Procurement Minister Anita Anand says the federal government is concerned about the possibility that some AstraZeneca doses may be wasted.
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This government couldn’t organize a dog fight.
I like the comparison
Liberals, am I right?
Only if there’s money involved
Give all the doses to politicians
So they are extra protected
And if they like they can share it with their families
Triple up the dosage for our dear leader Trudeau. It’s imperative that he’s extra-safe.
@Bran Llyr you know saying stuff like that can get your channel banned right?
Lots of conversations and little actions. That’s all going on in Canada.
This country is infested by incompetent officials from Trudeau all the way down.
This country? Seems like we’re not the only ones.
@Beautynotstatic facts
Common sense is rare amongst our politicians these days. They’re more concerned with virtue signalling these days.
Is that why they are pushing it to kids and to those who are “hesitant?” Makes sense. I mean who likes to get
palsy, clot and be dead right?
They are sharing a cure.
Too bad there isn’t one for the Dunning/ Kruger effect.
@Canadian Person so did you already took it?
@Canadian Person 131 cases of facial paralysis and 3 deaths in Canada so far from Astrazeneca
Ya federal DEATH agency.
If you get this one folks (AZ) put a small
to it for
n’ giggles.
Politician speak. NO answer.
all those doses need to be disposed of
Yup, federal gov’t is wasted alright.
Lol. Let’s spend money
What is this!!! Do the Liberals think every question is to be handled as if it were question period ???? My kingdom to a liberal that can answer a question!!!!
What do you mean by “every question is to be handled as if it were a question[,] period?”. What’s the alternative, handling a question if it were a statement?
I’m not a liberal btw so no worries about your kingdom…
We can all sleep easier now knowing the idiots are in charge of things.
Send them to countries that can use them immediately. For free or a fee. Better than getting them wasted.
Why does IT remind me of Jean Chretien?
Look on the bright side, we Canadian have plenty of vaccines for everyone already, so let’s donate Those unwanted vaccines to Taiwan . Don’t waste them.
Let’s spend all the money. Are kids can pay for it. They can’t buy a house anyway.
I’ll take that as: Yes, those vaccines are going to expire before we could distribute them.
We’re not asking about bringing new ones. We want to know about the ones about to be thrown out.
So ,in other words ( English To English translation !)this person is in charge of procurement of ” merchandise” , so is the one that reads the contracts and also signed them ( I assume ) so in consequence she reads the print ( what the ” merchandise ” is all about = is not a vaccin is a genetic modification therapy+ side effects expected + not knowns + liabilities issues ( on her position probably is the most important legally) ..just noticing
This is about evil doers and repentance.
Give all those AstraZeneca doses to the government employees, front line workers, and their children
problem solved ??