MPs Peter Julian, Julie Dabrusin and Rachael Harder discuss the heritage minister’s comments on regulations for social media users.
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She’s so beautiful what’s her YouTube channel, will she have one?
What is the threshold considered to be a large following?
Ah I know but I’m not allowed to say it
Don’t be ridiculous the crtc has no jurisdiction the internet. If the Canadian government thinks they do they are as sharp as marbles! Apparently they’ve never heard of VPN.
conservatives would never do this
Too bad there are no conservatives in Canada…
@Bob Dole cough cough Alberta cough cough
Our conservative party is essentially the liberals painted blue.
They’re all the same at this point.
@Real Badman08 Go read Mark Steyn’s Monday article about Jason Kenney.
Stop bill C-10
Keep pushing keep questioning
Feminism in government looks a lot like fascism. We have the most women in government than ever before, I don’t think that’s a coincidence.
Why the hell do liberals want to regulate everything
Read Thomas Sowell’s book “The Vision of the Anointed”. It describes this government to a tee.
What did Canadians expect from a minister that’s been arrested for public nuisance.
He’s a weasel. Embarrassing
I’ve never seen a shiftier crook than this guy.
They can’t even keep the facts straight about what the bill does.
I can’t believe we got a yes or no answer from a Liberal in this video. This is actually insane!! When they are asked a yes or no answer they always twist it into something else that doesn’t answer the question
Oh the back peddling by dear leaders boy trying to further squash all dissent against this corrupt regime.