Federal Election Commission commissioner Ellen Weintraub says she’s much more concerned about the shortage of state funding for mail-in voting during the pandemic.
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FEC Commissioner: ‘There Is No Evidence Of Any Significant Amount Of Voter Fraud’ | MSNBC
The whiner in chief…very presidential
Listen, you can already vote by mail if you request a ballot, (absentee) So why are democrats pushing sending out ballots to everyone? This is why… https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2019/06/20/calif_begins_removing_5_million_inactive_voters_on_its_rolls__140602.html
Theses documentaries will leave you speechless. Grab your popping corn
and enjoy>>
Yeah, his whining might have some merit. This video really opened my eyes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrS4yXlRzD4
That is funny.
@Jimmy Lewis Maybe thats a BREAKTHROUGH!
Voter fraud & foreign assistance is only good when it helps him ( Trump )
I’m not so sure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrS4yXlRzD4
And he’s on the phone with Putin weekly. They don’t discuss the weather and baseball. Keep in touch with your Sec. of State,
Hold the Secretary responsible for safe, secure elections AND COUNTING in your State. That’s OUR POWER. Register to VOTE.
If dumpty or his stooges are talking about voter fraud or foreign assistance, that means they’re already working on causing it.
This will be the most truthful & confident election in history! (jmo) We’ve already hit the embarrassment mark long ago!
Let’s hope so. I’m just afraid that you haven’t reached the bottom of the abyss yet…
Hans Kuijsten
Maybe not but the Abyss is staring back at them.
@geofo60 Geof Harris DIDN’T HE NAME IT
Well since millions of Americans overseas ( like the military) have voted by mail… FOR YEARS….this is just another attempt by Trump to gaslight us. Sickening he’s even trying this in the MIDDLE of a PANDEMIC!!!!
@foreigner fan I’m sorry, google translate doesn’t seem to recognize the language in your last response to me. Was it in Troll?
If you wouldn’t mind responding to my request to elaborate on your comment “Democrats want you to be able to vote without proof if who you are” in _English_ please.
Gaslighting because he knows the MILITARY IS VOTING BIDEN!!! spoken with a few friends over in Afghanistan and, stationed in Lackland AFB, Texas… They’re forming voters groups On Base, for Biden….
@VP A-Team Blessings ♡♡♡♡!
@Danice Malone And blessings back to you from me and my wife.
Are you in a State without vote by mail impediments?
Either way, stay safe, vote by whatever means suits you and please vote this sociopath out in November. My wife feels like she’s living next door to her ‘family home’ and some destructive lunatic is renting and trashing the crap out of it. We want our good neighbours back.
The most crooked election in history “to date” was 2016 . Remember in November , we need to FIRE Trump .
@Crystal Giddens RUSSIAN TROLL!
You also need a college with their heads on straight.
@Crystal Giddens I think voting him out will ABSOLUTELY begin to heal the divide. Trump is poison.
@Crystal Giddens YES!!!
Fire him then send him to jail
If I can pay taxes by mail, I can vote by mail.
@E. Well that would pretty hilarious, since absentee is the same as mail-in. That’s the joke, right? Or do you think there is more than one way to fill out your ballot at home and mail it?
@Rene Curry Yes, I suppose that would be a problem. My hope would be that firewalls would be able to prevent that from happening. Wishful thinking, I suppose.
We can do just about everything by mail.

@Cecil K. At least for now. If Trump gets 4 more, there won’t BE a postal service if he has way.
He said the last election was rigged…until he won!
A child that never grew up!MIKIE DID IT!
@snowflake killer Then explain how he became such a crook..Was it BEFORE or after
and RACIST! So
R people who follow him…BABYSITTING
Hans Kuijsten
do do doo do
sounds like a clue to who dun it!?! Love it 
MeanGeneSanDiego HAHAHA! You just ask for it, don’t you!

@snowflake killer Killer…ewe! Get some help!
He knows that he’s a loser this time around… go figure.
@snowflake killer You’re the snowflake.
He has always been the loser including 2016 election. He only ‘won’ by rigging with Russian, Cambridge Analytica help.
@ifeanyi ezunu you still sound like your butt hurt and like Hillary Clinton
@snowflake killer
It’s rethugs who keeps bringing Hillary!!
@Jimmy LewisIs a snowflake killer someone who is very warm or a killer who whines a lot?
AMERICA remember TRUMP is just a HOAX…. that will very soon disappear, with his administration!!!! Please VOTE BLUE.

@Miguel Salami: Trump probably would if you paid him enough.
Actually there has been voter fraud.
Tim Pool, founder of VICE News proves it:
@Nexus Six You have been exposed! However I,m sure you will continue to sore discord within these USA borders. Renegade 101st.
@Miguel Salami Can’t, even if I was of the persuasion you got it all chewed up in the grinder. now you sit to pee
Curtis Kimbrough what are you talking about? I provide facts with citations. You provide name calling.
NO delays for voting….we want his azz gone like yesterday!!!
Smith, yesterday is not soon enough.this turd needs to go .
March Trump from the Whitehouse to the Jailhouse.
Day before yesterday
Hmm like hiring Russia to help you win? Oh btw MAIL IN Ballots are the SAME as absentee ballots why doesn’t someone tell him that ??
He knows but he needs this excuse for the landslide. And I think he thinks he can litigate the result for years and stay in power till the courts rule!

that isn’t going to happen! Going by the respected constitutional scholars, he must leave Jan 20th!
Same reason he keeps calling the 1918, the 1917 pandemic… He’s brain dead.
@Mike Mcclenithan Yes, and why he keeps calling the virus he failed to implement successful social controls over, the “China” virus. As we all know by now, it is much more accurately termed the “Trump” virus.
failed husband
failed father
failed businessman
failed president
Where were you president?
Well said and truthful.
+ failed student, failed son, failed uncle, failed brother.
Well, we know there’s one thing he does well, fail!
Failed human being
When 45 loses the election, can he and his criminal family be made to surrender their passports to keep them all from fleeing jurisdiction?
Grab those passports! Talk about a flight risk. I promise you there is earnest discussion of Moscow, Turkey, Saudi. Or maybe to Brazil with the other Nazi’s.
Trump has set up the post office under his hand picked lackey for the sole purpose of interfering with the election!
Workers are already complaining that the new rules, including canceling overtime, have led to massive pileups of mail and delays in delivery.
Better mail it early, hand carry it to election headquarters or send it via FedEx!
I’d bet good money he is telling his new postmaster to purposely delay ballot deliveries in blue districts!
I would like to see Trump prosecuted along with his minnions.
They don’t even need passports to travel. None of these special folks is ever expected to jump thru hoops at border/airport security. It’s a joke.
“This election will be the most rigged election in history…” says the guy that begged three different countries to help him fraud his election.
@MeanGeneSanDiego infinitive phrase… and everyone understood me.
@MeanGeneSanDiego okay bad timing, you are forgiven as to my thoughts on your comment. Peace unto you and hopefully with trump gone come Jan 2021 we can all get back to some sign of sanity within the borders of this not so perfect but great nation. Renegade101st. Together we stand divided this nation shall truely fall. Kimbrough OUT. P.S. Must have missed my point; I presume!
. . . says the guy who _crippled_ the USPS by withholding funding, and who is turning a blind eye to the rampant _voter suppression_ going on in minority neighborhoods across the country.
#AnyoneButTrum2020 #VoteBLUE2020 _all the way down_ Pass it on!
Well you can’t say he ain’t warning you, might even be the first true sentence he has ever stated.
“commander in conspiracy” didn’t he had help from Russia? Is that not rigging?
You do understand the 2016 election took place during the Obama/Biden administration,don’t you?
The FBI helped him as well
You should ask Obama/Biden about that. You do know who was in charge in Nov. 2016,right. Hint: not Trump. Try to get it together.
@David Eby okay David. Thanks. He might need more help. But let’s not let party separate our view of what is good for the community and the country. Think for yourself and do the right thing. I’m not for any party but I wouldn’t let the media cloud your judgement and maybe listen to those around you and how this election will get us back to where we want to be. I know it was 2016 by the way and Im speculating you have done your own research so who helped who we would never know since Republican and Democrats has their own lies also. You’re talking like the Russian helped the Dems during last election? I really don’t get your point. Of course it may be a conspiracy but I don’t think Trump is fit for the job and he never was.
His behavior is very troubling!
Republicans are more troubling because they see nothing wrong with him.
@jones buddy if I have to explain the point of what the link points out, in the comments of someone claiming no evidence of voter fraud by mail in voting, there is no hope for you.
They want all voting done on Ivanka Trump voting machines (made in China). Those machines default to a vote for Trump. If the voter changes their vote to Biden, the vote reverts to the default when the voter presses the button marked “cast ballot”.
Ironically, the only confirmed ‘mail-in voter fraud’ case in history was perpetrated _by a Republican!_ lol #VoteBLUE2020 Pass it on!
_Trump has a point about this mail-in voter frog. I don’t know who this frog thinks he is, but frogs have no business voting. The only way he can do it is by mail where he can impersonate your old Uncle Grandpa or Aunt Teefa and nobody is the wiser. If a frog showed up at the polls, they’d lock him out. And this is no laughing matter. It is definitely no longer cool to make a poll lock joke._
jones Ouch! You went a long way for that one! Best laugh of my day and it’s 8PM here!
What a man Obama is, if Trump had a single atom of the stuff that Barack Obama is made of the USA would be a better place
Obama left in shame on Muslim One. Nice teeth, good clothes, great orator, criminal president.
@xr440r #gofuckyourself #shitholeracist
If BA is a criminal, why has he not been charged, Trump has bee president for 3+years?
@Chingon 2000 Because for one, is burns up to much political capitol. Look at what Hillary was able to pull off, and get away with. Hand cuffs? People in high office are, largely, above the law. For a list, of Obamas indiscretions, OPEN your EYES.
@James Dean You are guilty of holding up your leader, as a God. No one, should ever be that blind. Good luck defending the slave party!
Are we going to have to listen to this until election day? Can we get rid of him right now? What a whining man!
November is too late. The answer is NOW or NEVER.
Shouldn’t his supporters be really tired of Trump’s constantly playing the victim card? God, his constant whining!!. Not just his words, his voice. Whining. Always whining.
@Lynda Koers yep he is the biggest snowflake
“nThe nonpartisan Center for Election Innovation and Research: “You request a ballot, you get a ballot, you vote, you send it in, and there are protections in place. It doesn’t matter whether you call it mail voting or absentee voting. It’s the same thing.”