Feds increasing new EI benefits to match what CERB offered

Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough says the government was flexible with the amount offered by the benefit that was replacing CERB.

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Feds increasing new EI benefits to match what CERB offered


    1. @Gordon Ricketts What kind of elaboration is required? All Nordic countries have a highly developed social safety net. There’s been a lot written about this for decades.

    1. @UCLogXmjegMNMkEcp1mHAqow Cant even do that because there are too many regulations on it. I applied for a moose license this year and couldn’t even get one of those.

    2. @Cuddly Cooper If only it was that simple. Besides i have been trying to find employment 3 and a half hours away from me. I am willing to travel, That isn’t a problem but still no calls.

    3. @trtinda11 Been trying to find jobs all around without having to leave this province there is no one here hiring. Will to drive up to 5 hours away. But again no calls.

    1. @karimrakha It’s not free, just the same as all those massive corporate handouts aren’t free. But as a society we can afford to take care of those in need. We can’t afford to keep subsidizing extreme wealth.

  1. We don’t need 3 different programs, we already have too many. 1 program, 1 amount, 1 set of requirements, that’s it.

    1. Thae point is to use people’s own EI money pool. This EI thing is a trap and a clear BS. Dont be tricked use your mind a bit.

    2. CERB is a temporary bill and introduced for the aprupt closing of the economy in March. EI is permanent and was created to help those who have lost jobs. It is in need of a serious overhaul. This is a step in the right direction. Still lots to be reformed.
      I must add I found Battery Day with Tesla much more exciting and believable then the throne speech.

    1. @Hyperpandas inflation, no food sales, and you still have to pay into your own dental, vitamins that work, and certain medications. that’s why.

    2. @Dwight St John So, you’re talking about a general problem rather than something specific to right now? Because almost all of this increased spending is about dealing with the exceptional circumstances of the current moment. Even with that, they getting criticized for doing too much. Still, you should be on board with their pharmacare announcement then.

  2. Bit off topic but those who have collected CERB and are likely going to continue on with whatever this is now going to be called, you all are going to be about $20K from the government who has been taking no tax off these benefits. How do you plan to pay taxes in April 2021 if this is your only income?

    1. I personally dont care. I just wont do my taxes and ill refuse to repay because TRUDEAU DID THE SCAMDEMIC! They owe me!

    2. @Charles Van Gankenburg Your looking at the least 2500$ to pay back come tax time. It is being given as untaxed income, you will have the pay the taxes on it later.

    1. If you needed a blood transfusion would you accept it from your own leg? Or better yet your unborn children perhaps? Seriously though hold the government accountable not make them responsible to support you! Seriously solutions to issues, not adding to the issue!

  3. And when you’re all on the government’s dime, they’ll come back sometime later and say “you’re paying it back”. And you WILL pay.

    1. They won’t.
      “I know” implies they ACTUALLY know, and are not ONLY concerned with power.
      “We did” implies accountability, and.. PFFFTFTFT ha. Ok.

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