Scott MacFarlane joins Ayman with the latest updates in the ongoing investigation of the Jan. 6th Capitol riot.
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#CapitolRiot #MSNBC #Rioters
Trump and cohort??? Deal with this also republican reputation will have a difficult time perhaps
Thank you FBI and those patriots who assisted in the arrests.
@TheTruth GetsDeletedHere I bet you think all Ján 6 protestors were really members of the Deep State and The Illuminati, The Bilderberg Group, The Freemasons, The Neocons, The British Monarchy, The Shriners, The New World Order, The Globalists, The CIA, MI-6, Mossad, the Bohemian Grove, the 13 Bloodlines of Satan, the Green-Skinned Bean Eating Children of Woolpit, the Velveteen Rabbit Collective and the Lizard People.
@John Bohica rofl, GET EM!
@John Bohica You forgot the Purple People-Eaters and the Morlocks
@TheTruth GetsDeletedHere We’re not buying it, comrade. Whatever our misgivings about the FBI, congress, or government in general, we disapprove MUCH MORE of home grown terrorists who want to use violence and fear to overthrow a legitimate election.
Democracies don’t work if you cry fraud because your guy didn’t win. At this point you are in favor of America or in favor of Trump: the two are at odds. You have trouble facing that because up until now, the kind of culture Trump’s voters represent WAS America. But not anymore: it’s America’s past it doesn’t’ need anymore. And you’re angry and scared about it. Trump and the GOP and their supporters are now America’s Appendix: Useless at best, at worst cause pain and puts the country at risk of death when it acts up, at which point it has to be removed if the country is to survive. With ONE exception: Appendixe’s can’t change, and GOP voter CAN. They can accept the world has moved on, and the glory days of just needing a gun, bible, and your own patch of land to thrive are OVER. You don’t HAVE to be “Murica” anymore, you can be America again.
PEACEFUL protesters who were standing behind barriers , without trying to break through were fired upon by the Capitol Police, using flash grenades and rubber bullets.
THEY did this with women and children.
THIS is beginning to sound like a set up by Capitol police.
1.The crowd was attacked for no reason and Capitol police were opening the doors and letting the protesters in.
2.Was it planned that way in order to get the protesters to react?
3.The Democrats were quick to pounce.
4.Did they know what was coming?
TWENTY years ago no one would have given that a moment’s thought but today, not to do so would be naïve.
BUT assuming it wasn’t a set up why were the police firing flash grenades and rubber bullets?
Those conservative Christian dysfunctional family values on full display.
@America Lost Then how do you know they exist?
@Cheryl McNutt Ah, another true christian who thinks they have the only real truth. how many different sects of christianity are there now claiming the others are all wrong?
sound like they have done drop the soap.
@Watson What makes you think I’m a true Christian? I never claimed to be that.
@Cheryl McNutt You’re the one claiming there’s true Christians and fake Christians. But if you can’t come up with any real Christian leaders that pretty much proves my point.
Charge the politicians who incited the violence we all witnessed. Charge with Treason and Sedition
@PJ Celeste ok putin
@Stefan Schleps Charge the politicians who incited the violence we all witnessed. Charge with Treason and Sedition
PEACEFUL protesters who were standing behind barriers , without trying to break through were fired upon by the Capitol Police, using flash grenades and rubber bullets.
THEY did this with women and children.
THIS is beginning to sound like a set up by Capitol police.
1.The crowd was attacked for no reason and Capitol police were opening the doors and letting the protesters in.
2.Was it planned that way in order to get the protesters to react?
3.The Democrats were quick to pounce.
4.Did they know what was coming?
TWENTY years ago no one would have given that a moment’s thought but today, not to do so would be naïve.
BUT assuming it wasn’t a set up why were the police firing flash grenades and rubber bullets?
Why did Pelosi refuse President Trump’s request to send in the National Guard ahead of his speech?
Did Pelosi stage the ”insurrection”?
PEACEFUL protesters who were standing behind barriers , without trying to break through were fired upon by the Capitol Police, using flash grenades and rubber bullets.
THEY did this with women and children.
THIS is beginning to sound like a set up by Capitol police.
1.The crowd was attacked for no reason and Capitol police were opening the doors and letting the protesters in.
2.Was it planned that way in order to get the protesters to react?
3.The Democrats were quick to pounce.
4.Did they know what was coming?
TWENTY years ago no one would have given that a moment’s thought but today, not to do so would be naïve.
BUT assuming it wasn’t a set up why were the police firing flash grenades and rubber bullets?
and this is trump’s best and brightest for ya…
@fpskiller 123 what was the famous Republican saying from 2016???
Oh yeah, “You lost. Get over it,
@Derrick Taylor doesn’t Joe have dementia
@fpskiller 123 resist?

trumps best
@fpskiller 123 Get out of my country Traitor.
Joe Biden is your president. Get over it, or pack your bags. Real Patriots only.
Maybe you can move to Russia.
@Lone Skankster not my president,resist, we can play that game too, just wait till all that voter fraud comes out, there will be war
We will see how ” conservative” the judges are
They should give them a metal for being true patriots
@senile Joe Biden they deserve a firing squad
@senile Joe Biden american Al-Qaeda
@Dave H You’re getting patriots confused with domestic terrorist BLM and antifa that burned Looted and murdered for over 200 days last summer
Samsel ; Rump said these are Good people. Remember America!
And told them “I love you” on camera!!!!
an very special
Yeah especially King James..that’s royalty right there!
Add Dumpster to the list.
Trump should have been arrested the same day.
@vshah1010 – unfortunately the chickensh1t didn’t go to the Capitol himself, like he promised his brainwashed cult followers.
@jacq danieles “We will walk together – and we will stop the steal”. And then he got into his armored cattle carrier and left.
PEACEFUL protesters who were standing behind barriers , without trying to break through were fired upon by the Capitol Police, using flash grenades and rubber bullets.
THEY did this with women and children.
THIS is beginning to sound like a set up by Capitol police.
1.The crowd was attacked for no reason and Capitol police were opening the doors and letting the protesters in.
2.Was it planned that way in order to get the protesters to react?
3.The Democrats were quick to pounce.
4.Did they know what was coming?
TWENTY years ago no one would have given that a moment’s thought but today, not to do so would be naïve.
BUT assuming it wasn’t a set up why were the police firing flash grenades and rubber bullets?
It won’t let me
Trump should return the money they donated to his fight the steal campaign, but he wont!
He’s the grift that keeps on grifting.
And the money they collected for the wall.
Anyone dumb enough to give money to Trump deserves to lose it.
$$ should be collected and go back to the children’s charity trump and his spawn stole from.
Its surprising what the supporters of the “law and order” party get up to.
Mostly on “disability”. Supported by Democrat legislation, but support Diaper Don the NON-TAX-PAYER? Dumb! Dumb! Dumb!
PEACEFUL protesters who were standing behind barriers , without trying to break through were fired upon by the Capitol Police, using flash grenades and rubber bullets.
THEY did this with women and children.
THIS is beginning to sound like a set up by Capitol police.
1.The crowd was attacked for no reason and Capitol police were opening the doors and letting the protesters in.
2.Was it planned that way in order to get the protesters to react?
3.The Democrats were quick to pounce.
4.Did they know what was coming?
TWENTY years ago no one would have given that a moment’s thought but today, not to do so would be naïve.
BUT assuming it wasn’t a set up why were the police firing flash grenades and rubber bullets?
@HS they did the same to blm protesters that were peaceful last summer in front of the White House. Now you understand. It’s not conspiracy its just what they do.
Chairman Bejing Bai Denh Mao Hitler, communist dictator and racist
Its not Surprising that the Blue Lives Matter crowd killed a Cop.
Blue Lives Matter only ever meant Black Lives Dont
Charge trump and his Corrupt Republican party. Their emails social media posts should be looked at.
Yup especially on Fox News posting. That’s where they all wiled each other up at!
“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to PEACEFULLY and patriotically make your voices heard.” -President Donald Trump
PEACEFUL protesters who were standing behind barriers , without trying to break through were fired upon by the Capitol Police, using flash grenades and rubber bullets.
THEY did this with women and children.
THIS is beginning to sound like a set up by Capitol police.
1.The crowd was attacked for no reason and Capitol police were opening the doors and letting the protesters in.
2.Was it planned that way in order to get the protesters to react?
3.The Democrats were quick to pounce.
4.Did they know what was coming?
TWENTY years ago no one would have given that a moment’s thought but today, not to do so would be naïve.
BUT assuming it wasn’t a set up why were the police firing flash grenades and rubber bullets?
@HS Sleep w/ dogs, ya get fleas…
Agree; some of the them are just as bad as Trump, creating lies every day and encouraging Trump like Cruz, Hawley, Greene, Johnson, and the list goes on
So some of these people had past criminal conducts. They must be the former Florida blogger’s finest people and Ivanka’s patriotic heroes.
@senile Joe Biden u r hateful
@HS Republican Domestic Terrorists trying to overturn the will of the people, for a gameshow host.
@HS You again?
Yep, just like their good old hero King Trump, they probably think of themselves as “very stable geniuses!”
@HS Just a bunch of lies. Which is what those in the Pumpkinhead cult always come up with.
Hilarious, everyone but the instigator is getting prosecuted and charged!
PEACEFUL protesters who were standing behind barriers , without trying to break through were fired upon by the Capitol Police, using flash grenades and rubber bullets.
THEY did this with women and children.
THIS is beginning to sound like a set up by Capitol police.
1.The crowd was attacked for no reason and Capitol police were opening the doors and letting the protesters in.
2.Was it planned that way in order to get the protesters to react?
3.The Democrats were quick to pounce.
4.Did they know what was coming?
TWENTY years ago no one would have given that a moment’s thought but today, not to do so would be naïve.
BUT assuming it wasn’t a set up why were the police firing flash grenades and rubber bullets?
@candice loudd mo brooks
@Jennifer Middleton Mo Ron Brooks.
@HS gosh, too bad all the video from that day doesn’t show the truth… oh wait, it does. maybe you should STFU.
If they don’t bring the hammer down hard it will only embolden them.
You are correct. Who is behind all this sudden treasonous behavior? Does anyone really think its trump?
@Stefan Schleps yes, yes we do.
The only punishment that will work is execution of every one of those 20,000.
@Growth is Freedom United Earth Enterprise put the magas in concentration camps
PEACEFUL protesters who were standing behind barriers , without trying to break through were fired upon by the Capitol Police, using flash grenades and rubber bullets.
THEY did this with women and children.
THIS is beginning to sound like a set up by Capitol police.
1.The crowd was attacked for no reason and Capitol police were opening the doors and letting the protesters in.
2.Was it planned that way in order to get the protesters to react?
3.The Democrats were quick to pounce.
4.Did they know what was coming?
TWENTY years ago no one would have given that a moment’s thought but today, not to do so would be naïve.
BUT assuming it wasn’t a set up why were the police firing flash grenades and rubber bullets?
Never forget ‘…you are special, and we love you.’ Trump deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison.
Trump had a million legally marching, on WTF happened towards preventing a fair election?
Personally ive seen more than i need to recognize it was stolen, the evidence is extensive.
If you havent, why?
Trump is not shown anywhere inciting a riot, thats hyped news BS.
Where is the speech?
Who gains from this cheap parlour trick, it wasnt Trump, all it did was to distract from a question never addressed.
A million people were never answered because they had no intention to do so.
Facial recognition software identified several allowed to pass through barricades as Antifa.
Video evidence ive seen clearly shows them being waved in.
Who ultimately controlled security.. Nancy Pelosi who had more security at her disposal than protestors.
And isnt it timely this occured just before the Electoral college vote.
Who benefited there, it wasnt Trump.
This was a staged setup.
Although Pelosi obviously had no idea, being unprepared, their media friends were stationed in all the right spots, even got an unarmed woman being shot.
Wake up, youve been conned.
@Lawrence Smith Complete list of lies
A very brief tenure
@Lawrence Smith 16 traitors have been indicted for CONSPIRACY
@Lawrence Smith So in other words, Trump and the Republicans Failed to secure our elections?
You can’t have it both ways.
The Republican politicians involved in the planning of this insurrection are the real villains in this coup attempt and I want to see them hauled off to prison too.
@Bryan <<< Relies upon Instragram and Twitter and FacePuke and OAN and Q-Anon as reliable sources. Trumipite.
@HS Let’s see the evidence which supports that allegation, accusation and conclusion.
Waiting. But not for long.
Yes, and the ones like Cruz, Johnson, Greene, and Hawley who supported Trump on Jan 6 are just as bad as good, old Trump himself.
@Bryan I do not think it was polosi but 45 who held them back for 3 hours. He is the total an sole person behind the inserection
They charged more kids at Standing Rock than insurrectionists at the US capital.
Best comment! Standing Rock were the real Patriots! Standing up for protection of America’s largest aquifer and the masses thought…..oh well, what is an ackerfer?…who cares…nothin’ I can do.
@Bill Rodriguez finding it confusing are you? Lol
@Silent Whisper Chairman Bejing Bai Denh Mao Hitler, communist dictator and racist
@alan4sure If you look at “Bills” other comments, it’s pretty clear what he is
@Bill Rodriguez The Big Lie is Trumps election fraud story.
Trump is the worst President in history. He lost in a landslide. So he cried Voter Fraud, couldn’t prove it, and incited an insurrection over it.
Traitor Trump
Aw gee, the guy who tried to drown his pregnant girlfriend is having a rough go of it in jail…
How about indicting, all the intellectual architects of the coup d’etat,starting with TRUMP and MOSCOW MITCH fo treason
Dont forget to arrest 45, Hawley, Cruz and Mitch