Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland speaks on Canada Workers' Lockdown Benefit and the country’s economic recovery from the pandemic.
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if Canadians were not constantly getting “free” money from Daddy Trudeau, you would start to stand up and fight for your country! They are coming for your kids HOSERS!
gimmegrants dont care melissa
Better than the church coming for them.
@alan4sure run back to your safe space
@ARK CON fully vaxxed, don’t need it. Stay home, nobody wants to see you out in society again—as if they ever did
@Parmenides I see you joined 3 months ago. Yt booted you off once already, obviously.
And the saga continues….
When Chrystia Freeland said that she was looking at ways to “unlock the capital in people’s savings accounts.”
Who knew that she was going to accomplish this with rapidly unchecked inflation.
Make to mistake.. this is Liberals stealing your money right out of your savings and burdening your grandchildren with immense debt.
On the next episode of DBZ!
Wutang, wutang.
Trying to follow the government reasoning and lockdown procedures is akin to playing a game of Whack a mole.
@Neural Mindset shhhhh , the official numbers don’t back up what you say ..the manufacture does not back up what you say FACT ..Vax does not stop transmission … all in hospital have up to 3 underlying conditions …see new Alberta numbers … you have an incomplete emotional opinion
@Neural Mindset As a 53 yr old with 2 degrees from Queens, may I ask you where you get your news?
@Neural Mindset Get help.
Maybe your IQ level is very low!! There is nothing mysterious in the government and lockdown procedures!!
@Ghazi Abu-dayyeh Exactly. The corruption is obvious
It would be nice if Trudeau would give some financial assistance to the pensioners who are now having trouble buying food due to inflation.
What inflation?
@Alex C – Just being facetious, I hope.
Seniors voting liberal are the cause of inflation as well, keep voting for a money printing party
@Conciousness M You’re insulting seniors.
what would be nice is if the entire corrupt machine got scrapped and tossed away forever. that, would be nice.
I can’t see who tf voted for him like why
@Prabhjap Sidhu Show me a party in this world that isn`t.
So they could bring their entire extended family over to work for Tim Hortons and skip the dishes.
I know many women who voted for him because he is handsome. You cannot expect more reasoning from canadians.
@Gary Gagnon the PPC and the NDP
@Prabhjap Sidhu did you vote for either party?
Let’s go Brandon!!!!!!!
Lol so epic lol
Let’s Go Castreau!
@Key K – That’s much more fitting.
@Key K yes!
@Ukie has a nice ring to it
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that giving more power to the federal government is the WORST thing you can do
what would be a better alternative?
@Rin Simon Sweden did nothing and they are no worse off
@John Osbourne same with Denmark and the other Scandinavian countries. They have their flaws but when it comes to covid, they showed just how inefficient and frankly unqualified our politicians are.
Lockdown benefit is worse than crb lmao so if we go into lockdown again do not count in being able to skate by anymore. CRB was 2k a month lockdown benefit is 1200 a month.
Lost businesses have NOT recovered. I don’t see where they get there facts
They make them up
Smell their fingers.
@George Simon It’s not just Liberals. It’s all politicians. Sadly
@Dr Anderson Politician and Liberal are synonymous.
@George Simon All our politicians are crooks
Everything the groverment gave,they want it back, Ian paying back CRB,crbc,and E.I
Gave? What do you mean gave? It’s out taxpayer dollars they’re using.
@Hugo Stiglitz that’s just what I mean, groverment gives,then we pay it back with interest

@Magda in this world we can look forward to paying taxes,and death.everything else is in the grey area.

Put on masks for camera lol.
Has Freeland cried during any trade negotiations recently? I havn’t been paying too much attention lately…
She is back snorting up the nose candy by the looks of her speech.
Even the cheese in a mousetrap is FREE
‘Canadians supported the unprecedented spending because it was the compassionate and economically smart thing to do.’
Unfortunately I don’t believe future generations would agree, however I was quite impressed that she was able to say this while maintaining a straight face.
She was high as a kite….again.
@Emilio Zapata lol!
Unprecedented spending was the economically smart thing to do. Don’t ask questions, just keep repeating that until you believe it.
@Johnny Baxter lol
Jobs recovered 100%? How? I know loads who haven’t gone back. This guy’s ego is out of control
Part time are jobs. Full time is on the decline overall.
And they had the audacity to say they helped hundreds of thousands of small businesses
My town became a ghost town and still is to this day.
I will take more bad ideas from an inept Government for 200 Alex
Criminal politicians.
As they manipulate the situation to gain more control. It’s nauseating. Less government please
More printed money they don’t have , but we’ll have to pay back with higher taxes , in a weak economy because of these incompetent idiots
I hate this guy. What a nightmare he’s in charge.