Federal officials say Iran and Russia have obtained US voter information in an effort to interfere with the election.
#CNN #News
Federal officials say Iran and Russia have obtained US voter information in an effort to interfere with the election.
#CNN #News
Hate to tell you this guys, but the US has habitually interfered in foreign elections for decades. Worldwide!
Sad but true. They are representing the ” free world” so its supposed to be ok.
@ahloke cafe
Big facts
@2big 2fail it’s funny how it’s always shut up when people speak facts
Remember us navy shot down Iran Air flight in 1988? If this happened to us airline, it would be WWIII. US is as bad as any other terrorists
Either our election security really sucks and is easily accessible, or they’re good hackers. Either way it’s annoying.
@Long Johnson Fact is Google , Big tech and Mainstream media are the ones interfering in U.S Elections . Democrats control all of it and here is proof from Google Managers own words , on video .
@Doctor Strange Fact is Google , Big tech and Mainstream media are the ones interfering in U.S Elections . Democrats control all of it and here is proof from Google Managers own words , on video .
@benjovi55 What the hell are you talking about what hard drive
@matthew hughes No there not. Prove they said that
Or you’re just a very gullible person that believes everything the media tells you, and never seen the cia admit on video to having it’s members spread within the media… when you get a grip it will make sense. When hackers are good they make them work for them or do a lengthy prison sentence no two ways about it
Is everybody ready for the Donald Trump and Chris Wallace debate? Get your popcorn and bleach ready this is going to be a Lulu
The debate is in another network so Chris Wallace won’t be there, Kristen Welker will be moderator.
TRUMP 2020 !! If Joe wins, China wins.
@Scott Givens Will Joe Biden must win this election
@Jay Jay Vote for whoever man. But I’m for Biden. I don’t like him, but he’s better than Trump
We thought leading into the 2016 elections was crazy.. this is the new normal.
@T V You are wrong………..about everything.
I can’t live through another pandemic election dead rgb Great Depression. I’m barely making it now
@Anthony Grasso Prove it instead of whining.
@Deb Democrats created all of it to make sure he’s not reelected . They run the press you watch like a zombie .
Be mindful and vigilant at all times. If it don’t sound or look right, it ain’t!
@carlcovert7958 mail in ballots existed before you, do you know that
and early voting is happening right now, do you hear ballot harvesting news because if there is it would be breaking news in fox. I haven’t heard anything.
@carlcovert7958 you are all projection like your “president” none of anything you are saying is happening
@carlcovert7958 And don’t forget the MSM, big tech and the idiots over at the debate commission. What Twitter is doing especially though should be considered election fraud.
@Todd Hellman free speech is different from slander/libel. you can’t just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. especially the president, retweeting conspiracy theories

if obama did it, he will be impeach asap
Enough early votes have come in to realize the election is over.
it’s like a class project. How much of the class turns their project in early? Most won’t
And that they voted without all the facts.
Both candidates have been well known for decades. What “facts” are going to suddenly change in two weeks?
The tech giants have done more the interfere with the election than any foreign country combined.
@g. martinez916 Fact is Google , Big tech and Mainstream media are the ones interfering in U.S Elections . Democrats control all of it and here is proof from Google Managers own words , on video .
@g. martinez916
Are you seriously this ignorant?
Or just being a smartass?
Either way maybe stop listening to propaganda here & read or listen to whats really going on.
Try Rudy’s Utube channel. All documented proof.
Remember, these idiots think your stupid because you believe them.
Don’t prove them right.
Twitter and Facebook: ‘We will block racism and fake news”
Right Wingers: “That is bias against us!”
@Andrew Mueller ? He typed the instead of to………. are you really going to argue about punctuation.
Trump just got the FBI to get him his Supreme Court case. Doesn’t matter if the story’s real or not.
Also interfering in our Election is Google, China and Twitter.
Google being sued for it too
@TheMindofRa but it does violate antitrust Laws
@Tigerclaw Thunderdome please do not have kids,,
Guys hunter is fvcked
Don’t forget snapchat
Is CNN still considered a credible news source?
Is Borat a credible source about Giuliani?
We’ll send the fly after them lol
The funny thing is the left didn’t care about anything Kamala said. They only cared about the fly since it had a better point than anything she had to say. ;D
@benjovi55 did you even watch the debate? I distinctly remember pence openly admitting he was a vampire
Ya did you notice in slow motion, that fly magically appeared? I did it several times, it’s a hologram.
It was a DARPA fly
I can already see the fireworks before the results are even a week away. Stay safe out there fellas.
If they did it’s to help Biden…. Iran hates Trump because he’s the one that cut off the United States piggyback to an anti-American country… if you think Russia or Iran want to see Trump elected again u r nuts.
At this point I wouldn’t even trust the mainstream medias weather report
@Roberto Ibarra Nobody named a candidate, just calling out the enemy of the people, MSM. You show signs of deep insecurity.
@Roberto Ibarra Have you missed the literal thousands of cases of voter fraud and ballot harvesting? If so, what cave were you hiding in and can I join you?
Guess libs have never heard of project mockingbird
@Roberto Ibarra Fact is Google , Big tech and Mainstream media are the ones interfering in U.S Elections . Democrats control all of it and here is proof from Google Managers own words , on video .
Already preparing for a loss smh
Absolutely….Joe Biden can’t win without outside resources. He even has Barry Obama campaigning for him while he looks for ways to cover up the corruption he and his son are facing. Im glad I am not part of the stupid sheep that believe CNN.
Hahaaaaa! Dats tufff!!
@SFC GIJOE1977 hey brother, I’m pretty sure you are NOT one of those sheep. Check that wording on your last sentence so the sheep can unsuccessfully attack you properly because they are too dense to read between the lines. Cheers
The fact CHINA wasn’t mentioned AT ALL is a disgrace, the espionage from the Chinese in our Universities and Socialist-Communist Student Clubs/Programs is ACTUALLY the threat.
Oh please! “If” that’s not news when you start with “if” it’s speculation
It’s not news if it’s CNN lol
Thanks for letting us know biden is losing

petty nonsense. The real interference is CNN REFUSING to cover Biden scandals.