Federal ministers say the new powers were enacted after ‘exhausting all other options’.
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“All human rights will be respected”
It’s like saying I’m gonna rob a bank but i won’t break any laws afterwards.
The very invoking of the Emergency Act does not meet its own threshold to be invoked. What a joke!
@Chris McCurry Look Chris, i know the ego can be a very limiting human concept when offended or proven wrong about something, but like, just shut up if you have nothing of value to add, other than your own confirmation bias, ok honey?
@Stewart D Cause they are very ‘stupid’. That’s my guess.
@Andthen Realitysetsin who’s being bias…sweet cheeks. And if we are going to talk Ego…I think we all know who has the biggest ego. Our great leader of Canada.
IT ABSOLUTELY DOES!!! These protesters are now shills to a radical group of militia types that want to MURDER COPS! If that doesn’t meet the threshold, then nothing does!
These protesters have lied down with dogs…and now they have fleas!
@Douglas Orion the police officers can say no, heck I would say no if I was in their situation
Who really believes him when he says this is “limited ‘ to a few weeks and the goal is to “revoke” them earlier?
@CanuckTrucker Bear ad hominem.
Start attacking the person rather the argument they present?
@Rosanne Shinkle except when they did the last time this kind of action was taken under Trudeau’s father.
The ppl who are triple vaxxed and scared
Yeah like covid was curbed in 2 weeks
2 weeks to flatten the curve. Emergency act to steal all ypur rights and turn you into slaves.
Two years ago.
Six weeks of blockaded rail lines, 60+ ships awaiting unloading at both East & West coasts, Quebec in dire need of propane which couldn’t be shipped via rail due to blockades.
Sabotage, fires, thousands laid off, food/necessities shortages, CN sued for $270M (was dropped), property damaged.
And not once was an Emergencies Act even suggested.
Because it wasn’t on JY doorstep. And JT instigated this without meeting with the concerned citizens.
I’m speechless.
Let it sink in, it is quite a shock!
The LPC has had almost no opposition the last 7 years. I can’t recall a single bill they’ve put forward that didn’t pass by the House. But, they need more authority and power?
@NotLess Grossman This is anything but democracy. This is prime hypocrisy from the Liberals.
Canadian politic has functioned this way since 1867. Not sure why it is suddenly big problem for you now. PC and Conservatives have done the exact same thing when in power.
@Gary Ponting I I was a kid in primary school during stephen harpers reign. Regardless It’s better late than never and a problem is still a problem. There’s a reason why Trudeau is the least popular prime minister of all time. I honestly have no idea how anyone could defend this blatant narcissist.
The fact bills are passing is a joke judges and politicians are paid off shills
@Nephilim’s Hammer I’m sure you have a a solution then to replace democracy.
They are so far out to lunch on this. This will an utter failure. There are no borders blocked and a judge ruled that teh protest was legal already. At worst they breaking some bylaws.
You’re clearly not paying attention
@AlexLuthore gfys troll
Enacting an Anti Terror Act on peaceful protests is unprecedented.
@Pojomania Justin Turdeau is wanting to use the emergencies act to remove protesters from downtown Ottawa. That’s not blocking a massive trade route.
@TheParadigmShift they can’t go around and blocking hospital entrances isn’t supported either
Lol blm was worse
TF2 Gaming – BLM was a hundred times worse
@NotLess Grossman they are absolutely not blocking hospital access emergency vehicles can travel anywhere they need to
Emergency act activation needs to come with a swift new election. If a government believes it’s important to implement it should be important enough to take the risk of getting voted out.
@Stephen H Then hold a vote of no confidence- oh wait they didn’t XD
We just held an election and the conservatives don’t have a leader thanks to the truckers, the Liberals would crush an election.
That’s not part of the Act.
@Pojomania Pierre will crush Justin in an election
@Donald Liverance I guess we’ll find out in 2025.
The government does not follow the rules of law, then invokes an emergency act to ensure that citizens follow the law. What about laws that this government has been breaking up to this point? That has sparked the public outcry/outrage?
@Nosnibor Mailliw what other ethics bads I asked you to refresh my memoy on what the ethics commissioners decided. You know Dion.
Why did you use that example when you knew he got off on it?
@Bob Kozalov WOW! You have to really ask that? You tell funny jokes.
@Nosnibor Mailliw scheer stole money… Regardless.
@Jorge E all you have proven is how hypocritical you are that you would defend Trudeau stealing from tax paying Canadians because Shear is also a criminal as well. Do you pay taxes because if you do Trudeau stole your money?
@Jorge E let me guess now your gonna say something about Shear again because you have no real defense for Trudeau?
The Emergencies act was not legal to implement
@Gary Ponting You don’t need a law degree to read Canada’s charter. It’s online. It’s only to be used in a national emergency. How does setting up bouncy castles and hot tubs constitute a national emergency? Parking where you’re not supposed to is grounds for a parking ticket.
@Gary Ponting read it for yourself.
@Jack Alister I’ll defer to the experts. I’m sure the Conservatives have plenty of high priced lawyers that can test the validity of the act.
@Gary Ponting another goverment employee I’m thinking let me guess cra
@TheParadigmShift Yes bouncy castles and hot tubs, font look at the trucks and bridge blockades.
Limited time ? like 2 weeks to flatten the curve right?
Sounds believable
You do realize we did stop after two weeks right? We flattened the curve. It just wasn’t enough to end the pandemic thanks to half assing on all sides across the globe.
“Let me acknowledge to you all that this is not a decision that we came to lightly”, yeah right
You can boo hoo all you want but you can’t really do anything about it.
love the ticker at the bottom saying “trudildeau says using force against the protesters is not his call” ROFLMAO the filthy sewer rat is already starting to blame everyone else for his call
I like how they call in this act before even addressing the protestors
you don’t debate with bullies
Numerous press releases and speeches by Minister of Health and Safety and PM. They were elected BTW.
“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas”
You don’t reward whiny spoiled children who decide to have a public hissy fit.
@Olivia Thompson reward has nothing to do with it, I don’t think anyone is asking to be rewarded. Wanting the mandates to stop is not a special treat, it’s the status quo that I would like to return to.
I love how they keep admitting the emergencies act was implemented to protect the economy, even though that isn’t a reason in any way to invoke the act
And they ruined the economy
I like the trust the science excuse. Its not like they have data. Unlike the flu. N the vax for it n still no cure…. Weird how doctors only care for money…
Let’s reference the charter of rights and freedoms while stepping all over it. These politicians are two faced and their behavior is downright uncanadian. I hope they feel shame for their awful actions.
Also “lethal firearms” just shows how stupid these goons are.
Says every insurrectionist
Canadians deserve a new government that is not full of dictators. Trudeau step out
and who would that be and how would they be different than the current government?
@Gary Ponting PPC
@Nephilim’s Hammer Yeah, they were so popular 18 months ago that they won zero seats.
Charlie Brown’s Teacher: “To those who may be considering coming to Ottawa this weekend…DON’T.”
Me: “On my way!”
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has said that the federal
government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the Emergencies
@Pojomania What court case? You mean for all the “patriots” with swastikas and illegal firearms that are going to jail?
Yeah but the big question is anything ever gonna happen I’ve never seen a politician ever pay the price and we have a Prime Minister the believes he’s the supreme leader of Canada when he’s just a substitute drama teacher pretending to be a big boy
Until most of them are bribed or threatened
@Anonnandon it has 7 days to meet the threshold and then it’s null it hasn’t been 7 days yet
It’s unfortunate that the approach to COVID 19 wasn’t clear, targeted and proportionate. We could have avoided what is happening now.
Yes, funny how they didn’t call an emergency then. But let Provinces take responsibility.
Citizens feel unsafe because of the way the government is behaving, not because of the convoy.