Rachel Maddow reviews some of the cases in which accused pro-Trump rioters were allowed by local judges to go home after being arrested, only to have a federal judge insist that they remain in jail until trial. Aired on 01/30/2021.
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#FederalJudge #Trump #MSNBC
Federal Judge Overturns Local Courts To Keep Some Accused Trump Mob Members In Custody
There needs to be an investigation into why these Judges are letting these terrorists out.
When you YT It’s gone be aight
What terrorist? MAGA baby………………
@Tom Lakosh I’m not a trump supporter
@Richard Stephens I wasn’t aware of violent offenders, but no I don’t care if they released nonviolent drug offenders or anyone else deemed nonviolent. They shouldn’t be there.
They are not able to keep social distancing recommendations in the facilities. They get packed in like sardines in those places. Experience Small crime could be a death sentence. Not very fair to them or their families. Only the violent should remain in there.
@Linda Grasse truthfully he is too incompetent to be a dictator. But you do have a nice profile pic
Maybe the judges should be investigated themselves at this point.
@Tony tony maybe study history and learn that this country is all about protecting every political and social group and not suppressing even one of them because you don’t like their opinions. I still DESPISE white supremacy and I SEETHE every time it’s brought up on the news, but that doesn’t mean that I can make an exception to the values and civil liberties off of which this country was built because of my feelings and beliefs. This is the precise reason why people like you should look at facts and opinions more objectively.
Check out Glenn Kirschner’s channel, He has a plan for any of the unqualified judges that may be on the bench passing dodgy decisions in these cases. He also explains a lot of the legal remedies to the other problems trump and co caused.
Yep, corruption indeed. Like president like follow cult followers.
Totally agree!
Participate in local elections. Vote them out.
If they were Black, Latino or Muslim the word “free” wouldn’t even come up
You got that right
@Black Equestrian . Absolute Facts!
I disagree!!
THEY can WORK for “free!”
@Bon Goaie I gave you thump down twice, enjoy it
@Billy Pardew The point isn’t whether there is one black person there or ten. My goodness, why are you people so good at obfuscation? The fact is the black guy that was reported in the news to have been arrested wasn’t granted bail while majority the whites were treated with kids’ gloves as usual. There are two justice system in America, one for the whites and another for the blacks. Period
I just can’t get over the fact that one of these ‘patriots’ even wanted to sell a laptop from the Capitol to Russia… xD
@Ritalin StuntedGrowth A hoax….or ANTIFA!!!! Its ALWAYS Antifa. Left the door unlocked? Forgot to pack undies? It was likely the Antifa terrorists.
@Tahtahme’s Diary right? Wearing maga hats and voted for trump? Must be antifa! Doesnt understand solidarity? Must be antifa

These aren’t patriots lets call them what they are they are terriost and beed to be treated as such
Yes…and she is affiliated with antifa
@Everything Shih-Tzu proof?
Chris Rock – “We got a justice system where two people can do the exact same crime, in the exact same place, at the exact same time and get a different sentence. Only in America”
Obviously. There’s not that much diversity in other countries
@majie 101 Actually, in many countries, such obvious racism will have judges removed from their positions and charged with abuse of power. It’s almost like they know that people can be racist and have set up the system to prevent that.
@Adam Taylor thanks, where i am from this is an everyday happening with the police, justice system and politics. Most of the racism has its roots in hatred and injustice. That has to stop…
Truly spokin!
They are all traitors and deserve to never see the outside of a cell ever again.
I want the name of every Dem who spread or believed the Russian collusion lie. They should be banned from voting. We need to put an end to this cult of stupidity
@Education is key you are a bad Russian bot.
The judges need charged with aiding and abetting these terrorists.
These judges need to be impeached. They are aiding and abetting seditionists bvb who tried to overthrow our government. If they fail to see that is treasonous, they cannot administer justice. The remedy is impeachment for judges.
No, we don’t go after judges just becasue we don’t like how they ruled. You need to prove corruption, criminality or incompetence before you go down that road; if not then you undermine the entire legal system. We want to live in a nation of laws, not anarchy.
I really don’t think anyone knows the JUST US
SYSTEM better than Donald. If Man tells You
He could shoot someone on 5th Ave and get
Away with it. He knows something the rest of
Us haven’t figured out. Believe that!
Man these judges who let these terrorists go are a disgrace, just a disgrace
Am I supposed to believe anything you say?
But a very good attempt to manipulate, I must say.
If there was evidence, where was it when it should have been presented in those over 50 actual (!) court cases, you claim did not happen?
There is no evidence, because what you claim is a lie. Plain and simple.
@Mercator Jubio the truck driver from New York testified transporting over a 140,000 ballots from New York to pennsylvania. Why?
Truck driver from Madison delivering ballots the next day after the election to Milwaukee and identified the postal employee who was upset because she was forced to back date the envelopes that the driver was delivering to Milwaukee.
Puppet master Obama owns the media so therefore he owns the narrative. You are going to think what you want to believe. I think in facts and I have a tendency to believe someone who is willing to risk pergery charges for signing a sworn affidavit before I believe MSNBC or CNN. There was no reason whatsoever for having these centralized counting locations other than to do something nefarious.
@Noir Path ?
@M Brower … and water is “probably” wet..
Gish gallop, worthless manipulation attempts. Sorry, won’t work.
All these judges should be on trial to re-evaluated their position.
@Jantz Fitzgerald I care about Jacob Blake.
@LIT SHIRTZ 4YOU i don’t support mean who abuse women
This is why raicsem will always be alive and well
They all need to be removed.
The 2 justice systems in this country is a disgrace.
I don’t understand how the judges don’t think that this wrong if it was a person of different race this would not be a topic
Perhaps if some of those judges would have experienced the riot personally, they’d have a different attitude.
No, you understand. It’s just racism, nothing too complicated.
They’re Republican Judges, it’s like how cops are. Cops keep quiet when their partner is corrupt. There are no good cops, only bad cops, and silent cops. Same with judges. If they’re apart of the party, they won’t stray from it.
@Blondie SL l
That’s what the up roar is about equality
Those local judges should be investigated and prosecuted too, to be “united” with their favorite criminals in jail. It would be a happy ending for them all.
@Astrobrant2 from what i’ve read, theres a mix, but there’s been like 150 people that were charged and then allowed to be released on bail, then there are hundreds that haven’t been charged yet that were allowed to leave the capitol that are just at home doing whatever they want and waiting to be arrested pretty much.
@Astrobrant2 and there was evidence of their crimes, many of which are federal crimes, which was why the federal judge blocked their release. Your questions are questionable.
@Gordon Fornow Since you don’t know what individuals Rachel is referring to, it is your answer that is questionable, not my question.
I assume that any federal judge who ordered suspects to be kept in custody must have evidence which was not available to the lower court. My comment wasn’t about them, though. It was about Rachel failing to give any indication of why or under what conditions some of these people have been released.
@bethany-jane If some of the people Rachel complained about were released on bail, she should have mentioned that. Then the question becomes whether or not they are accused of crimes which the higher court deems would justify denying them bail. I’m guessing most of them aren’t, unless just storming the Capitol is a capital offence.
What do you mean, “allowed to leave the capitol”? These people weren’t arrested in the capitol. They were arrested in their home states. If they are “at home doing whatever they want” I want to know the circumstances of their release. Don’t you? And I want to know why a DC federal court judge has ordered them to be kept in custody. What does that judge know, that local judges don’t?
Rachel’s report makes it look like local judges just shrugged off these people’s crimes and let them walk off with no consequences. I don’t believe that is the case with most, if any, of these state judges.
@Astrobrant2 i never said her reporting was good, but that’s why i’ve looked at multiple sources. the prosecutors are the ones that ask for pretrial detention from what i understand of the courts. the judge in DC knows that a guy that was going to be released had a felony conspiracy charge (as well as witnesses claiming he had weapons at the scene) and an arsenal of 15 guns at his home. he was clearly not stable, so the judge ruled he shouldn’t be allowed to be out in the public. i’m sure there are multiple cases like that and we just don’t know the full stories since the cases are still going on and it might be evidence, and i don’t doubt that at least some state judges didn’t think it was as serious as it is.
and by “allowed to leave the capitol” i mean what i said. the amount of cops there could not physically arrest everyone and nobody had the guts to send in the militia. so yes, they went home and quite a few were later arrested for breaking a federal criminal law by storming into the capitol.
Let me guess, the judge in New Jersey is a white supremacist?
No but he’s supporting white supremacy and white priviledge by protecting armed nazi traitors . these people need to sit under the jail and their supporters should move to russia or 1930s nazi germany.. a rally and storming the united states capitol are 2 different things.. wake up
@mokeish Thank You
Yes BAWWWWWB he is
yes he better be…
I can’t imagine that there are extenuating circumstances that would convince a judge to release them. We’ve got a serious judge problem. And an even larger problem if they’re not investigated for their actions.
Stump GOP Judges
@Astrobrant2 I can guarantee 1 and 2 didn’t happen for my neighbor Richard Barnett so…..
Judge one of them
@Astrobrant2 I’m very aware of the bail system. In my original comment I was inferring that bail should have been extremely high or denied and none should have been released on O.R.
Makes you wonder how the election fraud and cheating was so easily overlooked!
Corruption straight in your face. They don’t even care to hide anymore
They learned well from tRUMP and his ADMINISTRATION full of his republiKKKan enablers!!., normally these type of people are RACIST OR FACIST, BUT THESE MOST RECENT INSURRECTIONISTS ARE BOTH UNFORTUNATELY,!!!!!!! Re arrest, lock them up, take them to trial, convict them and LOCK THEM UP FOR A VERY LONG TIME, LIKE tRUMP. THEY HAVEN’T LEARNED FROM THEIR “mistakes” AT ALL…. never will….
@from Clark America has reach the most awesome level of freedom, you are longer protected other then your G/od Givin right to self preservation.
No one is No longer accountable… your on the menu in this dog eat dog world… expect us
So basically these judges just gave this guys a “stand back, stand down” orders. Insane
Realize that 80% of sitting judges are WHITE for a reason.. the criminal just-us system functions to warehouse Black Americans.. and keep white males OUT of cages at all costs.. This isnt new.. 400 yrs
Some of these judges are not even lawyers that are doing this. There are many states in the union that do not require judges to be attorneys . So do they really know anything about the law?
@james arthur Seriously? That’s crazy.
These radical conservative judges packing courtrooms across the country are a result of Mitch McConnell stalling out Obama’s nominations and fast tracking Trump judges over the last 6-8 years.
@blackhercules We will all see if Biden is all talk and maintains the KLAN “status Quo”.. or if he actually puts a BLACK woman on the SCOTUS as he said.. and expand the courts.. Its WAY overdue. Clarence Thomas sure aint black!!!!!
We need a new system. These corrupt offices need a cleaning.
In a dog eat dog world where crime has been decriminalized, your on the menu…expect us
Vote in local elections.
We should start with every liberal court in California.
These judges releasing terrorists should be sent home too.
I say investigate these judges for potential ties with Q Anon and Boogaloo fools..
Prosecutor: Your honor, the defendant attacked a Capitol police officer with a baton.
Judge: Did the officer die?
Prosecutor: No
Judge: Then he’s free to go.
Actually 1 cop did die and they were still released
These “judges” that are releasing these violent, *seditious* individuals are _clearly_ sympathetic to their cause and should be locked up too!