Federal judge suspends FDA approval of abortion pill

A federal judge in Texas suspended the FDA approval of the abortion medication mifepristone. The Department of Justice has one week to appeal the ruling. CNN's team of health and justice reporters break down what the ruling means. #CNN #News


  1. Nothing screams “state rights” than a bumass conservative judge who literally put his biases in his ruling getting to decide approval for all 50 states LOL

    1. @italiannn16  Jesus said to never feel guilty for it blocks understanding with love, patience and prevents kindness. Did Jesus make Peter feel guilty about his betrayal of Jesus? This post is to teach you to be good to women’s right to abortion which is not murder at all. Get educated on how to show agape love.

  2. Breaking News: A law degree now qualifies you to be a Judge, a scientist, a doctor and a womans healthcare expert! 😂

    1. @NPC#967216 You can’t even begin to argue a child is a child until there’s a heart beat. So it’s unethical to not allow someone to stop those cells turning into a child. A what point you allow abortion is up for debate, but it’s absurd to say cells with no heart beat are a child. This ruling doesn’t care if there’s heart beat or not.

    2. @Rocket Boards doesn’t matter, whether it’s embryonic or just a clump of cells. Conception is the moment a new human life is starting, which is why a pregnant mother dying is ruled as a double homicide regardless of when it happens.

      I’m sure this won’t bother you considering you’re totally a non-psychopathic human with strong morals and intellectual consistency…..:

  3. I’ve always wondered why we spend so much on doctors, nurses, and research when we could have been asking the judicial branch about our health issues all this time

    1. @achaean oh yes, I see it similarly actually….I sensed those health officials being moderated by political conçerns. I was framing your comment that we should have judges parent our health as you saying essentially that doctors and nurses should be our guides in these matters and I certainly am in accord…

  4. If a federal circuit judge can affect the whole country then there is something seriously wrong with how this was able to happen. From what I’ve read Viagra is far more dangerous a drug than the abortion medication is. When will the judge be suspending its use?

    1. @mickey marr it isn’t complex or nuanced, quite simple actually. By any measure life begins at conception, murdering innocent life is wrong.

    2. @Ryan Hadfield and by the measure of many religions life begins at birth. yet again you trample the religious freedoms of others who dont conform to your view. keep your laws off my freedom

  5. It never ceases to amaze me how people who claim importance of individual rights will put their views upon others

    1. We claim the importance of individual right and that happens to include humans that have been created inside another human when said human doesn’t have the ability to protect it’s rights.

    2. @Francis Peter There’s not a national majority consensus either way, as evidenced by the lack of willingness from Congress to settle the issue. There are, however, per-State consensuses.

  6. Umm, this judge needs to be removed from the bench. They have absolutely no medical or scientific background to make that determination.

  7. Texas judge decides the FDA erred in approving this drug TWENTY YEARS AGO. The pretense of jurispridence over politics in federal court is completely stripped away.

    1. ​@Pat M There’s still 40 million of us here. Take a deep breath, you’re a little hysterical.

    2. ​@achaean what quality of life ? Are you talking about a high crime rate ? Government that wants to be in your bedroom? Christian Taliban run btw the liberal states are the desirable states hence why they cost more you get what you pay for.

  8. What public health credentials does such a judge actually have to issue such a ruling?

    1. The same public health credentials as pro-choice legislators who pass abortion-permitting laws and regulations. Your argument goes both ways.

    2. @Monika F Great way to dehumanize human beings. Yes, force human beings to be incubators. That is not an inhuman thing to do at all. Sarcasm.

    1. @Elijah Obviously And by your definition of murder – that’s not abortion. Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy. There’s nothing “unjustified” about controlling your body, there’s no “malice” involved, and a fetus is not an autonomous being – it cannot survive without using another person’s body/blood/organs without consent. We do not force parents to donante blood or organs to save their living children, even if they’re the only genetic match. How is this any different?

  9. How the hell can a judge rescind medical approval?!?! Outrageous! Well, the black market has been alive and well in this country for less deserving substances than RU-486. No reason not to keep this stuff available.

    1. This just shows the importance of voting so that a crazy judge appointed by a fascist MAGA president doesn’t get to rule based on his personal religious beliefs. About 35% of Americans don’t vote in elections (much more than that in low turnout elections). Talk to people around you about these subjects that can directly affect their lives and about the importance of voting in elections and their consequences.

  10. The judicial system has no right or knowledge to make such determination. This medication has worked well for all these years. This is a political decision, not a medical decision.

    1. @Candice Witzkoske yes, banning abortions IS murder (mommy murder)…thanks for pointing this out.

      speaking of personal responsibility, when are the pro- forced- birthers going to admit they favor mommy murder and child abuse?

      letting a woman die over a NONSENTIENT FETUS is absolutely disgusting.

  11. Citing “Psychological ramifications” is just a modern twist on patronizing sexism, and calling women hysterical and too emotional to make our own health decisions. Absolutely archaic and disgusting.

    1. @Fedup yes psychological distress is a real concern in our society and can be brought about and inflamed by many causes even by reading comments on social media. Medications that cause psychosis or psychology disturbances are a real problem than often coincides with mental health drugs but that is not what this judge is referring to. The implication that this abortion medication affects the feelings of its users is like the idea that some users of Viagra might later have regret about who they slept with. It’s not a direct or relevant concern though it might have a slight association with the overall event.

    2. @TY Choi I have not read the memorandum but we can agree to disagree on what is inherently patronizing against women, an approach that is steeped in archaic ideas that were recently revived in Alito’s rendering of late. To that end, it may be best to hesitate before characterizing someone else’s opinions as adolescent but otherwise I do appreciate your insights and intelligent dialogue.

  12. Patients and their families need to be able to sue politicians who pass laws and rule in favor of prohibiting medications, prohibiting and restricting access to medical procedures that harms or causes death to a patient due to practicing medicine without a professional medical license.

    1. @Candice Witzkoske right take accountability for your actions, I used the pull and pray method for 10 years and worked great, now I have two kids and couldn’t be happier

    2. The drugs are available online and make sure to know, that drone delivery is becoming a thing in North America!!

  13. 7 days huh? Minus 4 days for Easter, that leaves 3 days for DOJ to appeal. Coincidence this decision was made today?

  14. How can a random Judge just erase something that has been in place so long?? What happens if a judge decides he doesn’t like my arthritis medicine. INSANE!!!

    1. And Mathew Kacsmaryk isn’t a “random judge”. The Alliance Defending Freedom (anti abortion/anti LGBTQ hate group) purposely shopped for this judge because they knew he has a long history with the Federalist Society and Red Mass, anti abortion groups, knew he would be an activist judge and rule in their favor. The ADF is from TN, they went to his court to stack the deck in their favor. Any other judge would have thrown it out.

    2. @Phoenix Horn not a child a zygote. A small collection of cells that might produce a child. I say might because the birth of a child is not 100 precent certain many complications can happen to the child or mother before actual birth. So you are wrong to assume a birth of a child is certain.

    3. @TA Santana  very dehumanizing language there. They’re all babies, just sometimes they don’t make it all the way

    4. ​@Phoenix Horn did you ever consider there’s a reason why people choose abortion? Just how many unwanted babies that are now going to be born that are not wanted are you adopting since you feel this way?

  15. As we all know, being a judge and medical practitioner are basically the same

    That’s why the supreme court doubles as brain surgeons

    1. Its about your safety. Individual rights are the same for every individual from the moment of his firsts existence… you know, when the process begin after sex and the new life just started you can be sure your existence is protected

    2. Having a child isn’t just another mouth to feed
      Depending on what state you’re in your employer may not be obligated to grant paid maternity leave, so at best you lose a source of income until you can work again, at worst you may lose your job and ruin your career over childbirth
      Not to mention that a new mother being stressed can have serious consequences to their wellbeing, resulting in depression, anxiety disorders, and suicidal thoughts, all of which endanger both the mother and the child

      So if it’s safety you’re looking for, banning abortion does the opposite

  16. So, the FDA should just re-approve it, since the objection was they hadn’t sufficiently considered the effects of the drug. In reconsidering it right now, they have the advantage of decades of effecting “testing” to quash that complaint.

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