Federal investigators scrutinizing Rep. Matt Gaetz are seeking the cooperation of a former Capitol Hill intern who was once a girlfriend of the Florida Republican, sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.
Investigators could also soon gain the formal cooperation of a second key witness, former Florida county tax collector Joel Greenberg, who is approaching a deadline this week to strike a plea agreement with the government on more than two dozen charges he's facing.
The pursuit of the cooperation comes as investigators are nearly finished collecting evidence, one source said. The probe, which is examining whether Gaetz broke federal sex trafficking, prostitution and public corruption laws and whether he had sex with a minor, has been ongoing for months.
But decisions on whether to charge Gaetz have yet to be made and will fall to prosecutors in the public integrity section of the Justice Department. That decision is likely to take some time, another source familiar with the matter said, as the Justice Department considers whether there's sufficient evidence for an indictment.
The cooperation of Greenberg and the former girlfriend could be among the final steps in the probe of Gaetz. Investigators view both as crucial to understanding the relevance of hundreds of transactions they have obtained records of, including those involving payments for sex, sources familiar with the investigation tell CNN. The ex-girlfriend could also be questioned by investigators about a second woman as they try to determine whether Gaetz may have slept with that woman when she was only 17.
The former girlfriend, who did not work in Gaetz's office on Capitol Hill, is of interest to investigators because she was on a trip Gaetz took to the Bahamas in 2018 and is believed to have knowledge of drug use and arrangements with women, the sources say.
Gaetz has been isolated politically but has remained defiant in the six weeks since the investigation first became public, launching a nationwide speaking tour alongside the controversy-generating Georgia Republican, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, with the investigation swirling around him.
Gaetz has denied any wrongdoing, including paying for sex or having sex with a minor.
In response to CNN's questions for this story, a Gaetz spokesperson said: "Your 'story' is simply a regurgitation of the same falsehoods you've been peddling for two months now without a shred of evidence or a single on-record accuser."
Timothy Jansen, a lawyer for the ex-girlfriend, declined to comment.
The FBI and Justice Department also declined to comment.
#paulareid #CNN #News
It’s heating up
… Anyone attached to him will pay a big price on midterms
@KLR KLR Warren Buffett one of the worlds richest men Who voted for Joe Biden is having second thoughts and buyers remorse.
Given China
Joe Bidens unprecedented spending spree and money-printing splurge, many critics have warned that such fiscal irresponsibility could result in a destructive wave of inflation.
Berkshire Hathaway CEO and billionaire investor Warren Buffett owns a number of large homebuilding companies—and he just warned that they’re seeing inflation on the rise.
“We are seeing very substantial inflation,” Buffet said at a Sunday shareholder meeting. “It’s very interesting. We are raising prices. People are raising prices to us and it’s being accepted.”
When one of the greatest businessman of all time is regretting voting for China
Joe Biden, you know bad things are coming for America.
Month after month the deterioration of our country will continue with China
Joe Bidens ‘America last’ policies.
But hey, at least China
Joe did not tweet anything mean and we have a woman Vice President 
@Not Here China
Joe Is destroying every job in America. Why are all the communist Democrat states still shut down while Republican Florida is rocking & booming the economy doing great under Republican Ron Desantis leader ship?
With less infections and deaths than all the Libtard states run by the communist Democrat governors? That are still shut down with all the businesses and jobs destroyed .
Care to explain?
@FACTS ONLY The only people that think ratings are a thing are Trump Humpers. Who cares?
Nah. This is the Retrumplickin party. They’ll probably nominate him for Cheney’s job while he’s in prison.
@BeeKay Dee correction: Joe Biden got 81 million votes. Donald Trump supposedly got 73 + million votes. But he told his followers to vote twice so we can’t really rely on that number. The Democrats didn’t challenge the votes. Fortunately they are not trying to undermine democracy like the Republicans do.
It’s time for Gaetz sees the backside of those prison gates.
Cho-mo Matt Gaetz needs to be in prison until someone makes him a eunuch in a classic prison shower scene.
@Don nawzd
Whatever. No one believes that Q crap. No one. No one is crusifying Gaetz. Everything is speculation at this point but time will tell. But no matter what the outcome is will you believe truth or more conspiracy theories? Is there any proof that would change your mind even if Gaetz confessed? I believe in innocent until proven guilty but the irrefutable proof that Gaetz is the only congressman that voted against the bill concerning sex trafficking is beyond concerning. He got away with drunk driving in his daddy’s car. Why wouldn’t he think he he could do anything he wants?
Not only was the presidential election stolen in Arizona but others back to 2016 . Audit of the ” most honest election ever” democrats ; noooooooooo! Send a hundred lawyers!!!
So just like kavanah he’s guilty before information is playing out. Does he not deserve a trial just take us back to medivail time. It’s a fact a sir a woman or man can accuse you of rape any day now and you can spend life in prison with out do prosss and you knowing you are incense of charges. You will except it
@Laura Thompson
Lookout for that spell checker. It’s making you sound silly. Now, on to the meat. Now, I believe in innocent until proven guilty. But his friend selling Gaetz out and the irrefutable fact that he was the only congressman to vote against the bill concerning sex trafficking is more than concerning. It’s hard to truly believe that Gaetz could be innocent.
@Laura Thompson Hey Laura, you need to brush up on your spelling.
Matt Gaetz is the Poster Boy for the GOP. Gaetz represents everything the Republicans stand for.
Isn’t that the truth. And the rest of the crazy right wing party stand behind him.

Right. The party of family values

Trump, Stone, Gaetz, Joel, and everything with Epstein in FL hmmmmm
He’s also the poster boy for the pervert definition.
This is a total political Hit Job! Matt Gaetz is under attack bc he stood up to the Deep state, America is out of Control, this will blow up big time on CHINESE News Network CNN

Privilege, entitlement, above the law lawmakers.
This is a total political Hit Job! Matt Gaetz is under attack bc he stood up to the Deep state, America is out of Control, this will blow up big time on CHINESE News Network CNN
Matt Gaetz must have misunderstood when he was told people use Venmo to make minor purchases.
Hey Hairy@Jovid-19 Biden , Little Matty Gaetz he laid down and had a little sleep – When he awoke, Lord Donald was standing at his feet – Saying, how do you like my feather bed, how do you like my sheets? How do you like my little girl, who lies in your arms asleep?…….. Fairport Convention—-Matty (Gaetz) Groves.
@felicity woodruffe 15 is the minimum age for being too old for Joe
@Jovid-19 Biden you are a sick puppy
@Jovid-19 Biden The Republicans literally blocked a bill in Idaho to outlaw child marriage. Currently there is no minimum age.
There is still an active insurrection happening; the same lie/excuse is still being used by the G.Q.P. to undermine democracy.
@SumguythatisaContrarianNPCLibtardwholovesWaifus oh remember opening the southern border stops trafficking and abuse of children
finish the wall reenact remain in mexico
thanks for playing ..remember arizona
This is a total political Hit Job! Matt Gaetz is under attack bc he stood up to the Deep state, America is out of Control, this will blow up big time on CHINESE News Network CNN
@alex johnson You know Trump supporters can’t spell.
Slow moving coup

@Richard Reese get medication. Poor thing

Hopefully those women say the truth or they themselves are going to prison too!!!!
@Stan Wilson you must not know Some of the women I know, Stan. If there are Any truths at all, it’s that people are , well , Liars. Whoever told you that women don’t fart was lying to you. They lie as we lie .
If fang fang could get away with turning swalwell nothing will shock me about anyone in politics . from robert kkk byrd to gaetz
Cool with everyone involved goes to jail
Hello Esther how are you doing today ?
Matt is hoping this stretches out for a bit so he doesn’t miss Prom
@Don nawzd yep..been 4 weeks. No actual proof.
DAMN! That is MEAN! True, and funny, but MEAN!

I love it.
That’s Rich! Lol

@JFK Jr. Is Still Dead
Nevermind, did you get your new Snookie balloon?
Ronny DeSantis and Gaetz used to be best friends, but when this news first broke, he ran away faster than Usain Bolt at a track meet!
@Blue Crow Oh a misoginist too. Other countries didn’t need stimulus because they can actually handle a crisis. You weak
@Not Here tee-hee wipe your chin and get back to werk
@Blue Crow tee hee bend over blue boy. Your turn!
@Not Here haha other countries.. remember opening up the southern border stops trafficking and abuse of children
finish the wall reenact remain in mexico
stop paying the northern triangle stimulus from americans, enjoy… Arizona
@Not Here boy…..haha thats funny sexist
Little Matty Gaetz he laid down and had a little sleep – When he awoke, Lord Donald was standing at his feet – Saying, how do you like my feather bed, how do you like my sheets? How do you like my little girl, who lies in your arms asleep?…….. Fairport Convention—-Matty (Gaetz) Groves.
This is a total political Hit Job! Matt Gaetz is under attack bc he stood up to the Deep state, America is out of Control, this will blow up big time on CHINESE News Network CNN
@VW Tipton you should read it slower
@Don nawzd is that what they tell you without evidence AND YOU believe that?
@Don nawzd I am sad that you believe that. I hope you’re just kidding.
Remember when Republicans lost their minds over Chandra Levy? They demanded resignations. Now they want to wait until charges are filed.
Al Franken is laughing all the way to the bank.
This is a total political Hit Job! Matt Gaetz is under attack bc he stood up to the Deep state, America is out of Control, this will blow up big time on CHINESE News Network CNN
@Don nawzd sure sure, and Jesus will be right back, he just stepped out for a pack of smokes.
Damn…the GOP wants cheney out and want gaertz in…just damn
It will cost “”Daddy”” big bucks to get him off this time. Way bigger than dui.
@dcw 490 I stand corrected
@S. Lee Mccauley Human trafficking is a little harder to spend your way out of in a post Epstein world. People can have four DUIs and be fine I’ve never heard of a repeat human traffickers.
The GOP new motto: “We required ID to vote but not to go vacation with us” while I don’t care much about Gaetz he needs to be charged if all of this is true other than that he will continue to make money off this whole thing like he has been.
…CNN’s new slogan, “If it’s on CNN, then you know it’s a goddamn lie”…
@Mathew Paul3 Is that your pathetic standard of appearing what you think of as being clever?
@Mathew Paul3 No. That’s Diaper Don’s motto, and his cultist Retrumplickins believe every single lie. Like on 1/6 there was only hugging & kissing between the mob & cops. I was obviously was confused. I thought the injured cops were being medically treated for actual injuries, when it was actually for severe hickeys.
@james zimmerman Did you believe?

-Russian collusion for 2 years?
-Wikileaks story?
-Mueller Time!!!
-Jussie Smollet MAGA attack?
-Russian bounties on us soldiers?
-Covington Boys intimidation?
-Lev Parnas?
-5 years (and still running) of “the walls are closing in on Trump”?
CNN plays you suckers!
@Mathew Paul3 tired of losing yet?
Come on over when you wake up
Haha reminds me of the Heidi the elite call girl madam ….with her lists haha
Heidi had way more class.
Glad this isn’t leaving the news. Let this follow gaetz like a cloud everywhere he goes. People already didn’t like him, this is just more justification for it
@Joe Blow yep can’t watch more than one news show per day you’re right. This is the only one I can watch. It’s the law
Male liberals are castrated sheep.
@Henry Leonard it is easier to distract the masses from the fact Democrats have literally destroyed everything they touch .Keep moving nothing to see here ,don’t mind the human waste and dirty needles…oh and don’t look at the homeless in the eye and don’t let your children play outside.While sending everyone else’s kids to a Mideast war to die they send their kids to Ukraine to become millionaires….keep the masses distracted
@John Carter so that means it’s okay
@Henry Leonard is that true?
Hope big daddy feels the guilt that he didn’t raise him to be a responsible man! That DUI offense could have helped the child to grow up and probably turning a new
I agree.
I don’t know if you can take out the bro, though, you know, bro? One Florida state representative said that his phone messages were some of the most extreme bro-culture she’d ever heard.
They are throwing cheney off a sinking ship, lol. This is too funny!
Maybe a good thing, she can sweep up the mess and put some pieces back together again?
This is a total political Hit Job! Matt Gaetz is under attack bc he stood up to the Deep state, America is out of Control, this will blow up big time on CHINESE News Network CNN
@Don nawzd Investigation started under Barr Qweirdo
@Don nawzd relax, karen.
What? The propaganda? CNN has yet to offer any evidence.