Ottawa and Nova Scotia have appointed a three-person panel to review the cause of a mass shooting back in April. Todd Battis reports.
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So, no answers?
Independent cover up of the truth!
i call bs
Does anyone trust the RCMP now ? or Trudeau and the Liberals Time to take back our Country from Criminals
Not when they’re down voting the story, No!
They need to go back and cover the errors in their failed plan.
Tone deaf Blair. Always self serving and never reveals the truth.
Alberta is gettig rid of the RCMP.
It will still be Capitalism I’m afraid.
C O V E R U P … this smells like a n inside job …. BRINKS PAYMENT OF 450K … RCMP CRUISER…. THE TIME FRAME THE SUSPECT WAS GIVEN … NO ALERT CALLED….. go read the MacLeans magazine on this…. government hands all over it…. to cover up
Who kept the $475,000 that was recovered?
@justsayupyours 100 percent
100% gun grab psyop
Yup. And liberals investigating it… ffs.
Covering up for the RCMP reaction to this devastating outcome and there incompetence, Trudeau wants to be so transparent but he hides any thing related to his goons (RCMP)
Not a review, a cover-up by all the Liberals and ex-cops they picked for their ‘expert panel’ that also chose the public doesn’t get to know what they find.
They dropped the ball so many times that day,it seems to be an accumulation of years of incompotence or cover up.
This is as shady as it gets.
Justin Trudeau used this shooting as reason to ban legsl guns snd make Canadian citizens criminals.
But then refuses to hold a public inquiry. For shame Justin Trudeau.
It was the liberals. You can trace the money back. A ploy to take our guns. But why? Why would they go to such extreme to get our weapons?
Y indeed…
Liberals will always blame the firearm and the law following Public. They will never blame themselves. This is not about gun control. This murderer ignored all laws and police failed to enforce the already 100’s of current laws. The killer already had and used illegal firearms, arresting him and confiscating those firearms maybe could have prevented further crimes.
That’s the least the rcmp could have done first.
Still no word after 7 years on which politician called for the gun grab at High River AB 2013.
I find it completely strange that they have never released the types of the firearms he had? Especially since they used this tragedy to implement their firearm confiscation.
The shooting was planned for gun control pure and simple ! All mind control bs
3 + one civilian preferably from the families to keep them honest . .. . stinks of a coverup . . incredibly foul