working out extremely well for the entire country isn’t it

  1. Why didn’t they just ask…?
    It’s been almost 2 years tracking those dovuments.
    We’re sick of “asking”

    1. @Mordalo The documents don’t have to be classified. Whitehouse documents belong to The National Archives. PERIOD!

  2. “When you’re attacking FBI agents because you’re under criminal investigation, you’re losing.”

    – Sarah Hillbilly Sanders, Nov. 2016

    1. @richard armstrong no, if he declassifies it that makes it public as in…it’s no longer govt property….meaning the govt has no authority to seize property it doesn’t own anymore. Either way, you seem to know what he stole. So what were they and how do you know what they were?

    2. @YouTube censor that’s the point genius. If it’s declassified the govt no longer has authority over it because it’s not theirs. How do you get a warrant signed to recover property that no longer belongs to the govt?

    3. @Miles Civis I think you’re not willing to do your own research, just being “declassified” it’s STILL not his private property. It can be accessible in COPY form but he can’t keep it… it’s not now, nor will it ever be HIS to keep 🤯

    4. @richard armstrong I’m sure he wouldn’t keep it just to himself. I’m guessing many other public entities have copies. Hopefully he’ll post it for everyone to read after this unconstitutional raid! Then we can all read what he had 😃

  3. When you are served a subpoena, you answer it ASAP. If you have property that belongs to the government, you give it back ASAP.

    1. @Kevin Colson Biden said “we choose truth over facts” just one of hundreds of his statements that you ignore 🤣🤣🤣

  4. What ever happened to the documents of his secret meetings with Putin? Or what was discussed with the Russian ambassadors early on in his presidency and the details of the love letters from Kim Jung.

  5. I went through nearly all my life without coming into contact with the word egregious, now I can’t get away from it. okay, not that significant in the scheme of things, dark days Indeed.

  6. “Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.”
    — D. T. March 16, 2013

  7. Wonder how many classified documents are floating around or at the bottom of the ocean and how many are in foreign government hands.

    1. @kinlika Apparently you don’t understand that they were there earlier and removed 15 boxes of documents and they just happened to leave those behind. Are you interested in buying a bridge that I own in Alaska?

  8. DOJ to Cipollone: Can you tell us something important…Cipollone to DOJ: Yeah, Trump’s hiding more stuff at Mar-a-Lago

    1. YES !! Either him or his offsider… They have recently testified under subpoena… somewhere… about something…

  9. Wondering about the Kuchners’ 2 billions Saudi loan too. And Jared’s security clearance.
    It all reeks of intelligence trading.

  10. I don’t know for a fact about this, but as someone who has had to keep up government paperwork, there was ALWAYS a “log” for cross reference, and for us always copies in case something happened to the originals.
    They probably know exactly what is missing, down to the letter.

    1. Except in Trump’s case, the phone log is empty for much of the day on Jan 6, and his appointment log is completely missing known meetings that occurred in mid December. The documents, especially the most secret ones, will have logs of when and who checked them out. I’m sure many of those logs and documents went down a toilet. No telling what went down a toilet at Mar-a-Lago.

  11. If the FBI went outve its way to obtain these documents then they gotta be some expensive info or extremely harmful to the US if released.

    He could’ve used it as leverage or put them up for sale.

  12. Trump 2016: “only criminals use the 5th, if you use the 5th you’re guilty”
    Trump 2022: “No one invokes the 5th as beautifully as me. No one even heard of the 5th before I came along. Yesterday a long friend of mine, a rough tough guy, came up to me with tears in his eyes and said sir, mister president sir, no one has ever used the 5th as bigly and tremendously as you. We love the 5th amendment right? I invented the 5th amendment. It’s right after the 4th which says you can’t be searched without probable cause oh wait.. I mean.. um .. it’s all a deep state plot please don’t notice it’s been signed off on by people I appointed myself”

  13. MELANIA: I was the informant that led the FBI to the documents. And I got to wear my famous jacket I wore to the U.S./Mexico border, “I don’t care! Do you?”
    TRUMP: That Melania woman, I barely know her. I think I had a kid with her, but everyone knows that’s not true. Many people are saying that. 🙂

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