The man alleged to have attacked Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has been charged with assault and attempted kidnapping following a break-in at the couple’s San Francisco home, the US attorney’s office announced. #CNN #News
Federal charges filed against suspect in Paul Pelosi attack

These people are crazy and must be held accountable! Otherwise it’s going to continue!
@MMarie River of blood!
@The King Memo he was a left wing extremist lunatic. Nancy Pelosi might as well be his mother, she breeds this. That’s why you should vote red!
It’s going to continue forever.. no matter what people do. Only way to prevent murder is to kill every living creature on the planet. Extinct ourselves. Then murder will cease to exist.
@MMarieWhatabouism arguments trying to connect this attack with attacks in the past hardly make this attack ok. The truth is this attack was due to the continuous violent rhetoric coming out of the right. I thought the right was the “party of personal responsibly”. Show some responsibly for once and stop trying to pretend this wasn’t a maga related attack.
who will plant them if they are sitting in the white house.
What is wrong with people? We still have laws not anarchy. I hope he is criminally prosecuted to the fullness extent of the law.
@gene and ajawwww ad hominem right out the gate? Go play.
@Demarcus Faulkner What happened to the good old whip and duck tapes ? Clearly safe sex was not practiced. Where’s the helmet ?
cnn is fake news.
@Mark Warren free speech or hate speech? I bet you don’t know the difference
@Jnnnx how many times have you used that lame statement now on others? Just like a typical commucrat leftwing nut, deflecting your own gayness.
It’s really sad that the man who unleashed all this hate on the country is still running loose and creating more havoc. Hope the government is prepared to deal with the extremists and terrorists because just to say “this is not who we are” is not going to cut it. These people are deadly serious and are willing to destroy this country for what they think they want
@Bryan he’s my friend named David?? Explain that one bud
@MikesMiniBikes seems clear it was a domestic dispute between 2 secret lovers
So Cathy Griffin and her joke about beheading Trump while holding a Trump head didn’t do it for you? So, Senators Frederika Wilson and Maxine Waters calling for ppl. to go “hunt republicans and do not let them have peace” , that didn’t do it for you? Just ppl laughing at how their lies come back to bite them, that makes you disappointed. Omg! You are really something. By the way. I heard the 911 call. Mr. Pelosi said it was a friend of his and when the police arrived the police had to actually break into the house to help out. There was no break in before police got there. Does that tell you something? By the way the other funny thing is that the Depapi guy was a well known gay preacher who used to initiate gay weddings. He also started a gay nudist camp. You are so incredibly ignorant.
Joe and the DNC will be gone soon enough… *Why is all the glass on the outside???* … You smash a window from the outside, the vast majority of it *goes inside the house* … yourBLMscum propagandists should know this. Looks like the window was broken in from *the inside* … This is a gay argument gone wrong; large amounts of pro LGBT content was found at the residence of the “attacker”
@Stephen Delwiche was a Canadian, but been in the states for 20 years. The gop can twist anyone’s mind. Look at all the fools who believes trump. And yes he was a gop follower, research it.
I’ve been saying this for years now: we need new laws to combat this kind of tyranny.
@Minh Tran If you think it has holes why don’t you ask the person who did the assault yourself instead of complaining on here? You want answers, go get them. If your not in a rush, just wait till more info comes out. This literally happend a couple days ago and your expecting a news network to immediately have all the answers. Just like fox or any other news network, they only report what the authorities give them.
If we had secure borders this illegal wouldn’t even be here in the first place.
@Jack wrote: even with the guys own words and actions you still deny any connection.
REPLY: What are your thoughts on the man who went to Judge Kavanagh’s house with a gun and planned to assassinate him?
New Your Times: “A man armed with a pistol, a knife and other weapons was arrested near the Maryland home of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh early Wednesday after he said he traveled from California to kill the Supreme Court justice, federal officials said.”
LOL , why do whites guys pose as black people and spend hours talking nonsense.
@JAMES C wrote: why do whites guys pose as black people and spend hours talking nonsense.
REPLY: What are you talking about?
My question in all this is why the Speaker of the House of all people doesn’t have 24/7 security at her home. Kind of shocked this could even happen.
It’s been stated in a number of news reports that it is not sufficient. Apparently it’s only at the capitol and not 24/7. It certainly should be 24/7 with all the death threats members of Congress get nowadays.
@Arthur Foyt He didn’t. The guy broke in and came into his bedroom and woke him up out of a sound sleep. He really didn’t have time to grab a gun.
@Mr Random that’s funny lol hilarious. Wouldn’t be surprised tho whitey in general are perverts
@Mr Random Swear on your soul the things you say are true or STFU and stop bearing false witness.
@Mr Random Do you enjoy spreading lies? DePape confessed, and his confession debunked all your absurd right wing conspiracies. You should be ashamed of yourself. Didn’t your parents teach you that it was wrong to lie?
I do hope the attacker will face criminal charges to the fullness, like being jailed for 40 or 50 years. He is such a terrible person.
@MMarie What proof do you have that the attacker was Paul’s lover? Put up or shut up.
@Jo Jo Because they are not a political left wing nut!!!! No Justice for us common folks
@Jeff Suter It’s a well known fact that Paul Pelosi frequented gay bars in the Bay Area. On the 911 call he said he knew the attacker. Of course the DA and police chief aren’t going to reveal these facts because they’re bought and paid for by the pelosi family. Of course people like you don’t want to talk about that inconvenient little fact. Truth is You don’t get to positions of power in the Bay Area without close ties to the pelosi family. Wake up!!! The truth will all be swept nicely under the rug….money talks. It’s hard to feel sorry for a family that has immensely enriched themselves on the backs of the American taxpayer and used their political clout to their personal advantage. Quite frankly its nauseating
@Douglas Reagan Just like Jan. 6th was antifa or the FBI right? Stop being so gullible, you embarrass yourself. And take some responsibility for once.
@Rochelly Green No but hoe do you know that guy didnt just wake up there and freak out, seems very fishy, dont forget the MAN that ran from the car accident the other week that he was in DRUNK.
We have, possible, the best country in the whole world, still we have crazy people trying to destroy it from the inside.
possible you don’t have the best country in the whole world – far from it. what is undisputed: the most laws, gun ownership and incarcerated people.
Yea destroying from thebinsidebofvtrumps world and cult followers.
@Eddy M: There are a couple of well respected surveys that rate countries each year on many aspects of life to determine the best places on earth to live. In one, the United States doesn’t make it into the top 10 and in another it doesn’t even make it into the top 20. The countries essentially rate themselves.
The best country in the world?!? Maybe this was true until the 70s or 80s…but after this time period….only downwards!
Now those countries are mostly in europe (we still are the “best/strongest” country in the world compared within military power)
At any point in US-history, there were always “threads from the inside” BUT after incompetent Trumps election they gained such a momentum, it´s frightening! Almost like Nazi-Germany in the 1930´s: “Everything for the Fuerher!” …stupid people get stupid prizes!
What Amazes Me is They Give up Their Lives for a Rich Man who is Living is best Life at an old age.
You in your 40s and give up your Freedom for a man who doesn’t even Know You exists
That is mind boggling.
More than saying these people don’t know the difference between what is Right and what is Wrong.
@Ray Ray it was just random news I was watching regarding no bail. I thought it was shocking .
@A S there are a lot of serial killers, pedophiles and simply evil people mingled in our population on all sides !” You can’t identify them by looks ,color ,or religion . But a good indicator is what they say or comment !”””
@A S , educate yourself about the laws. It’s not hard to find.
Remember to ask a parent before you get on the internet.
@Jaspreet , learn the laws that cover this. Read the press releases.
How can you people be this dumb when the information is made public.
Well he’s in critical condition fighting for his life
He broke into a home looking for an elderly woman and assaulted an elderly man. He should be prosecuted for his actions and as a deterrent to anyone else trying political violence in America.
@somnambulist No, Depape literally has a BLM and gay pride flag outside his camper, and anyone who knows *anything* about forensics [or who just has common sense] knows basic physics… when you break something with a force in one direction, the debris will fall [go with] the force headed in that same direction… Stop swallowing the garbage on these crap propaganda sites and f-ing think for yourself…Also refer to the dispatch link and the Politico article where the dispatcher says (in his OWN WORDS) that Paul refered to his as a “friend”… Ya, these are *facts* you’ll never hear on CNN or MSNBC
@Dan Wright What´s the meaning of this “word-salad”? 🤔
But Democrats are letting people like that out with no bail!!! Oya I forgot he’s a Pelosi they deserve justice!!!! Us common folk don’t!!!
But Democrats are letting people like that out with no bail!!! Oya I forgot he’s a Pelosi they deserve justice!!!! Us common folk don’t!!!
Violet criminals are not let out on cashless bond
We are absolutely devastated here in San Francisco..I have no words🥹
Yes yes, very devastated…. *Why is all the glass on the outside???* … You smash a window from the outside, the vast majority of it *goes inside the house* … yourBLMscum propagandists should know this. Looks like the window was broken in from *the inside* … This is a gay argument gone wrong; large amounts of pro LGBT content was found at the residence of the “attacker”
It’s funny and ironic that the left has been for years advocating for illegals to come to the US and then one attacks the leader of that cause lol
Did you cry hard? Maybe cry harder
@M G , are you so angry that you have to make up stories?
5 years you’ll be on the news because you lost your mind and took it out on innocent lives.
The DOJ affidavit complaint on the facts is very strange.- especially the part on Pelosi greeting police
Lousy try.
To much for your intellectual capacities? 🤔 Go and sleep on….🥱
@M G Link to that story? Lol! Fin liar.
DePape confessed, and his confession blew up all your idiotic conspiracy theories. Stop spreading even more lies.
The DOJ doesn’t file affidavits. Those are statements collected from people.
You watching Law and Order, Special Needs Unit?
35 years in prison without parole would be a barely a fair sentence.
How much time will Paul Pelosi get for his DUI? How is Nancy Pelosi worth more than $300 million while serving in public office? So many questions.
But murders get only 5-10 years?
I thought she wanted to defund the police.
That’s so scary! Thank God he’s okay! This is disgraceful!
@May C They already said that whatever he said to the 911 operator was in code. I think he acted like he was calling Nancy. You’re so silly. Stop being so angry that you don’t even know reality from fantasy.
Disgraceful like his DUI which he got away with?
@May C its his lover not friend. Most likely prostitute. What we are seeing in the news now is a white house cover up.
Why do the Pelosis both get away with so many crimes?
He’s not OK. He’s in critical condition.
I find it interesting that there was no security to prevent the intruder to enter the home. Also, it appears that the intruder let Pilosi to use a bathroom with his phone in hand….🧐
All depends on which story the media is telling. Yesterday the phone was in the bathroom where he always charged it. Also yesterday CBS reported that there was a 3rd person. Today the DA was adamant that it was only two guys in the house. But she wouldn’t mention who opened the door for the police
There’s more holes and inconsistencies in this story than normal
@Faux Que I’ve been hearing all of that too, it’s all contradicting. I don’t think we’ll ever be told the whole truth.
Ok cult member.
I just feel sorry for people who believe this lie and calling it political.
Insanity. He’s clearly able to claim that.
There need to be federal charges for everyone who incited this attack as well.
Mad Max Waters, Hilldebeast and Crazy Eyes Cortez and the Jihad Squad.
Like who?? , Guys a nut job, nudist hippie green party , his ex said he supports Obama,, guys just a nut job!
Yeah. The guy just wandered into the home of one of the most despised people in the country…..and there’s no security footage of anything.
Consider this story “officially spun”🤑
I do have one question, who was the guy who opened the door for the police?