A federal judge ordered that former Trump fixer Michael Cohen be released from prison and sent to home confinement after Cohen was wrongfully sent back to prison for making statements critical of the president. Aired on 07/23/2020.
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Federal Judge Orders Michael Cohen Be Released From Prison | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
I wonder if Trump is tired of all his “winning.”
He just better go when the time comes or those ‘vicious dogs’ will be having orange meat for dinner.
@Never Again how could you possibly believe that he would refuse to leave? That kind of thinking is what really is scary. You better figure out that the media is shoving crap up your butt 24/7 and I mean CNN NBC MSNBC FOX….some more than others but all of them. They have an agenda and they want to make sure you have one too……..dont have one.
@Neil Ewan you haven’t understood the dumb desperate con at all, wait and see what happens my friend. He’s already accusing China and saying he may not accept the results.
@Never Again China needs to be called out. This pandemic has shown that. And what your referring to is the results from voting not being fair ….look into that, he is right, look how easy it would be. If youve really looked into it then we just disagree and no problem there. Just make sure you look into it not using MSM.
6,200 people at Oklahoma is winning? Oh well! A six year old can count better than trump! He’s so afraid America will know how low his I.Q. is, because we see his stupid comments, many that make no sense at all!
I don’t even like this guy but I see he was screwed by Trump. Tell it all Cohen!
@Eli Dicken Thank for making note of the Southern District of New York. They are patiently waiting for our….or rather “their”……Toddler-In-Chief to become a regular citizen again. Which should be in a few months.
@wiremantw Freedom & Liberty Forever nothing can be done to trump till he leaves office then look out . And as far as the rest of the people you named well trump would have had charges laid just to get his approval numbers up . Maybe he should send his brown shirts out to arrest them
@gary firlotte Your funny with so many stupid remarks based off of Fake CNN News stories. FYI W. Barr is working on the charges right now. He just isn’t using the democrats method of Soviet style hearings like Adam Schiff pulled off with his Ukraine Phone Call failed impeachment! Opinions a crime was committed wont cut it in legal terms kids! After he is out democrat still have the exact same problem = Lack of Actual Evidence & Proof to support all their claims! In a real Court of Law democrats don’t have a leg to stand on! Sorry to burst your bubble kid.
Ragnar Lothbrok Keep Smoking the CRACK !
StrnFn9099 ohhh your feeling are hurt lol
He will be safe when he’s home…..Barr can send the Trumpstapo after him in jail
I like that name Trumpstapo
Gear up!
He will be even less safe at home – let alone on the street – than in jail.
Trumpstapo, great title, I love it! Lmao!
I’m guessing you didn’t hear about the Supreme Court Judges Son.
They literally gave him a clause that said “sign this saying you won’t speak out or you go to jail”. That competes with the release of Roger Stone in terms of gross and obvious corruption.
@Tigerpride Only if trump and barr “rig the election”..they may try and Russia too but this time we are PREPARED and ready..so are the Federal judges..
Requiem for a Dream : Also wouldn’t answer the door if Barr stood outside. Epstein’s suicide the day after Barr visited?
R Keller That isn’t a true story.
Justin Miller again, they are trying to shut him up to protect baby bunker.
@Tigerpride I think ALL anyone is saying is if it keeps going like it has been going, he won’t be re-elected. This is correct. Public sentiment is against Trump. I don’t even need the polls to agree. I have voted Republican my whole life and am surrounded by the same. A dozen Republican friends and family. We are all shocked and appalled by how obviously corrupt and uncaring Donald is. None of us will vote for him in 2020. 10 of the 12 will even vote for Biden. This sort of turn is happening all over. Republicans are turning on him en masse. He can be as corrupt as he wants; this is America and if you don’t have the votes, you will not be re-elected.
People make WAY too much of how Donald is unbeatable or something. He LOST the popular vote by 2% to Hillary, who was a polarizing candidate to even her own party. Never a popular candidate. Donald won enough electoral votes, but in a lot of those states those were won by less than 1%. He SQUEAKED BY a generally unpopular and uncharismatic candidate in Hillary. So this myth that he is unbeatable or something is hilarious. But end of the day, very few are saying Donald CAN’T win, most are saying he isn’t winning right now, and that is clear to see.
As for my excuse if he does win.
That won’t be an excuse it will just be true – if Donald wins in 2020 it will just prove how uninformed the masses are.
And Americans being uninformed is not that hard to imagine so Biden is no lock, yet
Bill Barr and the president tried to strip Cohen of his 1st Amendment rights. A great victory for justice, Constitutional law, and a defeat for lawlessness in this lawless time of Trump and Barr. Great News.
I never thought that I would be rooting for one of Donald Trump’s attorneys, but I’m rooting for Michael!
Do the right thing Michael!!!
@Ann Moore That’s OK. I think part of it is also covid-brain! I suffer from it myself sometimes.
@donna loncar lol
@discorperted wouldn’t you go out and eat when you knew soon you will be sent to jail anyways cause Bill Bar was sending his dogs to arrest you for publishing a book soon?
@discorperted to him it was a lose lose situation so he went out amyways
What-da Heck !
Yes Michael bring out the bodies.
Peverill Squire, political-science professor at u of missouri:”president trump may be shocked to find how few friends he has if he loses.”
you could bet your house, on the gop dropping trump like a sack of bricks, when he loses in november, as soon as the power shifts they will make as much distance as they can between themselves and trump
As a foreigner I suspect the exuberant whitesheet-hatters with their expired flags will carry him on their tattoos til death.
GOP: Trump who? I barely knew the guy. I take pictures with lots of people. Not to my recollection but my attorney handles things like that.
@Just Say’n yup, the ‘ol bart simpson defense! lmao
Tick Tock Michael, election day is just around the corner and there’s no time to dilly dally, get that book out there.
as of today,,, 7.23.20. 103 days until nov 3rd, until are official 1st rigged election and kaos.
Get Tony Schwartz to ghost write it for you.
These Guys Don’t Like Big Girls, They Like Little Young And Not So Smart Girls.
The Bunker Coward prefers tall, large-breasted halfwits with foreign accents.
@Kevin L and there was that 14 year old little girl,,,
Ok Cohen get that book finish and tell us the rest of what Mary Trump started…. yeah I gotta get me some snacks too
Oh how his cronies will attack that judge. Eveyone doing his job will be attacked since the biggest criminals are the ag and the president
I’m glad he’s been released why should only the president’s friends be pardoned or put on probation or released
@Milagro Cabrera except for the ones who talks
Trump has pardoned a few people, obama pardoned terrorists.
@Char Stevens if Trump is trying to stop him he must need to be stopped.
@Scotch Morrison it wasn’t for political reasons and they weren’t friends of the presidents that’s the difference think about it this is not rocket science
@Jay S you hate Trump because he is a republican, think about that.
The most corrupt administration this country has ever seen.
I doubt it
Princess Patriot – You must be delusional or just another maga maggot that won’t admit this moron in our WhiteHouse is a complete and utter failure.
yes..A.P.! the most corrupt admin this country and the world has ever seen!
the u.s. is being turned into a s-hole country daily.
Hey Jude -Amen.
Nixon and Harding don’t have a thing on Trump
We need Cohen alive to put Trump in Jail when November comes.
When Trump’s reign of terror finally comes to a close we need to hold trials the likes of which make Nuremberg look like traffic court.
It’s about time that Trump doesn’t get his way.
He is The Anti Christ, and if He is Allowed to Keep on, He is Going to Get The entire USA in a Cemetery, Wake up People, This Turd is Not your Friend or your Leader !!!! It’s Time to Take our Country Back, and Make it Well Again !!!!!
Trump: “He’s writing a book about me? Throw him back in jail, quick!”
Keep writing Michael
You will redeem yourself.
Up yours Barr and Trump.
And everybody was thinking that Hillary Clinton was the worse
, she is an angel compared with the “Whitehouse Evil Corruption”
Aaaaand Kim Jong-Orange is now crapping himself in his bunker. Get him, Cohen!! Get him!!